Do you believe in miracles? How about marriage miracles? We do; we’re hoping you do too. Perhaps you need one of those marriage miracles to happen in your own marital relationship. Please don’t lose hope.
“Two thousand years ago, in the midst of a marriage, Jesus met an impossible need with His supernatural intervention. Today, the scene is set again with you and the one you have promised your life to. The couple, the need —the miracles that God can bring.” (Ron Hutchcraft)
Being in marriage ministry, Cindy and I find it interesting that Jesus chose to perform His first miracle at a wedding. His glory was revealed in marriage. (You can read about it in John 2:1-11.)
We believe that most marriages face times when they need a touch from God. We are certain, that if we had not “invited Christ” into our lives and marriage back in 1974, in all likelihood, we would be divorced by now. (And we’d certainly never be in marriage ministry.) Even today, many years later, we still depend on the Lord’s help to keep our marriage strong —one that reflects the heart of Christ.
Marriage Miracles
In his book, “Start Your Trip With A Full Tank” Ron Hutchcraft talks about “Marriage Miracles.” This can be an encouragement for all of us. He writes:
“Maybe your marriage could use a miracle right now. That day in Cana there was a change that no man or woman could make. Nobody can change water into wine, but Jesus did. Maybe right now some change is urgently needed in your home. There is a need that must be met if your relationship is going to be what it needs to be.
“Maybe it is time for Cana revisited —a marriage miracle. Right now there’s a strain, a distance, resentment, and frustration. Maybe there are thoughts of bitterness and giving up.
“Have you been to your knees yet? Have you prayed —pouring out your mess, your pain, and your dark feelings to the Lord —crying out together for Jesus’ healing in your marriage? The less you feel like doing it, the more you need to. And if your partner will not, don’t let that stop you.
Inviting Jesus
“This passage in John 2, says Jesus had been invited to this wedding, to this marriage. If you have not done so before, why not invite Him into your marriage? Close the door on quitting. Ask God to show you the HOPE FACTORS you can build upon. You have looked at the hopelessness factors long enough. Can you pray this? ‘Lord, we can’t make it work. And we/I don’t know how You would, but we beg You to help us to do what WE CAN’T, at this point in our marriage.'”
If both of you are followers of Christ, yet your unhappiness causes you to feel like giving up on your marriage, we urge you to empty yourselves of whatever agendas you may be clinging onto. Pray TOGETHER that God will pour out His Spirit of reconciliation upon you. Pray that the Lord will help you to see the hope factors. Learn how to become partners rather than adversaries, to the glory of God.
For the Glory of God
“If happiness is our primary goal, we’ll get a divorce as soon as happiness seems to wane. If receiving love is our primary goal, we’ll dump our spouse as soon as they seem to be less attentive. But if we marry for the glory of God, to model His love and commitment to our children, and reveal His witness to the world, divorce makes no sense.” (Gary Thomas)
Fred and Florence Littauer in their book, Daily Marriage Builders for Couples, give the following thoughts on “Curing Marriage Problems.” They wrote:
“Is there any hope? Is there any possibility that change can be affected in your lives in the way you treat one another? Can you change the way you react to your mate when something unkind or cutting is said to you? Somehow on our own we are not able to control our own reactions to what we perceive to be hurtful negatives. But the Bible tells me I can do all things! Yes, we can do all things, but we must complete the verse: ‘I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me.‘
“There lies the answer. All my known resolutions will probably go for naught, but when I enlist the Lord Jesus to help me, to do what I cannot do on my own, amazing and rewarding changes can take place. We must not, however, forget the first part of that verse. It says, ‘I can do all things.‘ We are not directed to let Christ to do it for us. We must do it ourselves BUT with His help.”
Oswald Chambers wrote:
“We cannot do what God does and …God will not do what we can do. We cannot save ourselves nor sanctify ourselves, God does that; but God will not give us good habits. He will not give us character. He will not make us walk aright. We have to get into the habit of hearkening to God about everything, to form the habit of finding out what God says.”
Bible teacher, Beth Moore, who has worked through her share of marital problems, reminds us:
“Sometimes God works through miracles and other times through the individual.”
