Every year, when we mention Valentine’s Day, we receive emails from those who question whether we should celebrate it or not. That is because it has such a “worldly” commercialized spin to it. Plus, it is celebrated in the “wrong” way by so many.
Additionally, the root origin of it can be questionable. We’re asked, “Who was St Valentine?” They question whether we should have a day where we celebrate Valentine’s Day since St Valentine isn’t mentioned in the Bible.”
I’ll share with you what we wrote to one gentleman. He claims it has a “pagan” origin, and criticized us for even thinking of celebrating it. Our answer to him might give you a little insight into how we see things. As you talk to God about this, see how God leads you. It may be different from how He leads us. (This is discussed in the Bible concerning eating certain foods, and dancing and such.) Do what you believe God would have you do. However:
This is Why WE Celebrate Valentine’s Day:
We understand very well why you would think that Valentine’s Day could have its negative parts to it. That is especially true if you believe it is just for “pagans.” We’ve seen research that shows otherwise. However, whether it’s a pagan holiday or has godly roots, we put it in the same category as eating meat sacrificed to idols. This is mentioned in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 8 and 1 Corinthians 10:23-33. It depends upon the conviction of your heart and what you’re doing with what is offered.
If you’re using it as a reason to sin, then it’s wrong. But if you’re doing it for a pure reason and it doesn’t cause another to sin, then it can be fine to do so. It can even be beneficial.
For every piece of research you can show us concerning how it originated as a pagan holiday, I can show you one that says it originated by some Christians or by the church. We looked through the evidence many years ago. And it goes in both directions. There isn’t really clear evidence, from what we can see, that “this is the REAL origin of this holiday.”
Scripturally Speaking
But I’m reminded of what we’re told in Romans 14:5-7.
“One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God. While the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God. For none of us lives to himself. And none of us dies to himself. For if we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lords.“
We finally decided to throw away all of the original “claims.” And we looked at what the Bible says about celebrating love, etc… That’s when we came to a conclusion different than yours after a lot of prayer. What we finally decided is that it’s difficult to know how it originated. We don’t know whether it had a pagan beginning or a religious one. There’s evidence to support both. And even if it did begin as a pagan holiday, what’s the point? The point isn’t to argue about the holiday’s origin. (This is much like the point of eating meat offered to idols.)
The point is how we as a couple, who are blessed with knowing God in a personal way through Jesus Christ, are going to celebrate it. We must prayerfully decide IF we’re going to celebrate it.
Motives as to Why We Celebrate Valentine’s Day
Are we going to celebrate it in a “pagan” way with a worldly intentionality to our motives? Or are we going to look at it as a way to celebrate our Christian love as husband and wife and try to get others to do the same? This holiday (whether its origin was pagan or religious) IS celebrated in many parts of the world. So it gives us a great opportunity to use it to point others to the love of Christ, celebrating our love as husband and wife.
We figure any reason to get people to celebrate loving one another in a way, which is pure and inspirational, would have God’s blessing. And He hasn’t convicted us to do anything else. There are lots of days of celebrations, which are recorded in the Bible. If we distort this celebration to include doing things that oppose the Lord, then it would be wrong. And God wouldn’t bless it.
We can’t tell you whether you should celebrate Valentine’s Day or not. That’s not for us to say. But if you don’t, we hope you’ll find another day, and as many other opportunities as you can to celebrate your love for one another. Celebrate in ways that others within your sphere of influence can see it as a living testimony. Celebrate the wonderful love that God has helped you and your wife to enjoy. This is a love that others can have for their spouses as they reach out to God. His very name means Love. And He can help them as He has helped us and has helped you.
Living Letter of Love
The Bible says. “You are a letter, written on our hearts known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ… written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts“ (2 Corinthians 3:2-3).
It also says in John 13:34-35: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
We hope that you will be “read by everybody” you come in contact with that you have a love for your spouse that is like Christ’s love for the church. (Ephesians 5 talks about this type of love.) Realize that “by this all men will know that you” are a disciple of Jesus Christ, “if you have love for one another.”
If you disagree with us on this, then that will be the way it will be. But I hope this letter inspires you to love your wife both openly and in private. This is the same type of intimacy we have with Jesus Christ our Lord.
Celebrate Valentine’s Day?
If you wonder about celebrating Valentine’s Day, I hope this addresses your question. It’s just like the situation the disciples faced with the “eating of meat.” If God convicts you not to do it, then don’t do it. But don’t criticize those who aren’t convicted in the same way who do. Celebrating love for each other in ways that display the love of God isn’t a bad thing.
Personally, we usually celebrate Valentine’s Day by having a very quiet, candle-light dinner at home. We make a tasty dinner together, and then enjoy each other’s company together as husband and wife. We may or may not give each other gifts that day. It just depends. It’s not that important to us. We pray together, thanking the Lord for the love He has helped us to have for each other. It’s simple, sweet, and romantic. There’s nothing commercial to it at all!
When our children were younger we celebrated it as a family night of loving and appreciating each other. We infused laughter and had a fun time together. It was a fun day that brought us closer together. And we figure any opportunity that we can take to celebrate enjoying and showing appreciation for each other, can’t be all bad. That’s true no matter what the world does with it! We don’t have to celebrate it in the same way. We can do things the way that God shows us.
If you had questions concerning Christians celebrating Valentine’s Day, I hope this helps answer at least part of the mystery behind this day for you.
However, if you or your spouse doesn’t want to celebrate Valentine’s Day, please read the following article:
• VALENTINE’S DILEMMA: How to Celebrate When Spouse Hates V-Day
— ALSO —
I came across a short article written by Paul Byerly, who gives another insight into celebrating Valentine’s Day. It’s:
— AND —
If you want a few suggestions for Valentine’s Day, the following may help you:
♥ From Theromanticvineyard.com: ROMANTIC VALENTINE IDEAS
♥ From Theromanticvineyard.com: BACKWARD DATE NIGHT
♥ This is from Beautyandbedlam.com: TEN THINGS I LOVE ABOUT YOU (free printable)
♥ From Justonemomtrying.blogspot.com: VALENTINE MAIL BOXES
♥ And lastly, from Crosswalk.com: ARCHIVE of VALENTINE’S ARTICLES and IDEAS
Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this blog.
Filed under: Romantic Ideas
(NIGERIA) Thanks so much for your little clarification. Even though I am still a little biased I believe I am no longer critical. God bless.
I have enjoyed reading your article on ‘Why you celebrate valentine’s day’. I have been talking with my husband about hosting a Valentine’s day party for some of our friends that don’t know the Lord. We’re praying about it and if the Lord gives us peace, it’s our prayer that we celebrate it in a way that points our friends to the love of Christ. We’re open to suggestions.
We’ve hosted Easter and Christmas party inviting our friends. About 25 families came and heard the gospel. We would highly appreciate your prayer for us. Thank you for such a good article supported by scripture verses. Wrapped in His grace, Suhasini