Missionaries, like any servant of God, are not immune from temptation. Those who are working on the “front lines” in battling against the powers of darkness threaten the enemy of our faith because of the work they do for God. So it stands to reason that they need to especially be “on the alert” because of the threat of being a “target” for the enemy to take down. That is why it is important to be aware of accountability questions you need to ask yourself.
Missionaries need to be diligent in keeping themselves out of the grasp of falling into temptation. What better prize would there be for the enemy to hold up against God than to have His special servants fall into sexual sin?
Missionaries may THINK they would never be tempted to sin with someone of the opposite sex because of their love for God and even their love for their spouse. But there have been multitudes who have been wrong about that very thing. And it appears that it’s taking its toll on their being able to stay on the mission field.
Accountability Questions
In the article, “Ten Reasons Why Missionaries Leave the Field and Don’t Return” (originally featured in the “Mobilizer’s Forum)” George Verwer says:
“Failure in the sexual area is another reason for people returning. Pornography, especially on the web, is causing major damage in frontline mission work. People sometimes face loneliness on the field, which can set them up for a ‘quick romance’ that ends in disaster. Unfortunately, leaders are often the enemy’s targets in this aspect of the spiritual warfare.”
Because you are a target, we want to help you to evade the darts of the enemy. This mission of battling temptation is of equal importance to any other work you could ever do for the Kingdom of God. That is why we are giving you the opportunity to ask yourself some accountability questions. They would be good for you to ask them to yourself every so often.
Even better —it would be great if you had an accountability partner that would ask you these questions. They could then prayerfully stand with you to help you stay all the stronger.
Now we realize that this list is extensive. There are a lot of questions that are listed in this list to use. If there are too many of them for you to use, then customize the list for your use. Pick the top 10, 15, or 20. Decide what will best work for your life. It’s most relevant that you find the most important ones that you need to be accountable for and use those. The point is that you use what you most need.
To view these questions, please click onto the link below:
We pray this tool will help you to stand strong and flee temptation.
If you have additional tips you can share to help others, please “Join the Discussion” by adding your comments below.
Filed under: Pastors and Missionary Marriages