Do you pray for your marriage? If so (which we hope you do) we encourage you to pray scriptures for your marriage.
“Someone said that a successful marriage requires partners of steel. I believe that is true. But I would add that prayer is the anvil upon which the partners in a successful marriage must be shaped. If you and your spouse follow a proper plan to pray, God will shape you according to His desires and will make your marriage everything He wants it to be.
“Someone said, “What is a proper plan of prayer? It is simply a plan that helps you and your spouse consistently and fervently pray God’s will for all areas of your relationship. God loves you so much that He revealed His will for every area of your life in His Word. For your marriage to reach the highest level possible, you and your partner must know God’s will for your relationship and live accordingly. The best way to begin is to pray God’s very Word, asking Him to carry out His will in your lives.” (Lee Roberts, from the book, “Praying God’s Will for My Marriage”)
And that’s what we’d like to do in this Marriage Message. As we’ve said before, the principles for loving each other in marriage are the principles for living that God reveals throughout the Bible. So with that in mind, we’d like to encourage you to not only read the principles for living that are given to us in the Bible, and to live them out, but to also pray scriptures as you pray for each other.
Pray Scriptures
But what if you are the only one who is praying in your marriage?
“Your prayers for your marriage have power, even when you are the only one praying. That’s because the two of you are one in the eyes of God, and what one does affects the other —either for good or for bad. Of course, the power is even greater when the two of you pray together, but I don’t want to belabor that point. If you have a husband (wife) who will pray with you, consider yourself blessed. Most people don’t have that.
“What if you are the only person in the marriage who is a believer? What if you are the only one who is really living God’s way? Or only you are willing to submit to God’s perfecting process? Or are willing to work on the relationship? What if you understand the enemy’s attack on your marriage and your spouse doesn’t get it? Can YOUR prayers alone save the marriage? I believe they can. In fact, I have heard of miracles in that regard.
“… Even if you are the only one with a willing heart, your humble prayers can pave the way for God to do miracles in you and in your marriage relationship.” (Stormie Omartian, “Praying Through the Deeper Issues of Marriage)
Pray Scriptures
The following are prayers that God has impressed upon my heart that you may find helpful as you pray for your marriage. They are based upon the scriptures that are given after each prayer. We hope they will bless your prayer life.
• Lord, please show me how to find the time to store your commands within my mind. As I turn my ear to Your wisdom, help me to apply my heart to doing things YOUR way. I know you are the giver of wisdom. Help me to hear what you want me to learn even if I don’t always understand Your ways, or why you allow certain things to happen in my married life. I want to trust you with my whole heart. Please help me. I know that as I trust in You, You have promised me that You will make my paths straight. Thank You. (Prayer based on Proverbs 2:1-6 and Proverbs 3:5-6.)
— ALSO —
• Lord, help me so that “love and faithfulness” never leaves me, no matter what happens within my marriage. Show me how to bind them around my neck and to wear them around the tablet of my heart so they protect me. Help me to guard my heart from the temptations that are all around me. You know my weaknesses, but so does the enemy of my faith. I don’t want to do things that would dishonor You or my marriage vows. I want to be a promise keeper, just as You are a promise keeper.
Give me discernment when temptation is waiting to ambush me. I don’t want to stumble into that which will snare me into sin. Help me to “preserve sound judgment and discernment” and not to let them out of my sight. I know they will be life for me. I know that “there is a way that seems right” but that it can lead to death. Help me not to go there. For you are my confidence and you are able to keep my foot from being snared. Thank You Lord. (Prayer based on Proverbs 2:11-12; Proverbs 3:3; plus, Proverbs 2:12-26; Proverbs 4:23.)
Pray Scriptures of Confession
• Sometimes I say things I shouldn’t. Help me to “let no unwholesome thing” come from my mouth, but only what is helpful for building my spouse and children up, rather than tearing them down. I acknowledge that I am not my spouse’s Holy Spirit. That is Your position. I do not want to grieve You, or say things what will cause more damage to my marriage relationship, rather than help it.
I know that the “tongue of the righteous nourishes” and “spreads knowledge.” Help me to “speak the truth in love” when it will benefit the situation rather than contaminate it. I don’t want to be a fool who lacks judgment and speaks in haste. I know that discernment, and the timing, and tone of my words are as important as what I say. Thank You, and help me Lord. (Prayer based on Ephesians 4:15; and Ephesians 4:29; Proverbs 29:20; Proverbs 10:21; and Proverbs 10:32.)
Here’s another:
• Lord, I know that loving money is the “root of all kinds of evil.” It has caused many to wander from the faith and pierced themselves with grief. I don’t want to place a higher value on money than You know is best or would condone. But sometimes it causes problems in our marriage when our expenses are higher than the money we have available each month. You promise to meet all our needs “according to Your riches in Christ Jesus.” If one of us is spending more than we should, I pray that You will reveal this truth to us and help us to line our lives with Your will.
