10 Marriage Prayers

On the Internet (in Pinterest), we stumbled upon the marriage prayers below that you can pray for your marriage. Corresponding scriptures are included below each prayer request. We’re sure this was less of a stumble and more of a leading. God, and Darlene Schacht (from Timewarpwife.com) originally wrote them together, Read More…

Pray Scriptures for Marriage – MM #363

Do you pray for your marriage? If so (which we hope you do) we encourage you to pray scriptures for your marriage. “Someone said that a successful marriage requires partners of steel. I believe that is true. But I would add that prayer is the anvil upon which the partners Read More…

Christmas Prayer for Your Marriage

I got up early this morning (my husband and nephew are still sleeping). I wanted to take time in the quiet of the morning to spend time alone with God. I’m so glad I did. My Christmas Prayer time was so wonderful. As a result I am all the more Read More…

Missed Prayer Time Together

Confession time… yesterday my husband Steve and I missed our prayer time we spend together each morning with the Lord. The reason? We were snarky with each other and didn’t repair things earlier as we should have. I hurt my back several days ago and the physical pain I’ve been Read More…

Sharing Your Spiritual Life Together

I’m amazed how many “Christian” couples share their lives and home together, but they barely share a spiritual life together as a marital team. They may pray together at meal times (many don’t), but they don’t do much beyond that. Each may have a spiritual life individually, but they don’t Read More…

When Couples Pray

When a couple prays together, it’s amazing what God will do for them, and within each of them. It binds you together as a “cord of three strands” —with you, your spouse and God, united as a team. We agree with something Cheri Fuller wrote: “Prayer brings God’s power to Read More…