The Following are Web Site links and descriptions of resources for those of you who are dealing with an unbelieving spouse.
If you know of any additional resources that you could recommend, please let us know. We would like to feature it here. Above all, we truly want the ministry of Marriage Missions to be a blessing to you.
Unbelieving Spouse Links to Web Sites:
- This is a ministry, as they describe, that is “dedicated to providing the encouragement and support needed when you’re standing for marriage restoration. Even if you are already divorced, or the only one who wants to save your marriage, we know that through the love, power and grace of Jesus Christ, the restoration of your marriage is NOT hopeless or impossible. This is true even after years of separation or divorce.”
- “Deborah’s Blog is written to showcase God’s Word and bring practical hope to the reader. ‘Mission Possible’ (the book) encourages women through scripture to believe that God’s Word will transform their husbands and bring glory to God. Deborah invites the reader to join her as she candidly portrays her quest to reach her husband for Christ. Her goal is to share her personal testimony with others. At the same time she brings hope and practical help through her book.”
- This is a ministry which calls themselves “a spiritual trauma center for hurting marriages.” Their entire ministry is designed to encourage. It gives hope to those who are standing in the gap believing God for a miracle in their marriages. They supply its reader’s more than 18 pages of testimonies of restored marriages. Plus, there is over 72 pages where you’re able to read individual letters of praise to God for answers to prayer. There are also testimonies of God’s faithfulness through the various difficulties they’ve encountered in their marriages and families. You can read the testimonies and the stories of restored marriages by clicking into them from the side bar of the Home page of their web site.
Additional Unbelieving Spouse Links
- This is what is said on their web site about this ministry:
“We are an amazing community of believers who love Jesus, love our unbelieving spouse, our family, and one another. We are united together by the two greatest directives: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself’ ~Jesus Christ. We love God and we love people.
“Our community is a place where we meet together to pause and breathe in hope. It’s a place where encouragement is perpetual. Plus it’s a place where we catch glimpses of God in the ordinary and the spectacular. It’s a home for those of us who become weary of the battles of life. It is a welcoming door we walk through for a brief respite. It is there that where we sit with others who KNOW how we feel. This place is where we wrap words of encouragement around each other. We also feel the embrace of love, kindness and compassion.”
- BELOVED UNBELIEVER: Loving Your Husband into the Faith
-by Jo Berry, is published by Zondervan Publishing. This book could truly help those who are married to unbelieving spouses. Jo knew what it was like to live with an unbelieving spouse. She also interviewed dozens of women who are married to unbelievers. They share their greatest difficulties, plus practical ways to handle the problems. The main reason Jo wrote this book is because as she said, “There IS hope! There are principles an unequally yoked wife can learn and apply that will make her life easier. She needs to realize that God has placed her in unique position of being His representative to the man she loves. She can also develop a positive mind-set about her mate and her marriage.” That is what the author Jo Berry does to help women do throughout this book.
- Mission Possible Spiritual Covering, written by D. L. McCarragher, published by Alabaster Box. In this book, not only does the author share wonderful insights the Lord has given her that helped in her own unequally-yoked marriage, but the added Scriptural references, Bible Study Application Questions and Reflection Points make this a valuable resource as well. It gives the reader the opportunity to grow deeper in her own spiritual journey as our Wonderful Counselor further uses His Word to expand her faith. This would make a great gift to give to those who are struggling with this issue in their marriage. It would also make a GREAT resource for small group Bible studies for women in similar circumstances.”
- SPIRITUALLY SINGLE: Living with an Unbelieving Husband written by Jeri Odell, published by Beacon Hill Press. As the author Jeri Odell (who persevered alone in her Christian walk for nearly 23 years) says,
“This book is written for you, my sisters in Christ. My 20-year journey as an unequally yoked Christian woman has left me with many memories to share. Some of those are sad; some are happy. But all of them carry the fingerprints of Christ. I pray that you’ll see Him in each life lesson. For without Jesus I would have no story to tell. There would be no victory to claim. My hope is that you’ll avoid the mistakes I’ve made. I recently read this quote: ‘If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.’ Please heed my warning, learn from my failures, and do it right the first time.”
- SURVIVING A SPIRITUAL MISMATCH IN MARRIAGE -by Lee and Leslie Strobel, published by Zondervan. In this book you will read of the Strobels who were high school sweethearts whose marriage seemed to have been made in heaven. They enjoyed a good life with two children and experienced few problems until Leslie became a committed Christian, much to the dismay of her husband, a confirmed atheist.
