Do you pray for your marriage? If so (which we hope you do) we encourage you to pray scriptures for your marriage.
“Someone said that a successful marriage requires partners of steel. I believe that is true. But I would add that prayer is the anvil upon which the partners in a successful marriage must be shaped. If you and your spouse follow a proper plan to pray, God will shape you according to His desires and will make your marriage everything He wants it to be.
“Someone said, “What is a proper plan of prayer? It is simply a plan that helps you and your spouse consistently and fervently pray God’s will for all areas of your relationship. God loves you so much that He revealed His will for every area of your life in His Word. For your marriage to reach the highest level possible, you and your partner must know God’s will for your relationship and live accordingly. The best way to begin is to pray God’s very Word, asking Him to carry out His will in your lives.” (Lee Roberts, from the book, “Praying God’s Will for My Marriage”)
And that’s what we’d like to do in this Marriage Message. As we’ve said before, the principles for loving each other in marriage are the principles for living that God reveals throughout the Bible. So with that in mind, we’d like to encourage you to not only read the principles for living that are given to us in the Bible, and to live them out, but to also pray scriptures as you pray for each other.
Pray Scriptures
But what if you are the only one who is praying in your marriage?
“Your prayers for your marriage have power, even when you are the only one praying. That’s because the two of you are one in the eyes of God, and what one does affects the other —either for good or for bad. Of course, the power is even greater when the two of you pray together, but I don’t want to belabor that point. If you have a husband (wife) who will pray with you, consider yourself blessed. Most people don’t have that.
“What if you are the only person in the marriage who is a believer? What if you are the only one who is really living God’s way? Or only you are willing to submit to God’s perfecting process? Or are willing to work on the relationship? What if you understand the enemy’s attack on your marriage and your spouse doesn’t get it? Can YOUR prayers alone save the marriage? I believe they can. In fact, I have heard of miracles in that regard.
“… Even if you are the only one with a willing heart, your humble prayers can pave the way for God to do miracles in you and in your marriage relationship.” (Stormie Omartian, “Praying Through the Deeper Issues of Marriage)
Pray Scriptures
The following are prayers that God has impressed upon my heart that you may find helpful as you pray for your marriage. They are based upon the scriptures that are given after each prayer. We hope they will bless your prayer life.
• Lord, please show me how to find the time to store your commands within my mind. As I turn my ear to Your wisdom, help me to apply my heart to doing things YOUR way. I know you are the giver of wisdom. Help me to hear what you want me to learn even if I don’t always understand Your ways, or why you allow certain things to happen in my married life. I want to trust you with my whole heart. Please help me. I know that as I trust in You, You have promised me that You will make my paths straight. Thank You. (Prayer based on Proverbs 2:1-6 and Proverbs 3:5-6.)
— ALSO —
• Lord, help me so that “love and faithfulness” never leaves me, no matter what happens within my marriage. Show me how to bind them around my neck and to wear them around the tablet of my heart so they protect me. Help me to guard my heart from the temptations that are all around me. You know my weaknesses, but so does the enemy of my faith. I don’t want to do things that would dishonor You or my marriage vows. I want to be a promise keeper, just as You are a promise keeper.
Give me discernment when temptation is waiting to ambush me. I don’t want to stumble into that which will snare me into sin. Help me to “preserve sound judgment and discernment” and not to let them out of my sight. I know they will be life for me. I know that “there is a way that seems right” but that it can lead to death. Help me not to go there. For you are my confidence and you are able to keep my foot from being snared. Thank You Lord. (Prayer based on Proverbs 2:11-12; Proverbs 3:3; plus, Proverbs 2:12-26; Proverbs 4:23.)
Pray Scriptures of Confession
• Sometimes I say things I shouldn’t. Help me to “let no unwholesome thing” come from my mouth, but only what is helpful for building my spouse and children up, rather than tearing them down. I acknowledge that I am not my spouse’s Holy Spirit. That is Your position. I do not want to grieve You, or say things what will cause more damage to my marriage relationship, rather than help it.
