Are you suffering from physical abuse? If you are, please pray, read, and glean through the following info. This is not a “one-size-fits-all” situation. Prayerfully proceed. But:
Let me begin by saying that I cannot think of a circumstance in a marriage or family that could justify abuse of any kind. That includes physical abuse, emotional, mental, or sexual abuse. Abusive behavior was never and can never be a part of God’s plan for a marriage or a family.
For the sake of clarity, I’m going to limit this answer to physical abuse. And by this I mean assaulting, threatening, or restraining a person through force. It would include hitting, slapping, punching, beating, grabbing, shoving, biting, kicking, pulling hair, burning, using or threatening the use of weapons, blocking you from leaving a room or the house during an argument, driving recklessly, or intimidating you with threatening gestures…
That’s the first few paragraphs of an article written by Dennis Rainey and Leslie Barner, posted on Dennis and Leslie give a lot of great insights within this article.
We recommend you read it by clicking onto the link web site link below to learn:
— ALSO, Concerning Physical Abuse —
Here is another great article that can clear up some of the myths about how you should respond to abuse. It can help to clear up some of the misconceptions spouses and others can have. They are truly worth your time to read them. We believe there is something within this article for everyone to learn. Please read:
Additionally, you will find below two blogs that are written by Leslie Vernick. Leslie specializes in abuse situations within relationships. As she says:
“Good relationships are so crucial for our emotional and mental health. An old Jewish proverb wisely states, ‘Sticks in a bundle are not easily broken, sticks alone can be broken by a child.’ We all need loving connection, but for many individuals instead of love and safety, they experience abuse.”
These articles approach physical violence in different ways. We believe you will find the information to be insightful as she poses questions, and then gives her responses. This first blog gives you scriptural references to read and then prayerfully consider as you look at:
And then this next blog, written by Leslie Vernick, is a bit different. In it, she shares the advice, which was given to her by a former abuser on this matter of how to respond to physical abuse.
In this article Edmund Burke’s statement is highlighted, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men (or women) do nothing.” This is something to prayerfully consider. After reading this article and the others, what would God have you do?
Again, please pray, read, glean, and use what you believe God would have you pertaining to:
Filed under: Abuse in Marriage
(SOUTH AFRICA) Do you divorce your husband when he is starting to abuse? I’m in a physical abusing marriage and I don’t know what to do.
(USA) YES!!! Get out of there while you can. Please look at some of the other links on this site. The other links on abusive marriages will help you in so many ways. God wants us to have peace and happiness in a marriage, not pain.
(ENGLAND) Yes. I have the same problem.
(SOUTH AFRICA) I know God hates divorce, but I can’t take this anymore. If he really loves me why must he abuse me so much?
(USA) God knows your pain. His heart is for the oppressed (Ps 9:9). He came to heal the brokenhearted, to set the captives free (Isaiah 61:1-4). He knows that abuse is worse than divorce. Malachi 2:16 says that he who hates and divorces covers his garment in violence (English Standard Version). God doesn’t hate all divorce, or he wouldn’t have had divorce provisions in the Old Testament, and He wouldn’t have commanded the Israelites to divorce their wives in Ezra 10. He hates people treating each other with violence, tearing at the heart of oneness that marriage is supposed to be.
God cares far more for your life than He is for your togetherness for the sake of appearing married. He hates the harm and mistreatment that you suffer. I would go so far as to say that He hates certain marriages, because they are a sham, giving one person the permission to continually violate another. If you are continually being abused, then He hates your marriage, not your divorce.
What he feels for you is not love – it is lust and control. It is a strong feeling of wanting to possess you, have sexual access and get unconditional support. He may mistake that for love, not knowing what real love is. He may swear black and blue that he loves you, but do not be mistaken – this is not God’s love.
Get some help – God is for you. He will help you rise out this oppression. Check out the other pages on this website.
(US) There is no evidence my husband knows God. He Lies & today became violent. I have asked God to Bless him & I am certain he will when my husband commits all to him. I allow my husband’s actions to stall my commitment to serving the Lord whole heartedly & no longer desire to let him. I already knew before he became violent again I had the answer. God has shown me over & over & fortified me to the work. Now I just need prayer & to know where he would have me & our daughter to go. Praying the actions I take are in God’s will & that I will solidly follow his leadership.
