Have you seen God revive a dead or dying marriage? Explain

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Please answer the following question. It could greatly encourage others if you have experience in this area of marriage. This question concerns God reviving a dead or dying marriage:


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146 responses to “Have you seen God revive a dead or dying marriage? Explain

  1. (PHILIPPINES) Thank you for your sharing. I am also experiencing emotional hurt brought about by infidelity. I am married for 5 years and have a daughter. About a year ago, my husband admitted to having a relationship with a co-worker and begged me not to make a scene about it. Last Jan 2013, he moved to the girl’s place and has not communicated with us up to this moment. I know God has better plans for me and my daughter. It was not easy undergoing this process but every time I’m hurt, I just pray and commit everything to God.

  2. (USA) It seems contradictory to say God can do anything then say God won’t change a hardened heart. God’s will always supersedes the will of man. It is His will that all should come to repentance. And isn’t that what promise breakers need. Those who break their vows are breaking their promise to God. They have essentially turned from Him and need to repent. So pray for the will of God, which is for those you love to be saved.

  3. (USA) As of right now no, but I do believe that GOD can. I married my High School sweetheart in July of 2012. We had been dating/engaged for six years. She cheated on me six times in the last six years and I’ve always taken her back. We got married in July of 2012 and three weeks into our marriage she found another man. In September of 2012 she filed for divorce.

    I have made mistakes in this marriage that hurt her and have done some wrong things, but have always wanted to be with her. I have now realized what I did to contribute to this and want to restore our marriage but she doesn’t want to give up her relationship with this new guy (who is in the Army). I am trying to let God take care of it but I’m not very patient. She dismissed the divorce March of 2013 and refilled three weeks later. We tried 3 counseling sessions at the church but she gave up on them and filed for divorce again and now is filling for spousal support.

    I’m trying to be nice but it is hard when I know she is letting herself and her friends drive for spousal support and to be with another man while she is married. I think what hurts the most is I saw so much in her and now I am like what you are doing. It hurts to see her do this. She is always saying that she wants to be married to me but doesn’t think she still loves me or that she can because it hurts too much. Also she will admit sometimes that the grass is greener on the other side but her friends and family are telling her that the relationship with the other man is better for her and I am not.

    I am praying for God to intervene in the adultery relationship and restore ours. I am growing weary and don’t know how much I can handle. I do love her and want to still be with her even after everything that has happened. I just don’t see it working out. The paper work has been filled out but still waiting on our court date. I pray that God will save my marriage.