God’s Glory in Marriage

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2 responses to “God’s Glory in Marriage

  1. (NIGERIA) I listened to this video at the right time…truly grace, mercy and unconditional love is lacking in my life towards my spouse, even though I receive a lot of it from God… I am so sorry for being selfish and unforgiving. I have complained about my spouse (in my heart) so much that I am beginning to forget that it is God’s expectation for me to be loving and merciful, it is what God expects of me!!! I know all the scriptures, yet in the face of a challenge or difficulty, I give in to hate, resentment and refusing to forgive. I have a register in my heart of all the betrayal and wrongs of my spouse… I do not even trust my spouse anymore.

    Lord, give me a heart of compassion and grace, a heart that is yielded completely to doing your will. Amen