Marriage Relationship Advice – Pt 6 – T.D. Jakes

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One response to “Marriage Relationship Advice – Pt 6 – T.D. Jakes

  1. Marriage is the joining of man and woman. To have to hold to show your love to your partner in many ways and one is by making love to each other. It’s free; the only thing in life that is. My wife has depression and knew this when we married 3 years ago. We have no sex life since we married and for me, I am sinking. Time does not heal only sorrow of what we had now lost. I love my wife with passion and we are great friends, but marriage should be more than that, and should include passion, fun, laughter, lust, comfort, and love expression but I have none. How long can a man who is 50 survive without being felt he is desirable and attractive and basically a man?