…”When we trust our lives to the unseen but ever-present God, He will write our lives into His story and every last one of them will turn out out be a great read, with a grand ending.”
But we must not lose sight of the ultimate “grand ending” we’re to aim for in our lives as followers of Jesus Christ. It’s is to one day hear the Lord tell us, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Paul Tripp, in his book, What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage challenges us with the following thoughts.
He wrote:
“Our desire is that our marriages would be the location of our comfort, ease, and enjoyment; we often have desires no bigger than this. But God’s purpose is that each of our marriages would be a tool for something that is way more miraculous and glorious than our tiny, little, self-focussed definition of happiness. He has designed marriage to be one of the most effective and efficient tools of personal holiness. He has designed your marriage to change you.”
Another reminder from Beth Moore may be good to consider:
“We lose our strength when we wait upon an event. But our strength will be renewed when we wait upon the Lord.”
Keep your eyes upon the Lord. Ask for HIS perspective, HIS strength, and HIS help in unraveling this thing. Ask Him to help you approach issues in your marriage in ways that reflect His heart. When you do, the results will be no less miraculous than when Jesus turned the water into wine.
“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!“ (Romans 15:5-6)
Cindy and Steve Wright
Filed under: Marriage Messages
Dear Father, please turn my husband’s heart back to you. Wrap your arms around him. Comfort him. Love him. Reveal yourself to him. Speak to his mind. Remind him of when he loved You and prayed to you and believed in you and depended on you. Do a surgical operation on his hardened heart. Remove bitterness and unforgiveness far from him. Fight against those who fight against him.
Arise mighty God, and let every principality and power fighting our marriage scatter! Let every weapon being formed against me and my husband fail to prosper. Bitterness go! Unforgiveness go! Adultery go! Intent to divorce go in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood. Transform me Lord to become the wife that my husband can once again love. I plead the blood of Jesus against every plan of my husband to leave our home, me and our two young children.
Mighty God, I pray for an 11th hour miracle. Disappoint every plan of my husband to prepare documents of divorce. What God has joined together, let not man, woman, principality, power, spiritual wickedness in high places put asunder. Marriage is good, and the marriage bed is undefiled.
My husband, you have broken our marriage covenant, defiled our marriage bed, but I forgive you. I’ve hurt you with words. I want you to forgive me.
Lord, work your way through my husband’s heart. Heal every artery, every valve, every chamber. Restore unto him the joy of your salvation. Renew a right spirit in him. Even his accomplices in adultery. Visit them, Lord. Work your way into their hearts. Open their eyes that they may see. Mighty God, there is nothing too hard for you to do. I am decreeing and declaring and I am calling my husband’s restored heart done!
Please pray for my love with an arranged marrriage for my boyfriend coming in a few months.
My name is Reverend Vanessa from Zimbabwe. Please, please Man of God, pray for my life my sister Esther. She is H.I.V and she is really suffering and in so much pain. My life is full of misery. My husband has also tormented me. His name is Justin. He is a pastor but he has caused me a lot of suffering. He has been in prison twice now for attempted rape. I married him in 1996. I was a pastor in a church where he was serving as a deacon.
Please men of God, this man has tortured my soul and he has enslaved my royalty. I’m in distress, with hardships, setbacks, stagnation, business failures, financial distress. I’m broke. People owe me a lot of money, yet I’m in deep, deep poverty. I’m failing to pray fervently as I used to do. we have separated 3 times in 19 yrs. He has fathered many children with many women during our separation. I don’t know what to do. He has left home again. Each time he comes back he only stays three months. I wedded and made vows to GOD with this man. He’s my wedded husband. I tried to get married to someone but it never worked. This man beats me, bruises me, curses me, humiliates me, yet I’ve taken care of his mom, his kids with other women; I’ve taken care for him in prison with his day to day supplies from 2012-7. August 2014 when he came out of prison, I bought everything for him. He doesn’t appreciate me, Please, please pray for my marriage. I don’t know why I love a man who has hurt me so much, deserted me many times and still I always have loved him. This has brought pain to my family.
