Weathering Seasons and Stages of Marriage

As we’re heading into a new season (from summer to fall), we’re looking forward to what lies ahead. Living in the desert, we’re excited to leave the harsh heat behind for a while that we’ve been weathering. Yes, we’ve enjoyed various aspects of this summer. We had 4 baby owls Read More…

When the “Honeymoon” Ends – Marriage Message #154

“The public is so ill-prepared for and ill-informed about marriage —they don’t realize that the first two years of marriage is the time when a new civilization is hammered out. We mislead couples by calling it the ‘honeymoon’ phase. We send them off without the basic understanding of what to Read More…

Navigating Stages of Marriage – MM #255

“Like people, marriages also go through different developmental stages and predictable crises. Everyone is familiar with the infancy stage of marriage—the “honeymoon period.” But what happens after that? Does marriage have its equivalent to the “Terrible Two’s” or the stormy teenage years? In fact, it does. “But because people are Read More…