The Strobels struggled along in this “spiritually mismatched” state for quite a while. Eventually though, Lee made the conscious decision to become a Christian as well. The Strobels do not advise couples who strongly disagree about religion to marry. But their book offers useful advice to couples who are spiritually mismatched. Ideas about raising children and advice for single Christians are also included.
More Unbelieving Spouse Links to Resources:
- THE CASE FOR CHRIST -by Lee Strobel, published by Zondervan Publishing. An explanation from the author: “Maybe you too have been basing your spiritual outlook on the evidence you’ve observed around you. Or maybe you gleaned through long ago books, college professors, family members, or friends. But is your conclusion really the best possible explanation for the evidence? If you were to dig deeper—to confront your preconceptions and systematically seek out proof—what preconception and systematically seek out proof? What would you find? That’s what this book is about.”
- THE CASE FOR FAITH: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity -by Lee Strobel, published by Zondervan Publishing. This is the perfect book for the intellectual, doubter and the inquisitive. It’s a great faith builder. With the tenacity of a tough interrogator and skill of a clear communicator, Lee Strobel addresses several tough subjects on his quest for answers. Some of them are: Since evil and suffering exist, a loving God cannot — Since miracles contradict science they can’t be true — God isn’t worthy of worship if He kills innocent children — It’s offensive to claim Jesus is the only way to God — A loving God would never torture people in Hell, and more. He also addresses evolution, violence in church history, and doubting.
Even More Unbelieving Spouse Links to Resources:
- THE POWER OF A PRAYING® HUSBAND -by Stormie Omartian, published by Harvest House Publishers. In 20 short, easy-to-read chapters, Stormie Omartian shares how you can intercede for your wife in areas where she longs for your prayers—her emotions and moods, her spiritual walk, her motherhood, her priorities, her sexuality and more. There’s also advice and personal stories from well-known Christian men. Plus, there are prayer ideas, and words from Scripture that will help you shape your requests to God. Some of the contributors to this book are: Neil Anderson, and Steven Curtis Chapman. Additionally there are Michael Goldstone, Michael Harriton, Jack Hayford, Michael Omartian and more.
- THE POWER OF A PRAYING® WIFE -by Stormie Omartian, published by Harvest House Publishers. What a wonderful book this is! Stormie Omartian shares in this book how God has strengthened her own marriage since she began to pray for her husband concerning key areas of his life. Every woman who desires a closer relationship with her husband will appreciate this refreshing look at the power of prayer in marriage. Along with real-life illustrations Stormie also includes sample prayers and “power tools”—verses that inspire and encourage—to help wives rest in the assurance of God’s wonderful promises of restoration, renewal, and growth in marriage.
- WHEN A BELIEVER MARRIES A NONBELIEVER -by Bebe Nicholson, published by Priority Publishing. This book is designed to present a clear, distinct course of action the believer can follow to influence an unbelieving or “unspiritual” spouse toward greater faith. Although it is God who ultimately draws us to Him, He uses us for the accomplishment of His purposes here on earth. Just as He works through missionaries who spread His message to the remotest regions of the world, he will sometimes work through the believing spouse to share His message of true salvation and joy with the unbelieving partner.
- WHEN HE DOESN’T BELIEVE: Help and Encouragement for Women Who Feel Alone in Their Faith -by Nancy Kennedy, published by Waterbrook Press.This book supplies hope for every wife who wonders if God has not heard her prayers for her husband’s salvation. Nancy writes with humor. And yet it is straight from the heart. Plus, you will find that your own heart will be touched by her words. She also provides Biblical tools, websites, and books for additional help and information.
- WINNING HIM WITHOUT WORDS is written by Dineen Miller and Lynn Donovan. It is published by Regal Books. This book “presents 10 Christ centered keys to thriving in a spiritual mismatch. Readers are encouraged to commit to Christian community, to release their spouse to God’s capable hands. They are also encouraged to find peace in their relationships with Christ and with their spouse. Plus, they are to continue their pursuit of a growing faith and to love their spouse with fresh enthusiasm. God wants every marriage to exude peace and love. And Winning Him Without Words empowers readers to create that environment in their homes and thrive as God works.”