If Our Thoughts Were Pictures Shown to Our Spouse…

“If our thoughts were pictures—would you want your spouse to look at them?” The truth is—a lot of times we wouldn’t! Our unedited thoughts could cause problems. But there’s more to consider here. Our guest writer, Debi Walter, from The Romantic Vineyard gives the following thoughts to prayerfully consider concerning this Read More…

Stinking Thinking Perceptions of Spouse

How do you “smell” your spouse? That may seem like a silly or even a gross question. But it concerns stinking thinking perceptions. Upon reading the following scripture, that’s what occurred to us. How do we “smell” our spouse? We’re told in 2 Corinthians 2:16, “To the one we are Read More…

Think Your Way to a Better Marriage – MM #210

Have you ever wondered how you could grow a better marriage than you now have? Could it be that the way we approach marriage could also help us to grow a better marriage? Prayerfully consider the following: “Knowing why we are married and should stay married is crucial. The key Read More…