Greatest Lover in The World

Love is in the air with Valentine’s Day coming up next week. Do you feel it? We hope so. Actually, we hope you experience a growing love for each other every day. Love should always be in the air. We also hope you are the world’s greatest lover to your Read More…

Important Marriage Reminders

We’re sharing some important marriage reminders from Joel Saltzman that were emailed to us a while back. They come from his Shake It! Books. Joel sent out these reminders on the subject of parenting after questioning a number of “kids.” But when you look deeper, you can see that each one Read More…

Love the Lord Your God and Your Spouse

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37-39) That’s what Jesus said is the greatest commandment there is, when He Read More…

The “Mythical Mate” You Married

Here’s an all too familiar scenario: You “fell in love” with your spouse before marrying. But then sometime AFTER marrying, you look at him or her and wonder, “Who IS this person?” He or she is totally different from the person you thought you married. It causes you to wonder: Read More…

LOVE: The Greatest Force – Loving The Same As Christ

The problem with love is that so many people don’t have a clue what it is. Love is NOT a feeling. It’s an ATTITUDE. Basing love on emotions, as the world does, has caused immeasurable pain to numbers of couples. It’s like building a sand castle on the beach. It Read More…

The Three Callings Of A Husband

LOOK AT THE SCRIPT: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25). This message has been around for thousands of years, so it’s nothing new. It is one of the three callings of a husband. But this passage, recited in Read More…

Where Did Our Love Go? – MM #239

There’s an old song that was popular a number of years ago titled, “Where Did Our Love Go?” Have you ever wondered, “Where DID our love go?” How did we get to the place where our love has done a vanishing act? Before we married we thought our love was Read More…

Glimpses Before and After Marriage – MM #215

Do you enjoy seeing “before and after” make-over photos in a magazine showing what people look like before and then after their looks are altered in some way? Usually the change is a positive one and fun to look at afterward. But there are times when the change isn’t an Read More…

Love Needs Nurturing

We say we love our spouse, but do our actions show it? Love needs nurturing —your marriage relationship needs nurturing. One thing I’ve noticed is how few married couples keep the P.D.A. (Public Displays of Affection) going after they marry. Before marriage, their “love” is pretty obvious —they’re practically all Read More…