The following is a question we hope you will answer. It’s one that can encourage many others who read this. It concerns your experiencing an answer to prayer, concerning your marriage. Please share with us:
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Filed under: Question of the Month Spiritual Matters
(NIGERIA) My wife’s pregnancy was frightening. But at the end she had a successful CS and gave birth to two babies (two baby boys).
All my flights and journeys have been safe and no accidents. To God be the glory. There were two fatalities this year in my place of work but far from me.
My spiritual life sagged a great deal. I almost let go. But The Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus mercifully kept me. I gave in to diverse temptations, but HIS unwastable grace extended to me. I appreciate this.
In spite of my unfaithfulness, God blessed me financially this year than any year ever. I was able to assist a few people around me.
I twice almost committed adultery but God made the ladies, at different times of this temptation, refuse and reject my offer.
(CANADA) The book, “An Affair of the Mind” was a helpful tool for me in understanding my spouse’s addiction, as well as helpful to both of us in putting the pieces back together again.