Dating your husband or wife will be very different from dating a potential husband or wife. Yet it is just as important. When you were single, dating was a time to get away alone, to talk, laugh, and have fun together. On your date you took time to learn more about each other. You learned about each other’s pasts and dreamed about your future together. This helped you to feel at ease with each other.
But the point is often missed that even though you’re married, the two of you still need to date and dream together.
You need to get away alone and continue to talk, laugh, and have fun together. This helps to stockpile good memories for those challenging times.
Date Your Spouse, ESPECIALLY Now
That’s one reason why dating shouldn’t stop with marriage. Too often, married couples get settled into the routine of jobs, church, parenting, and other commitments. Many couples are so busy that they don’t take time to nurture the foundation of their family —their marriage and their relationship with each other. As we know all too well, when that marriage foundation begins to crumble, everything else comes down with it.
Your marriage is your most important relationship after your relationship with God. Your marriage needs nurturing. Like a plant needs water or a car needs an oil change, your marriage needs consistent attention. It needs care and nurture every day; it needs a special “tune-up” once in a while. You may need to jump-start a habit that needs to be a regular part of your marriage. You need to reconnect with your spouse. You need to work at your marriage.
Think About It:
Guys, you wouldn’t think of ignoring your car for a year at a time. So why do you think your wife can go for days or weeks at a time without attention from you? Women, you wouldn’t think of buying a plant and refusing to water it. So why do you think your husband can go for days or weeks at a time without some of his most important needs being met?
Keep a marriage together and romance alive takes time. It means making one’s marriage and spouse a priority and setting aside time for only him or her. In other words, it means planning dates on a regular basis.
This article came from the book, 40 Unforgettable Dates with Your Mate by Dr Gary and Barbara Rosberg. It is published by Tyndale House Publishers. This is a companion book to the Rosberg’s best-selling book The 5 Love Needs of Men and Women
. This book will help you plan fun dates to meet your spouse’s needs.
— ALSO —
For additional ideas, please click onto the following web site links to read:
…So, after reading the articles above,
to give you additional date night (or day) plans:
We came across some great date ideas called “ALPHABET DATES” put together by Tom and Debi Walter, who have a web site called The Romantic Vineyard. This has a different twist to the others above. To introduce these plans to you, Debi writes:
Alphabet Dates:
“This is an idea I heard about that I have to share with you! The idea is to start at the beginning of the alphabet. And then take turns planning a date around that letter. There are obviously 26 letters in the alphabet, so this is a good half a year (or more) of creative date nights. Who’s up for the challenge? I plan on posting the ideas we come up with as we go.”
And that’s what they did. The link below will take you to the ideas they came up with. Of course, you can use them to formulate your own plans to do together in your part of the world. Just make sure they correspond with the letter of the alphabet you are currently working on. But before you do that, Debi goes on to add:
Here are the rules according to my source:
- It has to be something that we wouldn’t usually do.
- It has to be something that we would both enjoy.
- And it cannot be too expensive.
- There is to be no swapping of letters.
- The letter owner has to organize all of the arrangements.
- The activities are to remain a secret until the day of the date.
“Of course, the above rules are only a guideline. Feel free to change them to what works for you!”
So, do you have the rules kind of straight in your mind? If so, the following links will take you to Tom and Debi’s ideas. BUT PLEASE NOTE: You’ll notice that they start with the last letter instead of the first. That’s the way they have them posted… backwards to us, but they still work. So, just click into the link you’re looking for and scroll to the letter you’re using for that date:
— ALSO —
• Clue Date Night With a Sexy Twist
If you have additional tips that can help others, please “Join the Discussion” by adding your comments below.
Filed under: Romantic Ideas
(USA) Wow, thanks for the link to our site. It’s funny you’ve noticed how the blog posts are backwards. That’s because we posted the letter “A” first so it’s the oldest post. When you look at the list it posts for newest to oldest. :-) We’re excited to see how these ideas inspire your readers, and please tell them to share their ideas with us too! We are always looking for more… God bless! Tom and Debi
Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with.