(KUWAIT) I live with a husband who abused me for 15 years and still abuses me emotionally, physically and sexual abuse; what do I do? It hurts me.
(CANADA) I need advice. I have been married for 5 years and with my husband for 8 years and I am 24 years old. I love my husband and can not be without him. He lies to me about speaking to his old girlfriend even though I have made it clear that it wouldn’t bother me if he would just be honest with me. He also speaks to other women online though I don’t think he has actually slept with any of them.
I feel ugly and worthless and do everything I can to have him notice me and tell me I’m beautiful but he has only said that maybe 2 times in the past 4 years. When I try to tell him how I feel he gets angry and tells me I’m crazy and need to relax and wont take me seriously. He started hitting me 2 years into our marriage and it keeps gradually getting worse. It’s always over something like me finding out he was talking to a girl and confronting him about it. He gets mad at me because he says he loves me and I need to learn to calm down and that its his business. He has broken one of my computers before during a fight and smashed my phone. He also recently smashed his computer because I caught him on skype with a girl and wanted to see his conversation and rather than showing me he smashed it.
He also hits me and has even done so in public when we were driving even though all I am doing is trying to communicate with him. I’m scared of him but he says its my fault that he hits me and its my fault everything is broken. He says he’s teaching me to calm down by hitting me as if I’m animal he is traning. When I don’t confront him about other women he is fine though and does not fight with me but he still will not give me attention and I feel like I’m worried that he will leave me for someone else and want him to stop.
I am not allowed to have friends and hit me once because I went to a friends thanksgiving at her parents and he didnt want me to. I don’t have anyone I can talk to and I need to know how to make him understand how I feel. I have been scared that he could kill me and he has choked me and I have 2 scars on my face from previous fights. I cannot divorce him because I love him too much and need him. Please help me. I don’t know what to do. I’m sorry it’s so long. We are both russian and I don’t know if that makes a difference.
(U.S.A.) I FEEL YOUR PAIN …I’M IN THE SAME PLACE. Talk to God and ask Him on a personal level, to give you answers. But let me tell you that your answers are in front of you. I don’t know you but we share so much. So far as a Christian friend… YOU ARE LOVED BY A LOT OF PEOPLE, BUT MOST IMPORTANT… GOD LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEESSSSSSS YOU, MORE THAT ANYONE. I understand you so much. I am in an abusive relationship too so I will start praying for not just me, but for women like you. …Love, Mama… BE CAREFUL.
(USA) I’m in the same boat, almost same circumstances… except we’re engaged. I want to marry this man but as soon as I accuse him he becomes physically abusive. It’s not always… it’s every now and then. I don’t know what to do… he doesn’t want help. He always says he’ll stop if I stop.
(USA) Well, I know what you’re going through. I am actually 19 years old and I’ve been married for two 2 years. My husband hits me in my head for stupid reasons; he punches me in the face, my stomach, and chokes me. I don’t know what to do either. I don’t want my parents to find out, but there’s no other place I could go with my kids. I am scared of him because he would go to look for me. My parents would kill him, but the thing is that we live with his parents and they are the ones who would suffer and I don’t want that. They’re the best. Please help me!!?
When I was reading you story. I thought it was me who was the one how wrote it. Your story is like mine but I have 4 kids and have been married for 16 years. My husband always beats me on my head until I feel dizzy and my eyes blur. My nationality is from Iraq. I have been in the U.S. for about 16 years. I don’t have any friends and am not allowed to have any. I am not even allowed to have a phone or talk to my family and no matter what I do he does not appreciate what I do for him. I am sorry I can’t type any more now because I am tired and can’t see clear. But when I was reading what was written it feels like I am not alone and not the only one to have a life like this.
Ladies, just remember you have so much family who loves you. You don’t have to tolerate any man’s abuse of any kind. When you realize how much your worth, maybe not to the men abusing you, but to your loved ones, you will walk away.
(PHILIPPINES) I have been married for 11 years and it’s only after our marriage that I discover that my husband is immature, no principles of his own, and loves to depend on others. Within our married life I’m the bread winner and am taking care of everything. I beg him to help me but he would just assure me in words, until I lost my respect and love for him after 4 years of our marriage. I hide it and just pretend I’m fine for the sake of our children until I can’t take it anymore. Depression is killing me and I felt I’m just being used and exploited.