You tell us not to worry about how our needs will be met. Help me Lord, not to worry and to release those things that I cannot change concerning our finances. I know that as I seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, You will give us the things we truly need. I need Your help in being “content whatever the circumstances.” In the Bible I’m told that “I can do all everything through Him who gives me strength.” You own it all, and if You deem that we should have more, it will be done. (Prayer based on 1 Timothy 6:10; Philippians 4:19; Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:11-13; Psalm 136.)
Pray Scriptures Concerning Forgiveness:
• Heavenly Father, it is difficult to forgive my spouse sometimes. I know that I am not perfect either. I’ve fallen short of Your standards. And yet you love me and even sent Jesus to die for me while “I was yet a sinner.” Help me to be as gracious to my spouse as you are to me. I know that if I forgive my spouse for the things that grieve my heart, that you will forgive me for the things I have done that I shouldn’t.
I also know if I refuse to forgive my spouse, it will poison my spirit. It starts as a bitter root defiling not only my marriage, but others I come in contact with. Help me Lord to let go of unforgiveness and to be in the center of Your will for my life. (Prayer based on Romans 3:23; Romans 5:8; Hebrews 12:14-15; Matthew 6:14-15.)
We hope these prayers will help you in your marriage and that they will inspire you to dig deeper into the Bible to learn, live, and pray as God leads.
Cindy and Steve Wright
Filed under: Marriage Messages
(USA) My wife and I have been married almost 20 years. We have two wondeful children, a 21 year old daughter and a 17 year old son. We have been separated almost two years due mostly because of my infidelity during our marriage. These past two years have been the absolute worst in my entire life. God touched my heart, I repented for my sins and He forgave me; I asked my wife for forgiveness and she “says” she has but her actions indicate something totally different.
As I stated before, God touched my heart and put a love so deep and so pure for my wife that all I want to do is spend the rest of my life showing her how much I love her. I understand she is hurt and right now harboring bitterness and unforgiveness. I constantly pray for her peace and salvation above all things.
During this separation, she has stopped attending church and is not being fed spiritually either. I have tried everything in my power to convince her to come home and now I realize that is a big mistake. Now I have come to understand that all I can and should have been doing all along is trust in the Lord and wait for His perfect timing. Just like He touched my heart, He and He alone can touch hers. Proverbs 3:5-6 is the foundation I’m standing on as well. God bless you all and NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR MARRIAGE BECAUSE GOD WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON US.
(JAMAICA) I was blessed!
(US) I have been married almost 5 years, separated twice. We are trying to work it out after ten months of separation. I have prayed; he filed for divorce and didn’t get the court papers :) He doesn’t believe so much but amen, I know it’s my God! I only hope I can teach my husband and children that love and forgiveness is every thing. Don’t give up! I have and am still struggling but I know God wins!!
My husband has decided that he no longer wants to be married. He refuses to speak to me and has already consulted an attorney. He is spending time with people who tell him reconcilliation is foolish and he should just walk away. I pray that his heart is softened and he agrees to join me in marriage counseling. I pray that the importance of marriage is instilled in him again and he remembers the love that we once shared and the amazing friendship we once had.
When I began to read your story I couldn’t believe it. We have the same situation. We are married 27 yrs., together longer. He doesn’t want counseling. He moved out, but we haven’t lived in the same home for six years only because he works overseas. Our family is torn apart. Our children are so hurt by everything. I pray daily. I felt that I could have done something to prevent this. God will not give up on our marriage and never will I. I ask for prayer.
Hello. My spouse and I have only been married for over a year and a half and we are having so many problems. A lack of communication is one of them. The main problem is he leaves for hours with no phone calls and shows up at 4am in the morning. He claims to be a man of God but his character is totally different.
I ask him if there some one else, drugs, or alcohol, but he quickly denies it and says I am judging him. I have prayed to God so many days, nights,and weeks and I know he hears. I am so discouraged and I feel like I want to separate to get my point across that I am tired of being disrespected. Please pray for us for guidance and wisdom because my faith is so weak and does God really want this?
Please pray for reconciliation in my marriage. We are staying in separate bedrooms. He is struggling with alcoholism.
I pray in the name of Jesus that everything will work for you and your partner. Amen.
I am planning my introduction. I want God to come and have His way… that there should be love between my family and my spouse’s family on that day, and as we prepare for marriage. God should take perfect control.
I am not sure if I should keep praying or what I should be praying for. My husband of 10 years is horrible. Now I know I have my faults but my husband is mean. I can’t leave because I know he would come after me. There is no love, just fear. I am constantly torn between whether to pray for God to bless our marriage or remove him from my life. I worry about how my children will be affected.
