The Purpose Driven Marriage

When you think of the purpose driven marriage, what first comes to mind is the following scripture:

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery —but I am talking about Christ and the church. (Ephesians 5:31-32)

hands-344759_640As you read the above scripture you can see that marriage is important to God. He also gives us what He expects from marriage. He expects that a man will leave his parents, and be in unity with his wife. If they are united, the parents are not to be in the middle.

The Mystery of a Purpose Driven Marriage

Marriage is a mystery where for some profound reason God has decided to make it into a living picture of Christ and the church. What a privilege! And yet, what a responsibility! That makes marriage more about God than it is about us.

As we live out our marriages, we display Christ’s love for the church to each other. And we display Christ’s love to those who are a part of our lives. This is what it is to live out a “purpose-driven” marriage.

To explain this further, we have provided a link below to the web site. It takes you to an article written by Pastor Rick Warren. In it, Rick talks about what it is to live out a Purpose Driven marriage.

Pastor Rick writes, that he and his wife may not have a “perfect marriage.” Can you relate?

However, he says:

“What Kay and I do have is a marriage centered on Christ. It is one that is specifically focused on glorifying God. We remain committed to each other because we remain committed to Christ and his work within us.”

For clarification, please read more on what he means by this, click on the link below:

The Purpose-Driven Marriage

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