I know that the “tongue of the righteous nourishes” and “spreads knowledge.” Help me to “speak the truth in love” when it will benefit the situation rather than contaminate it. I don’t want to be a fool who lacks judgment and speaks in haste. I know that discernment, and the timing, and tone of my words are as important as what I say. Thank You, and help me Lord. (Prayer based on Ephesians 4:15; and Ephesians 4:29; Proverbs 29:20; Proverbs 10:21; and Proverbs 10:32.)
Here’s another:
• Lord, I know that loving money is the “root of all kinds of evil.” It has caused many to wander from the faith and pierced themselves with grief. I don’t want to place a higher value on money than You know is best or would condone. But sometimes it causes problems in our marriage when our expenses are higher than the money we have available each month. You promise to meet all our needs “according to Your riches in Christ Jesus.” If one of us is spending more than we should, I pray that You will reveal this truth to us and help us to line our lives with Your will.
You tell us not to worry about how our needs will be met. Help me Lord, not to worry and to release those things that I cannot change concerning our finances. I know that as I seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, You will give us the things we truly need. I need Your help in being “content whatever the circumstances.” In the Bible I’m told that “I can do all everything through Him who gives me strength.” You own it all, and if You deem that we should have more, it will be done. (Prayer based on 1 Timothy 6:10; Philippians 4:19; Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:11-13; Psalm 136.)
Pray Scriptures Concerning Forgiveness:
• Heavenly Father, it is difficult to forgive my spouse sometimes. I know that I am not perfect either. I’ve fallen short of Your standards. And yet you love me and even sent Jesus to die for me while “I was yet a sinner.” Help me to be as gracious to my spouse as you are to me. I know that if I forgive my spouse for the things that grieve my heart, that you will forgive me for the things I have done that I shouldn’t.
I also know if I refuse to forgive my spouse, it will poison my spirit. It starts as a bitter root defiling not only my marriage, but others I come in contact with. Help me Lord to let go of unforgiveness and to be in the center of Your will for my life. (Prayer based on Romans 3:23; Romans 5:8; Hebrews 12:14-15; Matthew 6:14-15.)
We hope these prayers will help you in your marriage and that they will inspire you to dig deeper into the Bible to learn, live, and pray as God leads.
Cindy and Steve Wright
Filed under: Marriage Messages
Please pray for my husband Brian and I. We have been married going on 13yrs and it has not all been wedding bliss. The past 2 1/2 yrs we’ve been seperated and now my husband is wanting a divorce. Infidelity has occurred mentally and physically and currently he his attempting another relationship. Some would just say it’s over, but I don’t. I’ve reevaluated my wrongs accepted accountability and I’m ready to be the wife my husband deserves. Our children are struggling with this separation and that hurts my soul. I tell my husband daily to come home, I’m sorry, and let’s do this right in Gods eyes but unfortunely he is not bugging. I’m at my last end and pray daily that God touches his heart.
Don’t give up. You need to fight and stand in the gap for your husband. I recommend you fast and pray for your marriage restoration. I know it’s hard but God restored mine when it looked so hopeless. Look up spiritual warfare prayers for marriage; also there’s a website, http://www.rejoicemarriageministries that will help you. God bless you and your family. May God remove your husband’s blinders and bring conviction to him to return home and give her strength to fight for her marriage what God put together let no man or woman separate in Jesus name.
I ask prayer for my wife and me so our marriage con be healed and made whole. I ask prayer to end my wife’s affair and adultry quickly and peacefully. Please pray for me so GOD will remove all the anger, hurt, hate, and rage from my heart towards my wife. My wife and I have been married for 19 years with many ups and downs. For the last 8 years I had a serious and potentially deadly health issues. During that time I got a true glimpse of the woman I married. She was cruel at times, not supportive at times, demanded of me more than my health would allow me to do.
This year, I discovered several emails that were two or three years old. These emails contained plans that she made with another man to leave me and our two children. The things in the emails really crushed and ripped my heart apart because she talked about saving money so she could move both of them to another state all the while she wouldn’t help me pay the bills or contribute any money to our household. She was living a separate life with this man. The times she told me she was spending the weekend, a couple of days, or even a week at her sisters or her dads house but actually she was staying with the other man, she even had a key to his house and she had his spare car key on her key ring.
