When the “We” is Breaking Apart

Have you ever been to a wedding where the marrying couple lights a “Unity” candle? The premise of lighting this candle is to symbolize two individual lives becoming “one” after the ceremony. But do they? From that day forward, do they start behaving as if they’re united as a marital Read More…

The Leaving Cleaving Principle in Marriage – MM #168

“Bruce Wilkinson says in his 25 plus years of counseling he has come to the conclusion that just about every marriage problem he has encountered has been the result of one or the other partners in a marriage not following the leaving and cleaving principle laid out in the Bible. Read More…

Changing Allegiance From Parents To Spouse

In Genesis 2:24 we read, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” This principle is repeated in Ephesians 5:31. God’s pattern for marriage involves the “leaving” of parents and the “cleaving” to one’s mate. Read More…