I need deliverance, men of God. Help me; please pray for my husband. Please, he is in bondage and I have been dreaming a lot of bad dreams even about prison. I need healing in my whole life. My husband should come back home a reformed and saved man and as a pastor. Please, I need reconciliation and forgiveness, deliverance, healing, and restoration. I want to be a living testimony to the glory of GOD. Can GOD heal and restore my marriage? To be delivered from Relationship Killers: insecurity, trust issues, Facebook, jealousy, lack of communication, assumptions and infidelity?
Oh! My sister, I never knew so many people were hurting this bad in their marriages. Oh Christ, have mercy on our afflictions. These desperations, oh Lord, sustain our brokenness for many times our tragedies seem beyond human capacity to bear.
Please pray to restore my marriage life. My wife is short tempered and doesn’t like my widowed mother staying with me. She is old and needs medical help. I miss my wife and son. I am from India.
Please pray for Ryan and me… so that God increases the love in our hearts for each other …God gives us the strength to face any challenge that comes our way causing a strain in our love for each other ….God unites us both in marriage and makes our bond so strong that no man can divide us.
My name is Maria, but it’s not my full name. My husband Justin went to his home town on October 13, 2015 after 7 years and now he has fully changed. He talks very rude and whatever I say he takes wrongly. He talks to his family, relatives, and friends for hours and if I say something he tells me that he needs freedom and happiness and he is not happy with me and wants to leave as soon as his family calls him. He is a nice person though. We had small fights and we used to get along in hours or in a day.
Now they have changed him fully. They don’t want him to leave with me so he says lies to them that he is living with his friends. Please pray for me to the Almighty God that my Justin should not change no matter what comes; he should not change. No other women or girls are to be in his life and no other relationships should break us. For his sake I left my whole family, brothers, and sister, and I don’t talk to anybody as he was not liking anybody from my family. I came from far away. I have even insulted them for his sake but not from my heart. It’s ok. I know they’ll forgive me and understand.
My husband Justin please, he should not leave me at any cost, no other relationship or girls should enter his shadow. I know his parents will force him to get married to other beautiful girls but I want my God to help me and him not to get into any such relationships. All are telling him to go to abroad but please I know he will change completely. I had lived with him more than 10 years but the way he talks we went through so many ups and downs and he I did not conceive a second child becoz he was not interested. But now I ask the God to help me to conceive at least when any such things happen. I want to keep the child in his rememberance and live. Please God, all I ask my Justin in 2005 & 2006 he used to kneel and pray to mother Mary to unite us not to be separated but now if I say that he says that time he was young and did not know what life is. Please God you can change so many disasters. Please help me. All I ask is my Justin should accept me as I am and to love me and stay with us and not betray us.
Pray that God will heal my broken marriage and my wife’s, (Sandy), hardened heart. She has moved out, sleeping with another man, and threatens divorce, which is not in accord. with Rev.22:18,19 and Eccl. 5:4-7. Pray that the Lord will send a messenger in her path to remind her of her vows, the consequences of divorce, and to reconcile this marriage in accordance with God’s perfect will.
Pray that Sandy will not file for divorce. Pray a protecting hedge of thornbushes around Sandy, rebuking Satan, all demonic forces and all who attempt to destroy our marriage. I’m trusting in God’s intervention for the miracle of Marriage Restoration by pleading the blood of Jesus over our covenant…”but with God all things are possible.”
I was not a good man to my wife Mariah. I treated her like a possession and bought her material things more than I ever filled her up with my true love and care for her. I should have been there for her emotionally as much as I was physically and left all of the mature things behind many months ago but I didn’t and now our marriage is falling before my eyes.
Dear God, I need a miracle from you to fill her with your love for me again and for our commitment to one another. I need your unfailing and great love to fill me again Lord, so that I may be the man I know I am capable of being rather than the one I play out in my head that everyone likes. God, I need a miracle, because I’ve failed my wife and let her down on multiple occasions with my anger and my temper and I know I cannot be capable of change without your eternal love.