In December she got her own apartment by herself and I know she still allows him to spend the night. I’ve prayed and prayed that GOD would touch both of their hearts so they would see the sin they both are committing and stop their affair. I pray to GOD that HE would heal our marriage, restore love, restore trust, restore love, build understanding in both of us so we can heal and work out our differences. I pray that GOD would remove all temptations. Please pray that GOD steps in and makes my marriage pleasing in HIS eyes.
Brian, the Lord lead me to Rejoice Marriage Ministries. This website gas taught me how to fight for my marriage making me realize that the enemy doesn’t want my marriage to work . But for God nothing is impossible. I pray this website will bless you as it did me. God bless.
Please pray for me Elena. I got myself into financial debt. I saw medical bills, food and household things getting expensive. I didn’t want to burden my husband. So I pulled out credit cards. He just found out. I know I kept it from him. I hate myself for it (lied). Please pray he will forgive me, and that the refinance will only look at my husband’s credit and not mine. We need God to intervene!!!
I pray Healing , restoration , wholeness , Forgiveness , Sound Communcation , Peace , Love , and Happiness , over every marriage that has been posted on this page. I come in agreement with every prayer concerning marriage spoken on this page , In Jesus name. I also pray that you keep me and my wife in you guys prayers. We are just over a year of marriage. We are arguing , every other day , and she is pregnant. She deals with a lot of mental issues from her past , and they spill over into our marriage. We are both belivers , pray my strength as the husband , to provide proper care for her and our family , spiritually , mentally , financeally , and physically. In Jesus Mighty name I pray Amen…
Calvin, speak and pray over your wife that she has a sound mind. Thank and praise Allmighty God that your wife has a sound mind. This is the truth God wants her soul to hear and accept. The enemy wants you both to believe otherwise. God bless you both.
Hello, thank you so much for posting these scriptures on fighting for your marriage! I am a Christian who really wants my marriage to work! But…my flesh sometimes, well most of the time gets in the way Big time!! Sometimes I just want to walk away from my husband and don’t look back. I feel like such a fool and so stupid to keep allowing myself to go through the same stuff over and over!!! (Just to let you know my husband is not abusing me at all) most of things are petty and at times it wears me out. But I do sometimes feel abused and no energy or have the strength to make it through….But the God in me just want let me give up. Please Pray my strength in the Lord and for his guidance in all of this, thank you so much. God Bless!
Please pray for my husband Kevin and I. I was thrown into this separation against my will for 3 years while he carries on a internet affair, married ten years together fifteen, I ask him home kindly while he is four hours away from me? Kevin thought the grass was greener on the other side but tells me it is not. He has taken up in a affair, moved out, walked away from everybody and everything. I stay strong for my marriage! My stepchildren are taking this very hard as nobody has done anything to him. This started when we were going to be grandparents for the first time and his father passed away, he started an emotional affair on the computer, youngest graduated high school, his mother died, we did everything together worked hard, to this day he has not come home or admitted he made a mistake. He has not spoke to his daughter or son grandaughter in three years. Communication is off and on with me. The family thinks Mid life crisis. This loving family man walked away from everybody and everything. We pray on a daily basis he comes home, we love him very much, we encourage him but don’t chase or push him we have given him space to think what he is doing. I love my husband Kevin unconditionally he mentioned divorce once in anger but has not mentioned it again. Has not taken any steps or talked to anybody. I’m in limbo while he sits on the fence deciding what he wants. Everybody says to stay calm he will be back, mid life takes time even though nobody did anything to make him up and leave. He left his wife his children, his grandaughter, his friends, his job, his man toys, snowmobile etc. Nobody understands what happened to his personality like switched what he has he doesn’t want what he can’t have the fantasy he wants. Left brothers and sisters speechless please pray for the restoration of marriage for us the enemy will not win. In Jesus name Amen
I rejected my wife for the past two years. Sounds mean I know. She didn’t want to sleep in the same bed anymore. She kept her face in her phone even late at night. She’s a prescription drug addict, she’s had two DUI’s in the past three years and she refuses to do any cooking or cleaning whatsoever. Plus she puts her friends before us in time spent.
