Feeling Alone Together in Marriage

Do you ever find yourself feeling alone together, even though you’re married? You married each other expecting that you would each fill up the lonely spots in your hearts. But you aren’t feeling that way right now. You could even be sitting next to each other. And yet you feel Read More…

Schedules: Be Marriage Minded – MM #237

What do you do if have a spouse who is a good person, but spends so much time with everyone and everything else, that you feel neglected? How can you, as a spouse, demand more time from this “good-hearted person” when he or she doesn’t have much more time to Read More…

Lonely in Marriage?

Who would think that once you get married, you’d battle with loneliness? Not too many who aren’t married would think so. After-all, it’s one of the reasons you get married —to walk WITH someone for the rest of your lives. But getting married isn’t a guard against loneliness. As a Read More…

Lonely Though Married – MM #76

To be lonely when you are married can seem contradictory. The two don’t seem like they should go together. It’s like being lonely in a crowd. How is this possible? But it happens, even in the best of marriages. You CAN be lonely even though you are married. When Lonely, Read More…