Please, anyone that reads this keep my marriage in your prayers because I need a miracle to get through this time in my life. I need my wife again.
Please pray my husband loves me again and that my marriage is completely restored. I really want my husband and kids back; please please help pray for a miracle. Please, I also need a miracle for my finances. Please help me.
I am rajeev from india. please pray for me. I have been looking to get married for many years. I want the very best and beautiful life partner. Please pray for me.
Please pray for my wife Lola and me, Leon. My wife left me on 20 April 2016, says she does not love me. She is gone with my kids. I cannot judge what is happening. But I believe with a collective of prayers God can soften her heart and change the situation around. Thank you for your prayers in advance. God Bless you all.
Please pray for my marriage – if JESUS wish Jashank should marry Punitha. If JESUS wills Jashank should marry Punitha according to james 4:15. I am a christian and I belive in wonders and miracles only JESUS can unite me and my Jashank and me to be together.
Please pray for me. I waited all these years for 1 guy and I am true and honest to him. I want to get married to him only, but yesterday I got a proposal. My parents have liked him so they want me to get married to him, but I am not interested. I want to get married to the guy whomever I love. If my love is true for Jashank there will be joy. JESUS should only unite us together. I am waiting only for him. I am in pain. I don’t know what to do. Nobody can help me except JESUS.
I am married, I abused my wife and four children every way possible. It felt natural to “ALWAYS BE RIGHT” at ANY COST. I relapsed and began smoking Pot and lied about it for 10 years. I would promise to stop doing hurtful things and my wife would forgive me, again and again. I went too far and threatened her life. She went to the Police, I turned myself in and went to jail. I read the Big Book of AA in jail, I turned my will over to GOD. I have been working my program with complete dedication. My wife will not see me face to face, she says the trust is gone. I understand why. She no longer wears her ring. I still wear mine. It has been 8 months, I pray that we can go to God to heal our marriage. I need help, she has hardened her heart.
I am a changed person, I am in One on One Therapy, I never understood what I had been doing by arguing. I also MUST ADMIT that each and every act of abuse was a choice on my part, and NOT A LOSS OF CONTROL. NOW My desire is to PROBLEM SOLVE, WIN WIN, not WIN/ LOSE. I have gone to God, my search led me here. I go to as many AA meeting as I can, I have a sponsor, I am doing a court ordered Domestic Violence Class. More importantly I am going to God as my HIGHER POWER.
My wife and I are separated, she says that she will know it in her heart if I have changed. I feel desperate; I panic, I end up freaking out (on the phone). How can I demonstrate a change on the phone only? I know I have to turn it over to GOD. I feel like I am the only one that is trying to work on the marriage. I dug a very deep hole, I wasted so many phone calls arguing this point to where I feel like there is no hope. I just found this web site, I read books about Stopping Divorce. I only now realize just how wrong I was to try to argue my way home. Now I have been doing things right, NOT INTERRUPTING, trying to find areas of agreement, she only says that our journey may be over. WE ARE NOT DIVORCED YET, I am alone in trying to reconcile. June 19 will be 24 years of marriage. I want to save my marriage. I am doing my best to look at things through HER eyes. I own my abuse, I do not want to forget the past or shut the door on it. She is afraid of me, I understand why. My wife said that she forgives me but she can’t forget. I understand why and I agreed that she should never forget. I want to build a whole new relationship based on GOD, SAFETY, LOVE, TRUST COMMUNICATION, joint problem solving, and I want my children to witness what God can do when parents work together. I want them to see the change God can make. I am alone in my desire to reconcile. I am only now discovering that path I should have followed. I don’t know what is going to happen. I pray about this all the time. I look for advice like I find here. It seems like I am too late.
