The following is a document you can use to help establish an agreement between mentors and mentors. It is a Mentor Mentors Agreement that you can work on together:
As mentors and mentorees we agree to enter into this mentoring friendship for the following length of time: ________.
At the end of this time we will re-evaluate the relationship, deciding whether we would like to continue or whether the relationship has fulfilled its purpose.
We Agree To:
• Meet together regularly.
• Keep private any personal information shared within the mentoring relationship.
• If a need arises to consult someone outside the relationship, we will discuss it together.
• Strive for honesty and openness in all interactions between us.
• Pray with and for each other.
• Other:
As Your Mentors:
• We commit to pray for you, serve, encourage, teach, and counsel with the wisdom God gives us and will give you with your best interests at heart.
• As obedient followers of Jesus Christ, we will pursue our relationship with the Savior, so that we may live honestly and honorably before you.
Name: _____________________________ Date: ________
Name: _____________________________ Date: ________
For Mentorees:
• We commit to be willing learners keeping our mentor’s best interest at heart.
• Call if we cannot keep an appointment.
• Give this relationship our best.
• Honor your privacy by not talking in casual conversation about you or things you’ve told us that would have any negative affect upon our relationship.
Name: _______________________________ Date: _______
Name: _______________________________ Date: _______
Steve and Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this document.
Filed under: Marriage Counseling & Mentoring