Getting Used To Being One Together

The sudden change that comes after the honeymoon can be one of life’s most sobering moments. Some young couples describe this as “being hit in the face with cold water” or “being struck by lightning.” It’s the problem of getting used to being one together. Others express it this way: Read More…

We’ll Make It TOGETHER

Last week Steve gave some marriage tips. The Insight was titled “45 Years of Marriage: What We’ve Learned.” It’s sure true; we HAVE learned a lot during all these years of marriage. And because of our longevity together, and because we’ve built a GREAT marriage, I could give you many Read More…

Three Strands Are Stronger Than One

Have you heard the term used in the Bible, “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken?” I was thinking how much this is true in marriage. If you apply this to the marital relationship, the husband and wife are each a strand within the cord of matrimony. But Read More…

Survived Doing Household Projects Together

You see the T-shirts around, “I survived the earthquake of ____” or “I survived the tornado.” You also see, “I survived [this event] or [that].” I feel like my husband and I should design and wear T-shirts for things we’ve survived too. One of them can claim, My spouse and Read More…

Be Very Sure Before You Marry – Marriage Message #67

“You will make your heaven or hell on earth by the person you decide to marry” (Ravi Zacarius). Do you think this is true? We sure do (and we continually hear from others who believe it as well). If so, then why are so many people approaching marriage in a way Read More…