You think that it won’t happen to you… after all, you’re a minister of God! You think, “There’s no way! Not Me!” Think again —many who were as strong as they thought they could be, have weakened beyond their wildest imaginations, and have fallen. Even the most innocent of beginnings, with the best of intentions can end up where you find yourself flirting with danger.
Flirting with Danger
You need to guard your heart … guard your marriage … and guard your mind! That’s what one pastor wishes he would have done. He didn’t and then afterward deeply, deeply regretted it. He wrote:
“What’s really scary? I had a good marriage and I was still vulnerable. Imagine what might happen if someone’s in a bad marriage!
“It all came down to me being stupid and making a stupid choice, of enjoying sin and flirting with it.”
Regret is a horrible bedfellow. It’s one that can haunt you and your loved ones for the rest of your life. You truly do have to guard your heart and the ministry the Lord has given to you and your spouse.
To help you do this, we encourage you to learn more of what this pastor experienced. Please glean through the article we link to below for your own benefit. The article starts out by giving tips on how to avoid an extra marital affair. But as the article continues, you will read about this pastor’s experience of “flirting with danger.” He then goes into “blowing the whistle” and then “planning for never again.” It’s a very compelling article to read, with many tips that can help you to stay away from “dancing on the edge.” Please read:
– ALSO –
The following article talks about another area of flirting with danger. It can be read on the Christianity Today Web site. Please click onto the following link to read:
If you can give additional marriage tips, please “Join the Discussion” by adding your comments below.
Filed under: Pastors and Missionary Marriages
(USA) Since I can post in annonymity here, I don’t feel bad divulging this. I had been at my church for 10 years. That pastor had been there some 33 years. Taught at the Christian school, soccer, Bible class and the leader there decided to make him the private counselor of a teen aged girl with problems at home. I will never get over that as long as I live.
Males and females should NEVER counsel in private together. Like married couples that hang around together and end up talking without the spouse’s knowledge. They begin slandering their own and before them is looking better. Greener grass is over a septic tank as we have seen. Don’t even think it. Guard your heart!
Well, it happened and they found child pornography on his pc as well as other disturbing facts. He’s in Federal Prison.
I’m not Prophetess but in Nov of ’09, which we now know is when he began, I could no longer look at him. I felt sick to my stomach and left. My husband would remind me what the Word said and as he had been an abusive phony since I’ve been with him, I figured he was headed for the same path and he was, and did. Many did.
I think of his wife, kids, grandkids and all he has affected. Every one owns their own sin but the Pastor is the shepherd and if the shepherd is full of fleas and running off the cliff, what of the flock?
I think back to those in that church that worshipped that man. They would stand up and give testimony as if they were speaking of Christ Himself and why God says no graven images, no pictures or idols. We walk by faith, not by sight but people need a physical image. We are not to have pictures of what we assume Christ looks like. The Bible actually says that he was not remarkable to to upon (I know he is now in all His Glory!). The people in that church worshipped that pastor and when you lift a man that high, he has no where to go but down. There were people that would tell you if you didn’t go to that church they had to question your salvation!
If you know any pastor standing firmly for God, not tickling ears to appease those that want excuses for their sin, PLEASE LIFT HIM UP REGULARLY!
Nearly 2 years later, I found out something else my husband has lied about and he thinks he’s okay but we have to confess all to those we offend-especially our spouses. Think before you act, God will not cover it and it will find you out. Regret is a very bitter pill and you cannot get your reputation back.