I decided to work abroad thinking that maybe I will realize when I’m away that I still need him, but its useless. Our relationship became worst when I told him what I really felt for him. I told him that I want to separate from him because I can’t take marital rape anymore. We always fight to the extent that we’re hurting each other physically. He won’t allow me to leave him and threatened me that he will kill me if I do that. The worst thing is he and his mother would talk to my children regarding our problem and told them not to go with me. In short they’re taking my children from me emotionally.
I’ve been praying ever since that he would realize his responsibilities and be mature. I feel like I can’t move on because I’m always carrying him on my back. I want to let go of this burden and focus myself on God and my children, but I don’t know how.
(USA) Hi, I am a 41 year old woman,I have been in past realationships that were abusive including one marriage that was. I met the husband that I am with now, and he knows all about my abusive relationships in the past. When we first got together he told me he would treat me like a queen(not). I should have terminated the realtionship while we were just dating whenever I noticed the abuse, but I didn’t because my feelings were caught up.
This man has punched me in my eye, and it swelled it up were I looked like a monster; i was so ashamed. I had to wear a wig to work, and put hair over my eye and a lot of make up to make it unnoticeable. The fight was over my money were I worked so many long and grueling hours while he sat at home on his a_s and did nothing. He has not worked but like one year out of our five year marriage. He has choked me so many times, just the other day, where I started coughing up mucous because he had a wrestling restraint on my neck, and almost killed me, all because he asked me a question and my opinion differed from his.
While in the process of choking me, he did not know that his cell phone called mine and recored the whole grueling assault where he attacked me. I told him and let him listen to it; he got so upset and wanted me to erase it immediately because he feared that I would let his family hear it, but I didn’t. He has kicked me, and he has mentally abused me so bad over these five years, and it always seems to be my fault; and he always try to throw God in the equation some how and tell me that I am wrong, because I am not being an obedient wife.
He has threatened to kill me, and also other members of my family if I tell that will try to come and protect me. I cannot do this anymore. One thing I know this is not love, especially from a man that said he would never do this to me after knowing my past. He is selfish, and does not care about anyone else but his own self. I have put up with this man’s drug abuse, and his infidelity with many women.
I am just tired,and I am preparing to leave. I hope you other ladies think about it, because your life is worth it, what an abuser does is try to push you in a corner and make you feel worthless, but you push back, and get out of the corner they have pushed you in. Your life is beautiful . Do not let them tell you no different!!!!!!
(USA) My eight year old daughter and I are currently living in a domestic violence shelter. I have been married to my abuser for eleven years. I am afraid to leave the shelter because he stalks me. Although he has not put his hands on me during these events, he makes sure I see him. When this happens I am totally useless for days. He still has a lot of power over me.
We have been to court three times with another hearing scheduled next week for his violation of the protective order. He does not bring an attorney with him. By making this choice he personally has an opportunity to cross examine me. So the cycle continues. With all the emotional, physcial, sexual, spiritual and financial abuse I have suffered, believe it or not, there are still days when I struggle because I have always loved him. My mind is made up not to return to him -I think. Pray for us.
(USA) Sheree, How sad and concerned I am for you and your daughter. The abusive power this man is perpetuating, shouldn’t be. Please know you are in our prayers. I pray angels of protection to surround you –that a wall of invisible strength will encompass you and your daughter and that God somehow cracks through your husband’s toughness to bring him to his knees in repentance — true repentance, not contrived.
May you sense the Lord’s protection despite your husband’s efforts to intimidate and bully you. May you find paths to walk that aren’t darkened and may you experience a “peace that passes understanding” whenever threatened. May the Lord guide and protect you wherever you are! Please do all you can to protect yourself. I pray the Lord will do the rest.
(DUBAI) I’ve been with my husband for 4 and a half years married to him for 1 year and a half. When I met my husband he was going through divorce and to add to that his ex took his daughter. I used to support him and in a way I felt sorry for him –especially cause of his daughter. Not once or twice we argued and he used to mention his ex all the time and always compare me to her and it used to hurt so badly especially when he had a couple of drinks.
After a couple of months I couldn’t take it anymore. I broke up with him but I still loved him. We got back together and spoke and I told him that things needed to change –that he needs to stop drinking and stop comparing me to his ex. We got back together, I moved in with him, everything was great until one night we had a couple of drinks and started arguing and it got physical (beating me up). The next morning I could see he felt so bad about it and he promised that this will never happen again.
