Why do you need to “date” your spouse? After all, you’ve already “got” them as your mate! Yes, but you need to keep them as your spouse. And to be able to have a good marriage you need to grow your love relationship. So that is why we are giving you ideas for creative cheap dates.
A good date doesn’t have to be an expensive one. That is one of the many mistakes that couples make. Here are more.
“One mistake that many married couples make is believing that dating is strictly for those who are in search of a committed partner. Another huge mistake that married couples make is to place a tremendous amount of attention on their children, their families and their careers while neglecting their own relationship. Regularly scheduled date nights can help to put the focus back on the marriage. And it can help them to maintain a healthy and exciting relationship.” (By “Kissmegoodnight”)
Lets face it:
“A marriage requires a commitment of time, energy, and resources just to survive. But you also want it to thrive and grow. No one would expect a garden to grow without a gardener giving it the proper care. But many people expect their marriage to grow and thrive without putting in time, energy, and money. Don’t be foolish. Every single day you need to do some things that will strengthen your marital relationship.” (Gil Stieglitz)
Investing in Marriage with Cheap Dates or Expensive Ones
Are you investing in your marriage relationship to keep it alive? Are you growing so you are not only married lovers, but continue to be friends?
“How do you turn a spouse into a friend? Proverbs 18:24 tells us that ‘a man who has friends must be friendly.‘ You have to BE a good friend to HAVE a good friend. You have to purpose to have fun together. Without friendship and fun, marriage is just work. In fact, if you take sex and friendship out if it, marriage is little more than a business relationship. BE FUN, CREATE FUN in your marriage! (Jimmy Evans, from book, “Our Secret Paradise”)
So how do you do this when your budget is challenged? Is it possible to create cheap dates that are meaningful and fun? Yes!
Be INTENTIONAL in building your friendship with and love for one another:
“Keep meaningful rituals in your relationship. Whether it’s having a dinner conversation after work every night or taking a long walk, have something in place that allows you to stay in touch with each other’s lives. And don’t forget to schedule regular date times with each other. You dated your spouse before marriage—that’s what contributed to your falling in love with each other in the first place.” (Mark Brandenburg, author of “Fix Your Wife in 30 Days or Less”)
So, with that said, do you need some dating tips? We have gathered a lot of “cheap date” ideas for you. Just read, glean through, and figure out the types of outings that would work for you and your spouse.
“Build something together—ice cream sundaes, a pizza with your favorite toppings, a tower of blocks. Perhaps you will find a chuckle over the odd or weird combinations that reflect your different approaches to food, building, and life.” Also: “Plan a ‘Favorites Night’ around your favorite food, clothes, games, sports, etc. Each spouse could choose a favorite activity which you then combine into one evening, or the wife could propose her favorite activities for one date and the husband plans the next date with his favorites.” (“For Your Marriage” quote)
Creative Cheap Dates to Try
And then, here is a link to an article written by Nancy C Anderson, that is posted on the Marriagetrac.com web site:
Next, the following are a few ideas you can find on The Romantic Vineyard web site for cheap dates with a new twist. (And for more, you’ll see additional ideas listed on the sidebar.):
– Plus –
– Additionally –
Next, here are some suggestions you will find on the Triciagoyer.com web site:
And then, the following cheap dates ideas can be found on the the LoveWise.com, Tolovehonorandvacuum.com, and the Happywivesclub.com web sites. These are especially good if you’re on a tight budget:
• RECESSION ROMANCE: 25 Free or Nearly Free Ideas for Great Dates
Here are some more ideas for you to peruse through and try:
• DATE ON A DIME: 10 Ways to Have a Date Night on the Cheap
And then last, but not least…
Here are a few more date ideas:
• 9 Date Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank
Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International compiled these dating ideas. As a matter of fact, she and her husband Steve say, “We are the King and Queen of cheap dates! But just because we’re frugal, it doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy our dates together. We just have to be more creative! And we are!”
Filed under: Romantic Ideas
(USA) This is so true! I’ve been posting on here in various topics about how after my wife, and I discussed our pasts, and truly opened up to each other our passion, and sex life have FAR more than doubled. More like multiplied exponentially.
However after reading this, and reflecting back on the last few weeks I realize that the talk, while very important to the revitalization of our marriage, was just the beginning. We danced to some old songs on New Years Eve morning, we went out to dinner, and then because the movie we were going to see was sold out we came home, and watched a movie on demand. Then the following weekend we went to see a movie at the theater. And then again last weekend we went to see another. So in addition to our discussion to clear out the barriers, another thing that has helped to bring us closer has been these date nights. We may not be able to afford to go out every weekend, but I plan on trying to keep these date nights going on at least every other week to every couple of weeks.
Love shouldn’t be work, your marriage shouldn’t revolve around work, kids, and bills. It instead should be about you, and your spouse being more like friends with benefits than just 2 people raising kids, and sharing bills, and living space. I’ve always considered my wife to be my best friend even back when we were dating, and my best guy friend couldn’t understand how he was my best friend, and so was my girlfriend, but that’s just how it really needs to be in order for the love to survive all of the stuff life throws at us.
So go make friends with your spouse, and get to know each other again. What you learn about how your spouse has changed during your marriage just might surprise you.
(USA) Thanks for this article! Can I promote my first app I just released called Date Envy!? It’s for iPhone and iPad and I wrote it because I am passionate about being creative and fun (and even inexpensive) on dates! I’m still single but my parents (who are also Christian) has shown me what a Christ-centered relationship is, and yes, part of that is going out on fun dates even after 40 years of marriage.
Anyway, the app allows you to select cost, weather, activity-level, length, etc and will give you a bunch of fun ideas you and your spouse can go do! The app is free in Feb 2013 (http://bit.ly/dateenvy_itunes)