Before you read this Marriage Insight ask God to show you what truth may be in it for YOU concerning peace within your marriage:
“Peace on Earth; Good Will Toward Men” (from Luke 2 account of Jesus’ birth) is one of THE most used phrases this time of year. In many churches we greet one another with, “Peace of Christ to you.” To that we reply, “…and with you.” Great sentiments and it sounds good when we say it. But are we living it out in our marriages?
Peace in Our Marriages
I (Steve) believe we all want peace in our marriages and homes. I mean who wants strife, and arguing to be the norm? That wasn’t on my mind on my wedding day —that Cindy and I would be embroiled in anger towards each other. It most likely wasn’t on your mind either. But does it happen within your marriage?
One imperfect sinner (man) married another imperfect sinner (woman) brings our pre-conceived, unrealistic expectations into the marriage. The natural outcome of this union is not peace and good will. It’s chaos and conflict. But that doesn’t mean there can’t be peace and good will? It just means that we will have to be dependent on the Perfect God of Peace to be at the center of our marriage to teach us both HOW to “do” marriage.
How does this happen? By making some small (and large) decisions every day to deny self and put your spouses needs ahead of your own.
Here are a few suggestions on how to begin:
First, pray that you start to see your marriage through “new” eyes. Here’s a wedding prayer to inspire you as you do this:
“May we not expect perfection that belongs alone to you, God. May we minimize each other’s weaknesses. And may we be swift to praise and magnify each other’s strengths. May we see each other through kind and patient eyes. At the end of our days, may we be found hand in hand, thanking God for each other. May we serve you happily and faithfully until one shall lay the other into your arms.” (Adapted from D. Hankins prayer)
And then here’s something practical to implement that make significant changes. They are:
3 Questions to Ask Each Other Every Week:
- “Is there anything that I need to apologize for? (i.e. Did I do anything that hurt you?)
- Is there anything you need from me that you’re not getting?
- How can I be a better spouse?
…Marriage partnership is about telling and living in truth. These 3 questions can help. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to the questions and answers truthfully and sincerely. (Karen O’Connor)
We know some of you may feel you’re too far “gone” to even dream of seeing Peace and Good Will in your marriage. Don’t buy that lie! It’s like the old adage, “How do you eat an elephant?” Answer: “One bite at a time.” It’s the same way with changing the culture in your marriage. You start with one small thing and see how God uses it to open the door for the next small thing.
Closing Thought:
Remember that the first part of the verse in Luke 2 states Glory to God In The Highest … and then … Peace On Earth, Good Will To Men. It is Cindy and my prayer that you all experience the Glory of God in your marriage and that your marriage WILL BRING Glory To God.
May you be blessed,
Steve and Cindy Wright
— ALSO —
Here’s a message that can help you to see if you TRULY are ready for Christmas. It can help you to bring peace in other ways to your home:
Filed under: Marriage Insights
Thank you so much for your fulfilling information. I need more information.
Thanks so much for the useful and insightful information, am very grateful. Looking forward for more. Thank you.
Thanks servant of the most high God to reveal that vision of healing our marriage challenges. God bless us. I need more so that those whom I minster the word of God to, see a new image of God in my marriage and believe God who heal.
We agree with you in prayer–that God will reveal and reflect His love in and through your marriage to touch many others with His resurrection power.
“To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of His calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by His power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 1:11-12) “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!” (Romans 15:5-6)