The mental abuse started with him always putting me down that I’m fat and I’m this and I’m that. We would have fights and than make up. I always had hoped that he would stop. Everytime we had an argument I used to tell him I’m leaving, He used to tell me “you know were the door is, go.”
2 years ago we went on a holiday and had the greatest time ever. A month after we came back we had a big argument and we actually broke up. Then I found out that I was pregnant. He was away traveling when I told him, I need to speak to you urgently. He knew what I was going to tell him. He was so nasty and mean he told me, I hope it’s not what I think it is. I’m enjoying my time and I don’t want you to ruin it for me.
Anyway, he eventually called and I told him I was pregnant. He went crazy. He told me I had to drop the baby; he’s not ready to be a dad and so on. I refused and told him I want to have this baby, I can’t drop my baby. He got so angry he told me, even if you decide to have this baby I will not be a part of his life. Thank God I did. When he came back from his flight we managed to talk and well, he agreed to keep the baby.
My pregnancy was hell with him. All we used to do was fight and he just used to call me a fat cow and stress me out. Anyway, I had a beautiful son. Everything was normal. There was no hitting and beating me up until one day we went with him on a flight. We had so much fun. But by the end of the night we had a small argument (he was drinking). When we got back to the hotel I spoke to him in a nice way and he just turned into a beast. He hit me and beat me up in front of my 3 month old baby. At some point I was holding my baby cause he was crying and he just kept on punching me in my face.
As usual, I thought it’s my fault cause he always used to tell me it’s my fault cause I provoke him. Its been 6 months now and a couple of days ago we had an argument and he came running in the bedroom (our son sleeps with us) hitting me. Thank God he stopped cause I told him, not infront on my son.
Today I tried to talk to him to find a solution. He just doesn’t care. He told this will keep on happening for every action there’s a reaction cause I provoke him so I deserve this. I know I don’t. And I know I should have left a long time ago. He always makes me feels guilty as if it’s my fault. I don’t want my kid to grow up and have to see all of this. Please, can anybody help me? I don’t know what to do. He makes me feel guilty like it’s my fault.
(USA) I hope you got out of that relationship, please tell me you did.
(SA) My husband’s excuse for slapping me is that I provoked him. So what it really boils down to is that it’s my fault.
That’s what my husband tells me. Last night he punched me so hard he knocked my tooth out. Then he threatend to divorce me and I told him that I would like a divorce, then he hit me again. I pretended to be sorry and told him it was all my fault etc just so that he could leave me alone. Once the booze wore off he was all “oh, I don’t deserve to be your husband… bla bla bla” and then he sat there crying like a baby.
So he made me call in sick this morning so that no one at work would see what’s left of my face, which is great, it gave me enough time to go to the garage where his brand new bike is parked and man did I have a whale of a time beating his bike up. I wonder if I will still be alive tomorrow morning?
Oh Des, I’m so sorry that you are experiencing this in your marriage. It should never be. No one should abuse the other in any form, no matter what the reason. It’s wrong on so many levels. I can well understand why you would want to beat up his bike (and more). I sure would want to do this, as well. But is that really a wise or a good thing? You got temporary relief in this, but in the long run, you lose so much more. You have reduced yourself into doing that which you will pay for in other ways in the future. And you have allowed yourself to be abusive in your anger, as well. Sure, it’s better to beat up on objects, rather than people, but then later, that bike will need to be replaced. You only complicated matters, all the more.
Des, I’m not trying to chastise you… you don’t need that. But I want to help you to see that this is not healthy behavior on either of your parts. His actions are DEFINITELY worse than yours, but it doesn’t excuse your trashing something that you are going to have to replace, plus, anger an already out-of-control person. Please don’t allow yourself to believe the lie that because you hurt so badly, solutions to do that which you should not, are acceptable. They are not. Please find a way to get help… even read through more of the articles in the “Abuse in Marriage” topic and apply that which is wise to protect yourself and your reasoning. Don’t allow yourself to become abusive too. It’s like a child that is abused by a parent who then turns into being an abusive parent later in life. It has to stop somewhere. Someone has to be the hero here and say, “enough is enough… I will find a way to get out of and stop this abuse cycle and live a better life.”
