Steve and I have been going through a few financial “challenges” lately. This isn’t the first time we’ve prayed for God’s provision, and it won’t be the last, I’m sure. We’ve just gone through a few tough months financially. They’ve sure been challenging. Even so, it has drawn us closer together to each other and to God. We’re still not through this time, but we want to shout out concerning God’s faithfulness. As we see His faithfulness in the past, we are trusting Him for the rest.
God’s Provision
We love what Dr Neal Clark wrote on this issue.
“When two people cling to each other in a crisis and pour out their feelings to a God they both trust and love, there is a merging and blending that weaves them together at their deepest levels.”
We’ve sure been experiencing this “merging and blending” in our lives during these challenges. We’ve experienced this many times in our long marriage, and it is happening again. But we know that we aren’t the only ones. There aren’t very many couples who haven’t experienced financial challenges, praying for God’s help.
However, it’s true what Bob and Yvonne Turnbull said about this:
“Praying together reminds us that God is in control of everything. We become aware of God’s presence. That is because when we pray together, God is in our midst to guide and direct us in the day-to-day workings of our marriage.”
Lots of Trusting
We’ve had a LOT to pray and trust God for since things started to escalate in May of last year. Amidst all of this are some real financial concerns. As I’m writing this, Steve is driving home our new to us (used) car. This is the 3rd car we’ve had since May of last year. He accidently totaled our original car. He then found another car that we thought would last a number of years. But recently, it died, beyond any reasonableness to have it repaired.
This happened when our “kids” and grandkids were visiting from Korea. It sure brought its challenges, and caused us to do a lot more praying for God’s provision. As always, God has come through in amazing ways. God is so faithful.
Cheri Fuller, author of the book, “When Couples Pray” gives the following advice concerning God’s faithfulness as we pray. She wrote:
“Record God’s footprints of faithfulness in your marriage and family. This is both to build up your own confidence in God and to leave a record behind for your children. Be assured —when you pray, you will bring blessings to your mate’s life!”
That’s what we’re doing here. And what’s especially wonderful is that our other son and his wife helped us to locate this car. That adds to the blessing of this whole situation. This car is one that we trust God will help to last a whole lot longer. And if it doesn’t, we will just have to do more praying (and recording).
When You Pray
Here is something else Cheri wrote, which is so true:
“Every time you pray together, you’re letting God into your lives and into the particular situation you talk to Him about. In those moments of prayer as a couple, God wraps His arms around each of you and bridges any gaps between you. No matter how difficult the situation, there is no substitute for the flood of peace that results from a husband and wife praying together. There is no situation so dark or problem so hopeless that God can’t shine His light and provide help.
“And most importantly, when you pray faithfully through a crisis or extremely painful situation, you’ll find that the difficulty actually brings you closer together instead of tearing you apart.”
How very true this is! This is true, no matter what the situation. We can testify to that.
In closing, here is “a prayer for provision” that Cheri Fuller wrote. You may want to use it as an outline in your own prayer time.
A Prayer for Provision
“Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord our Provider, we praise You that You have given us in Christ Jesus everything we need for life and godliness. Help us to believe and have confidence in Your goodness, Your provision, and Your promises. While we’re dealing with financial challenges, remind us of specific times in the past when You have faithfully provided, so our hearts will overflow with thanksgiving.
“Here is our need, Lord. We ask You to provide and fill this need in Your way and timing. Give us wisdom in managing the financial resources You have provided. And forgive us for leaning on our own understanding and doing things our way instead of Your way, for being self-sufficient instead of depending on You, and for focusing on earthly things more than Your kingdom. Help us to trust in Your with all our heart! Amen.”
To that we say, Amen! May it be so in all of our lives, as we trust HIM!
Cindy and Steve Wright
Filed under: Marriage Insights