What is a CHRISTmas infused marriage? Can you imagine what it could be? How about this one? The Christ of Christmas fills and influences this marriage.
Debi Walter (of The Romantic Vineyard ministry) found the following definition of “infusion” in a Noah Webster’s dictionary. It is “the act of pouring in or instilling; as the infusion of good principles into the mind; the infusion of ardor or zeal.”
With that in mind she continued:
How can Christmas infuse your marriage with greater zeal? It’s something you may not have considered.
Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Christ. He entered our world, experienced life as we do, yet He lived without sin. It was His life, death and resurrection that opened the way for us to know God. That is because God is holy. And only those who are holy can approach His throne. If you belong to Christ, then you have an open door of access to the Father. What a gift!
A CHRISTmas Infused Marriage
How does this Truth affect our marriage? It makes it possible for two sinners to love another in the same way Christ has loved us. He takes two separate individuals and makes them one flesh. No longer do we live for our own interests and pursue our selfish desires, but our heart and mind find enjoyment in seeing our spouse blessed and loved.
[With that in mind, the following is a relevant definition of marriage we should all embrace. “Your marriage is a tool and a test to deepen your love and reverence, trust, and obedience for Jesus Christ. Marriage is not about you.” (Emerson Eggerichs) We act like it is but that’s not God’s view. It is to live out God’s message of love and commitment. When others see our marriages, they should point to God’s love as the source of how we treat each other.
Author, Brant Hansen wrote something profound in his book, “Unoffendable.” He said:
“One evening, standing by the pond, a tipsy Finnish guy (he and his wife were drinking while moving out) told me—I swear I’m not making this up— ‘I’ve looked outside and seen your family. I’ve watched you. And when I see your family, I don’t even know why, but I think about God.’”
Brant was stunned by his statement. He didn’t know this guy had witnessed these things. But obviously, he had!
God Uses Ordinary People
Amazingly, we’ve had similar experiences. And each time we’re stunned that God takes two sinners who are willing to be used, and reveals Himself in positive ways through us without our even being aware of it. He truly is amazing!
Steve has a t-shirt (purchased in “The Chosen” bookstore) that says something that moves us each time we read it, because of its truth. It reads:
“I was one way and now I am completely different.
And the thing that happened in between was Him.”
This is how God infuses Himself into our lives if we “allow” Him to. Nothing is the same.]
A Marriage Infused by the Christ of Christmas
Debi goes on to write:
A marriage infused by the Christ of Christmas is strong and able to withstand the difficulties along the way.
It is able to forgive when sinned against.
It is able to serve when tired.
And it is able to love when the feelings have waned.
It is able to pursue the good of another at great sacrifice to your own desires.
It is able to humbly admit when you’ve sinned and ask for forgiveness.
Plus, it is able to give and give and give, even when you don’t feel like it.
Best of all, a marriage that has been infused by the Christ of Christmas, shines like the Star of Bethlehem over your relationship. Others see the way you love each other and notice. Others are surprised by the affection that exists between you two. They make comments which point to the strength your relationship with Christ has secured. They may not realize why your marriage stands strong in a culture where marriage isn’t valued, but you know why it is so.
And when this happens all glory goes to God in the Highest. He is exalted when we let His Word, His Son, and His power shine brightly through our relationship. We are jars of clay and left to ourselves would be worthless. But when Christ entered our world and won our hearts, the impossible became possible. Suddenly worthless objects had eternal value.
It is our privilege to make much of Christ at Christmastime and all year long. If you know Christ and love Him, He will infuse your marriage with strength and hope that will satisfy and glorify Him for a lifetime.
Christ of Christmas Questions
How has the Christ of Christmas infused your marriage in specific ways? Spend some time this evening talking about it with your spouse over a hot cup of infused tea.
We pray you will. Debi Walter said it so well. But the important thing to consider here is if we live out these principles within our marriage. Remember, we aren’t responsible for our spouse’s behavior, but we are responsible for ours. Even if one spouse lives out this type of Christ infused life, people will notice. And more importantly, God will be glorified.
But when BOTH spouses open their hearts and lives to Christ, and TRULY live out the principles that God lays out for us in the Bible, what a beautiful thing it is to behold!
Ask God to make His truth known to you. Ask Him to show you how to live a Christ-infused life so when others see how you interact with your spouse, it will cause others to say, “I want to know this miracle-working God!” May it be so, Lord. May it be so!
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
Humbled before you,
Cindy and Steve Wright
To help you further, we give a lot of personal stories, humor, and more practical tips in our book, 7 ESSENTIALS to Grow Your Marriage. We hope you will pick up a copy for yourself. (It’s available both electronically and in print form.) Plus, it can make a great gift for someone else. It gives you the opportunity to help them grow their marriage. And who doesn’t need that? Just click on the linked title or the picture below:
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