If your husband is truly sorry, he will get help. Temporary words are cheap. True sorrow is demonstrated in stopping that which caused it in the first place. He needs help to stop acting out his anger and addictive behavior in such negative, horrible ways. If he doesn’t find a way to stop, he isn’t really sorry. And you need to get help to know how to best deal with all of this in the meantime. I highly encourage you to contact the ministry of Focus on the Family in South Africa. Look it up on the Internet. They make phone counseling available. Please stop this cycle of abuse. You were created for better than this. Reach out to the Lord, and as you do, I pray for wisdom for you, and for the help you need. Please know that my heart and prayers are with you.
(USA) I have been in an emotional and physically abusive marriage for 12 years. I have a daughter who is 19 who has lived with her father for 19 years and visited me on the weekends. I have tried leaving a few times but I always return. I feel guilty that he and my stepson will be homeless. He doesn’t have a job. He is on unemployment. He gets 190 a week but DSS says they will help him with food stamps and medicaid but that’s it.
He tells me if you leave me, my son and I will be homeless I will have to send him to live with his mother. He doesn’t want to live with his mother. The police have been to my house two times in three weeks. They don’t do anything. When he left the house and went to his parents my son and I went to the hospital and for the first time I listed it as assault. The cops never do anything. They say we are doing more harm than good and they leave. They are useless.
My daughter who is 19 recently wrote me a letter and told me that she is really messed up and that I put her in situations that I shouldn’t have. I cried for two days as we wrote on line back and forth to each other. I am so sad that it affected her. I really had no idea. No, I am not stupid, i just assumed because she was only there part time she didn’t really see how bad the emotional or physical violence was. I was blind.
We are now in the honeymoon phase again where he thinks everything is great. I have threatened to leave and then he tells me no one will ever love you because your crazy. You will end up alone. No one loves you and your son; you can run back home but you will find out that I am all you have. He calls me crazy and has his family thinking I am the one with issues. I suffer from depression and anxiety and now I have severe acid reflux, which my dr says is caused by stress. I laughed when he said are you under stress? Hello? Yes, I am but he has no idea why I can’t really tell him. And if the dr knew, what would he do? Most doubtedly nothing.
Anyway, I look at my son and I think, am I messing him up too? What if, when he is 19, he says the same thing my daughter says, why did you stay? Why didn’t you leave? Why did you mess me up? He has called my son and me vulgar names in front of his friends, told him he would drag him out of the house by his neck. But he has never laid one hand on him. He had however laid his hand on his own son.
Why do I feel so quilty about leaving? I have over the past month boxed up and ducked tape a lot of my stuff and have it hidden in my son’s closet. But I am worried about how to get out safely. How do I get in in my car without him being crazy or seeing me? There is no doubt he will be crazy if he caught me putting things in my car. I put nothing past him. He is on probation now for damaging someone’s truck when he got mad at them. He has guns in the house even though they are not supposed to be here. I told the police and they didn’t even look for them; they didn’t even care. So please, any advice would be great.
For a long time I thought God wouldn’t forgive me if I left my husband but then I finally found some insight and realized God hates violence and he isnt going to hate me because I left my husband. But why do I feel guilty about not taking care of him anymore? I have been the one to work for 12 years and take care of him and his son and I feel like my dauther is right, I failed her.
(UNITED STATES) I need help also. I’m 35 years old I have been married for 3 and half years and been together for 9. I’m tired. My husband been in and out of prison most of our relationship. I tried to make it work because we share 3 boys. He is an alcoholic and ex-drug user. I have been caring his load for nine years. He can’t keep a steady job so that leaves me paying all of the bills. Every time he goes to jail he promises me and God that he going to do better. It only last a for a little while.
As long as he can stay away from around his family, he is alright. He acts like he is demonic possessed. So this passed weekend he cursed me out so bad in front of the children. I put him out. So why do I feel bad?
(SOUTH AFRICA) I’ve been married for 6 months and dated for 8 years. My husband hit me over my head last night, swore at me and threatend to beat me over and over if I dont answer what he wants to hear. All I did was tell the truth about our staff party and who dropped me at home. He has hit me twice before and assulted me and emotionally abused me and my family, including fighting with my father.
He has a history of violence with his own family ever since after his father passed away and gave everybody hell. He has calmed down so much as his family put it, but there are times when I dont agree with his wrong doings then he will start using abusive language and that eviliness in his eyes will appear.