As I type this I am afraid to go downstairs because I’m late coming home from a parent meeting that he encouraged me to join. He already threatened to bounce me off the wall. He smokes pot but hasn’t had any for a week and he has been raging at all of us over every little thing. He thinks he is totally in the right. Is it my heart that needs to change? I believe God brought us together, but why? I don’t feel like I deserve this, to be belittled and afraid. Pray for me friends, for I cannot see any happiness in my future.
Kelly, Please rest assured that I am praying for you, and I’m sure others who see this will pray for you too. So sorry that you find yourself in this place. I really recommend a book for you to read, written by Leslie Vernick. It’s titled, The Emotionally Destructive Marriage: How to Find Your Voice and Reclaim Your Hope
. I heard Leslie talking about this book and knew in my heart that it could be a great help to those who are in marriages where the wife feels she has lost her voice and hope. The link in the title will take you to Amazon where you can read additional info and hopefully inspire you to purchase it. I hope you will because of the wisdom you might gain from it. I wish you well and pray God will help you to know what you can do to bring peace into the home where you are raising your children, and into your life, as well.
I’ve been really depressed lately because my husband is divorcing me and wants nothing to do with me anymore. It wasn’t a long marriage (2 years), but we’ve known each other for almost 5 years and I’ve been with him everyday since we met. Now we’re living in separate households with other family members and it’s just not working out. I’ve been feeling super suicidal lately and I hate it. My heart hurts so much because he didn’t even want me giving him a birthday present I had planned out for him. Please pray that his heart be softened and that he comes to know Christ. I think that’s the only thing that’ll save our marriage…if there’s any saving it. Please pray that God gives me and our children a miracle. Thank you.
Please help me to pray that my husband comes to my life again… We’ve separated for 5 months. Please pray for him to love me again… I love him so much… and I have 2 kids. My son needs her father. God, please help me… I need my husband so much. Please throw away my enemy… in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen…
I ask you to please pray for me and my wife Ofelia. This our first year of marriage and we are going through a lot my especially. She has a lot of insecurity issues of my ex wife coming back in my life.
US. I have been married for 11 years and have four children. My husband works in a family owned business and it seems our relationship started off rocky from the very beginning. He has very controlling parents. I had to sign a prenuptial aggreement before marriage. It was very difficult for me because of my beliefs but I love my husband very much and I was willing to sacrifice everything to be with a very good man which is hard to find. We had so much in common when it came to family values and our religious beliefs until the prenup came up. Ok, so 11 years later it has been a nightmare!! Just constant control from both parents. I feel that there is no backing me up or support when it comes to his family from my husband. I have tried talking to him and we even have talked with a religious Catholic counselor and it seems it is good for a short time and then things start up again. The more time has passed, I have learned to choose my own battles. I have learned that patience is a virtue and try to work on us but it seems that I am doing all the work myself which at this point has discouraged me to work on us any further. At this point, I am done with our bond if there ever was one. Neither of us have cheated, at least not on my end. I have been raised to work it out no matter what and so has he. That is what brought us together. Every Sunday, he gets up for mass while we are sleeping and quietly leaves us at the house while he goes to church without his family because it is too much work for him. He puts so much of his time and effort at work to please his father that he has no energy to make time or an effort for us. I have always felt that I am pushed to the side. When he is ready and wants to have a relationship then I have to be there for him. But isn’t this a two way street, takes two to tango? I love my children and at this point my children is the only reason to stay in my marriage. He has never tried getting rid of the prenup nor is there anything that we have done as a unit together (pick a house, make decisions about our future, etc). I feel that we are a shell and that is all. Very disappointing to say the least. Now, I am always depressed and just taking it day by day. We have never communicated properly and we always have had problems with his family. When I try to approach the issues, I never get answers or even eye to eye contact. I have never felt so alone in a relationship in all my life. I have lost my way spiritually because of the constant let downs and disappiontments. So I googled a prayer to help a marriage and found your website. This is my last resort…
Please pray for my wife and I. I know why she acts the way she does (issues growing up) but it’s really hard for me to look past the hurtful things she says when she’s angry. We’re in our first year of marriage and she stated that she wants this marriage over. I know I’m not perfect but I’m not sure why my spirit will not let go of this marriage. She’s put everyone in our marriage including Facebook. I’m so embarrassed and I just want this nightmare to be over with. Everyone wants me to get the divorce because she wants it. And I can’t make her love me. But I can’t because I rather have faith that our marriage will get back on track. And I believe in God. Please pray for us and ask God to give me strength to endure because I feel my will and faith is leaving me. Thank you for taking time to read this.
Please, I want prayer guidelines in marriage. I am 23 yrs old and am about to marry. So I need God’s mighty hand before, during, and after my marriage to protect it from the evil enemy. Thank you.
Please pray for my family to be reunited. I haven’t been able to see or talk to them for a month! My heart is broken beyond belief. God bless you all!