Bones of Contention in Marriage

Are you dealing with “bones of contention” within your marriage? The following is a definition of what we’re asking. A bone of contention is “a cause, or focal point of a dispute.” So, are you dealing with bones of contention or focal points of dispute within your marriage? Most assuredly, Read More…

BLAME MODE: Why Should I Be the First to Change?

Have you ever seen on of those political thriller movies where two soldiers are deep in a secret bunker waiting for the orders to launch the missiles? Each one has his hand on a key. For the missiles to launch, both people must turn their keys. Many husbands and wives Read More…

Incompatibility in Marriage – MM #64

“Incompatibility: Grounds for a Great Marriage.” This may seem like a contradiction for many of us to consider. But it’s something that Chuck and Barb Snyder (termed as “The World’s Most Opposite Couple”) believe. They have spoken about and most importantly, have lived and learned through incompatibility, in positive ways. Read More…

What If He Won’t Change?

In your search for marital improvement, and change, have you given it your best so far? Here’s a little quiz to help answer that question. What If He Won’t Change? Check those statements that pertain to you. ____ 1. My attempts to bring about an improved marriage have been accompanied Read More…