I grew up in a abusive family with my parents and has begged him not for me and my 5year old daughter being disabled live that way again. He has promised me he will never lift his hands against me and treat me with respect, but as soon as he gets a temper he forgets his promises. I pray for God to help me protect me and my daughter and make me strong enough to leave him and get a stable home. Even though he tells me I will never get my child because I’m unstable without him. I feel so alone and helpless.
(SOUTH AFRICA) I am in an abusive relationship. My husband (of 12 years) drinks and does drugs. I took my children to welfare because he could not pay the rent and buy food for our children. And yet some way it is my fault. I am ready to divorce because at this point in time they do not want to give my children back because my husband is so abusive. My children went for a sociological evaluation and they told the truth about everything. Now he is blaming my children for all that has happened. THEY ARE CHILDREN.
I cannot take it any longer. I have made this decision because my children are a Gift from God and do not deserve to be treated this way. My husband has held a knife to my throat and then to my son because he tried to protect me (he was 7 at the time). He has told my eldest daughter she is not his. How rude! I love my children more than life itself and I hope I can get them back. Please pray for that, people. Thank you for listening to my story. God bless.
(USA) I am 26 years old and have been married to my husband for 2 years. When I first met him I was in another relationship, but my husband (not at the time, of course) would tell me that I didn’t deserve to be in the type of relationship I was in and that he would treat me like a princess with respect and loyalty and that he would love me and be there for me. So, I fell for it and began dating him. After about a year I married him.
I knew that he liked to drink a little but literaly, I had no idea. He started drinking more and more. He was going through a divorce when I 1st meet him. She cheated on him. So he began to take his anger out on me. He would pretty much say anything to put me down and he was very physical with me. This has been going on for about a year now off and on.
I am no longer attracted to him because his actions and crude words toward me are hurtful and they disgust me. Everytime I refuse sex with him, he puts me down to the point where I just give in. I have sex with him so he will leave me alone. He doesn’t care that it makes me sad and uncomfortable, just as long as he his needs are meet. Now I’m disgusted with myself for allowing him to hurt me. He only shows me kindness when his sexual needs are met, and if they aren’t he throws a fit… and it starts all over again.
I just don’t understand why I can’t just leave him. I feel like life is always going to deal me a bad card. Do You have any advice for me, please? I’m so sad and I’m reaching out to anyone at this point. Thank you.
(DUBAI) Well, I’m ashamed of my husband. Never in my life did I think such a day would come and as there is no one to help me. He has his brother to support him in the wrong he does. I know about his affairs, even after the marriage. He always beats me for his wrong mistakes when I come to know about his girlfriends.
He is ruthless. He kicks on my private parts. He made a hole in my ear by slapping me many times. He gave me mental toucher by not giving me money. I was without food for 10 days. He went to India and did not contact me. Now I feel I have memory loss coz he beat my head many times against the wall. At times I forget he is my husband. He drags me by pulling my hair. He pinches me. I get many spots where he hits me. He tells me, sorry, this is the last time. But I wonder when that day will happen again.
(USA) I am praying for your safety! I can sadly relate to some of the things you wrote. How disturbing! I would love to know that you are safely away from this man. Please try to get yourself free from this man and never stop praying! It may appear that he is getting away with evil, but the LORD loves justice and revenge is His! I pray for your safety. God bless you!
D, how can we leave someone to suffer in silence and say to them we will pray for you? God will do the justice. HE will do a justice but is it fair on Shams to bear all the suffering from her husband? Can we not contact police or to ask any social services to provide help for her?
I am not exactly in the same intense situation but I can see this coming in my life too. When I shared it with my GP (doctor) he said that he needs to report my husband to domestic violence and they may take him to prison, which is not my intention. Then I approached a pastor. He said keep on praying, God will give you the strength.
As a human body, I work 9 hours in the office as an accountant and am responsible of complex decisions and transactions. When I come back home I have a 5 yr old daughter who only eats from my hands while sitting in my lap. My husband who literally doesn’t do anything, does not earn, does not extend help, just orders and abuses verbally, physically, financially, and emotionally. He forcefully uses all my salary on his brother and sister and every month we have to go in overdraft. He forcefully asked me to apply for a credit card and transferred all his credit card balance on mine. I cook, clean, wash, dry, hoover, and serve… as a full time cash machine and a full time maid.
My parents say, we pray for you. I pray for myself and my daughter. My pastor prays for me. Ho, when, why me??? All these questions bombard my mind.