I am still married, I wear my wedding ring, I feel like NOT GIVING UP. I want more than anything on this earth, to reconcile, and I found that there is nothing more precious to me than my beautiful family. It’s the gift of desperation that first motivated me. God has a way of showing one just how truly powerless one can be to change or control another person. I had to loose everything to see. I have both my eyes wide open now. GOD gave me the blessing of a lifetime when I met my wife. She proposed to me over the phone, as soon as I hung up I drove as fast I could down to the store and bought a ring. I have been blessed to know true LOVE. I acted like a Bull in a China Shop whenever I argued. I BELIEVE that God can heal ANYTHING. I found GOD, we are not divorced yet. I continue to look for what I can do to get out of Gods way and let him work. I was praying and got online, I found your website, I hope my story can help others. STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER. I continue to see what God can do in my marriage.
Charles, I can promise you that your testimony will be an encouragement to others. Yours is a “Never Give Up Hope for Change” story that should encourage a lot of wives who suffer from abuse, have hoped for change, but never see it. I’m glad God brought you to our web site to share this incredible testimony of the power of God to be able to change the worst of situations. Blessings, Brother!
I just received the divorce papers via process server. The need for me to have support is great. I understand that for most of our 23 years as a married couple, I was very abusive. I thought I could be as abusive as needed if I was “RIGHT”. I want to be honest here. My wife went to the police, I turned myself in. I am grateful for the experience. I have to say it was God who was showing me something. By taking everything away, I could find Him. I was forced to see what I could not deny. In jail I read the Big Book of AA. I found a Bible. For 13 days I was told that I would be in jail for at least a year. This was a profound experience. When I got out I went to as many AA meetings as I could get to. I lied to my wife about smoking pot. AA is about working as program of recovery that involves doing things according to your High Powers will (who I call GOD), not My will.
I also found a good Therapist, and I am attending a Domestic Violence class. In my search to find God’s will I found this site. My wife Loreen is acting to protect herself and our four children from harm. I was only able to speak to her by phone. I argued so much about seeing her face to face, she refused. I begged her to go to counseling — I know I was wrong. I was full of self pity. I have changed and I read books on how wrong I was. I wanted to be honest so that any prayer would be based on truth. I own my behavior. I understand why Loreen has no TRUST for me or any desire to come back.
I say in this case she has Forgiven me. Loreen is a true Christian. She also said that she can’t forget. I agree, I too do not want to forget the past or do I wish to shut the door on it. I NEVER WANT TO INTERRUPT Loreen ever again. She told me that there would be no Guarantee that I would not be abusive again. I find myself in the role of a repentant perpetrator. Abuse was my CHOICE. I find it hard to keep going. I will keep going to therapy, and AA. Sometimes I feel like my work may never be noticed by my wife. I feel like my GOD does not want me to fail. God Saved my life by taking everything away, otherwise I would just keep on doing this to someone else.
I am 57 years old, I do not want our 23 years of marriage to end like this. I have opened my heart to God, Bless her Change ME. I know that God can heal anything. I would gladly give my eyes if Loreen would give me at least a chance at marriage counseling. What I feel bad about is that when I gave FALSE PROMISES – She gave me another chance. I turned myself in and made a honest commitment to God, admit my wrong doing to God and another person. I get nowhere with my wife. I am guilty of trying too hard and not relying enough on GOD. Now I have the papers that I can’t bring myself to read. I would accept death instead of losing my family. This is the lowest moment of my life. Jail was much easier to deal with than this. It is my actions that caused this. I did not know just how wrong I was. My Christian wife is acting in what she perceives as the best interest of our children. Loreen got them into counseling, and she got into therapy herself to ask herself; “WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG?” It guts me to hear her say that, but I listened. It is the real feeling she has.
I don’t know what else I can do. In the beginning Loreen Proposed to ME. I got her a ring as fast as I could get to the store. I still wear my wedding ring. It is my hope that Loreen and I can reconcile. I know it sounds impossible. GOD IS MY ONLY HOPE, HE IS THE ONLY CHANCE MY FAMILY HAS FOR REMAINING UNBROKEN. There were also may great moments. If I did not argue, we would not be in this spot. I want to problem solve, WIN/WIN. Not fight..WIN/LOSE. I am working the 12 Steps of AA, I am in therapy. I have done a lot of work on this. I spend all my free time on it. As much as my work allows. I need prayer support, and I need more faith. It is hard to keep hope alive.