Planning Wedding Testimonies - AdobeStock_255560562The following are “Real Life” testimonies for those of you who are planning your wedding.

We believe you will learn through what they have to say and will prayerfully find hope through reading what they have lived through and learned through.

And there’s no doubt that you will learn through a LOT!

Read, pray, glean through and see what you can use that will inspire you as you are planning your wedding:



HOW HE ASKED: Elizabeth + Matthew

If God has given you a testimony, a personal experience you have lived through in planning your wedding —one that could help and encourage others, we would appreciate it if you would write it down and send it to us —even if what you have to write isn’t very long in length.

Please share your testimony with us by going to the CONTACT section and clicking on “Contact Us” and then writing it out for us there.

If you want to remain anonymous, please let us know. We will not to reveal your name and the name(s) of your loved ones if that is your wish. Our aim is to encourage others, not to embarrass anyone.

Thanks so much!