I look at her with disgust and I should have left but stayed long after the fire was gone. But I do still love her, believe it or not. The rejection wasn’t physical or sexual as she believes. I tried telling her this. She’s a hard woman to love and lead. But it hasn’t always been this way. Never thought we’d become so distant and cold. We’re seeking divorce and she’s seeing others and I’m considering it too. I do love her and pray she would look outside the bedroom at the problems before blaming passion. We had such a tender, kind, and loving marriage early on. I’m hurting. And so is she. Please pray for us!
I’ll pray for YOU and your strength, brother; you need it – I know; I’m right there in almost the same boat, except no substance abuse – but the rest, yep you bet-always on the phone, Facebook, etc, puts literally EVERYONE and EVERYTHING ahead of YOU (and maybe your kids, IDK). Check.
Frankly I’ll not insult your intelligence by telling you it can or will get better; deep down you know that’s not going to happen; I do wish for you what I wish most fervently for myself these days: Peace of mind and quietness of spirit; that’s as good as I can do for you but know it comes from the heart. Strength for the journey my brother. Peace be unto you.
Lord, please find a way back in my husbands heart. He has moved on and wants to marry someone else. I just want You in his life and I feel helpless. I want him to believe again and be proud of his life. I don’t know what to do. Please save him from making anymore mistakes. Guide him and make him a God loving man. Amen
I ask prayer for my wife to not give up on our gift of marriage. We are separated for the fourth time. Our nineteen year old daughter misbehaved and did not help our family and home. Pray for my wife and for God to breathe hope into our marriage in this troubled world we presently live in. My wife is a good Christian, needs strength to not give up on our sacrament of marriage. We can again have a healthy strong marriage but need God’s help. We also have a teenage daughter that is affected by our family situation. We need prayers to bring back our family. I am grateful to be a believer, Christian. Faith, Hope, Love all that remain Corinthians. Love is the greatest. I seek help.
I am asking for restoration of my marriage. It’s been 8 months since my husband walked out on me and 3 kids. He is living with someone else and not supporting us in any way. I pray and fast and sometime I feel like giving up. I really need your help praying for my husband to come back home.
Thanks for this encouragement. Please keep me & my husband in prayer. He doesn’t want to be married anymore. I do not want a divorce, yet I have peace that only comes from God. The enemy is using people whispering in my hubby’s ear. I pray for total restoration of my marriage; my husband’s mind is weak. Prayer for courage boldness & that God will turn this marriage completely around. Change my hubby’s heart to love again. Open his spiritual eyes, ears and heart. Yet thru this I have peace. God bless.
Thank you so very much beautiful
Thank u for these prayer scriptures! !?…Please pray for me and my husband and family.I’m praying that God will restore my marriage and I know he will!!
I love this site. It truly makes me realize how blessed my husband and I are in our marriage. Although due to our character defects of selfishness & self-centeredness we do have monthly flare ups where we point fingers and threaten to end the relationship then we apologize almost immediately. I hate this cycle. We have been married almost 3 years, our second for both of us and we both love God first and foremost. Our romantic life is good and we love to ride motorcycles and travel. We have begun praying as a couple every morning before work. He leaves for work about 3:30 am so this is a beautiful way to start the day with God at the center of our marriage asking for God’s will and guidance in our marriage. Thank you for the beautiful prayers, which we will add to our morning prayer time together.
I pray for the perfect spouse and vise versa. May she be a beauty in the sight of many and virtuous. Spirit led, virtuous, faithful, and a contagious praise and worshiper. Helping me be who God called me to be in prophetic evangelism and vise versa. Someone who is with me through life changes, ministry, and growth not just aso a lover but a friend. and vise versa. May this union be made of the spirit. May we meet in worship.