
Nitpicking. I’ve done that to my spouse WAY too many times. Have you? I wish I could say I haven’t and that I won’t again. But as a sinner (someone who does things I shouldn’t), I probably will. I’ll keep fighting against it though, because I know it’s wrong. There Read More…

What to Do When My Spouse Won’t Change

Do you have a spouse who doesn’t seem to change, no matter what you do? Have you said to him or her everything you can think of to say, and yet still no change? Do you often wonder, “what am I to do when my spouse won’t change?” Below you Read More…

Reality Checks for Confrontation – MM #166

When it comes to confrontation of a problem you are having with your spouse: “What men [and many women] fear most is criticism and rejection. That doesn’t mean that you can’t tell him [or her] anything —you can. But you have to look to see if how you’re doing it Read More…

Responding To A Critical In Law

A building block for good extended-family relationships involves learning to deal with disagreements and differences of opinion. Such conflicts are bound to arise with the merging of two families. It’s amazing how often parents, in laws and their children often end up in power struggles over small issues that become Read More…

Husband and Male Bashing

It seems like everywhere you turn, husband and male bashing is a common thing today! It’s not uncommon to hear women talking horribly about their husbands. They talk about what their husbands DID do that exasperated them. They talk about what they DIDN’T do that also made them flustered. And Read More…