This isn’t going to be a long blog. I don’t have a lot of fancy words to share. I just want to share emotions from my heart to yours. I’m talking about prodigals, and how very much we love them.
A while ago, I wrote a blog titled, Prodigals Affecting Marriage. I said a lot there, which I don’t feel I need to repeat here. If you didn’t read it, you can do so through the above linked title. But I just want to pass something on to those of you who have prodigals —children, in particular. Even though this web site centers on marriage —our prodigals do affect us as individuals and in our marriages.
Your Prodigals
If you have prodigals that you love (whether your marriage is affected or not), please know that my heart cries with yours.
I know what it is to be in this place. And I understand the emotions all too well that shred your heart, day-by-day, year-by-year. How I wish that no one had to experience the depth of this pain!
I can’t write a lot on this. My own prodigals could read this (they know about this web site). It’s not my intent to hurt them, but to love on them. God has shown us that’s what we are to do. HE is their Holy Spirit, not me and not my husband. God has shown us to let Him work on them spiritually. And we are to love, love, love them, which we do. We love them deeper than they could ever comprehend. God may show you a different path to take with your prodigals; but right now, this is what we know we are to do.
Share a Song
However. to get to the point of this blog —I want to pass along a song that has ministered to my heart over the years. As I was praying and crying out to God for my loved ones, I was impressed to go onto Youtube to see if this song was posted there. And sure enough, it is. Thank you Jesus!
I want to share it with those who cry out, and want our children (yours and ours) to live for Christ. We want them to someday join us in heaven. Perhaps this song will touch your heart as it has mine. I hope so and pray so. I pray that God will use it to minister to you as you cry with me, and millions of other parents, who love and dream for our loved ones, in Christ.
May God give you the strength, as He is giving us. May you never, never, never give up praying and believing for those that we love so very much.
Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions wrote this blog.
Filed under: Marriage Blog
(USA) After praying for 3 years, my son has turned back to God. Right before I read this tonight, he and I prayed together. God has been so good to let me see this. I told him I was working through an issue that was painful but good because God was teaching me about how I relate to others that was hurtful. The next day my son text me Scripture to encourage me.
T, We couldn’t be happier for you. We rejoice with you and are so happy that you can share this part of life together. I’m reminded of the scripture in 3 John 4, which says, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in Truth.” To that we can readily say, AMEN! We thank God for your joy!
Hello, being in a prodigal relationship is just about the toughest thing you can pass through. First everyone has an opinion and that adds to the confusion; then it seems God is silent sometimes and the prodigal behaves irrationally that keeps everything nicely confused. The more love you show towards your prodigal the more they trample on it. Then you become cold and distant and next thing is you are cruel and love conquers all theories that spring up. Its tiring and frustrating and I wouldn’t pray for anyone to pass through this mess.
A prodigal husband not in the home and with a strange woman. 2 prodigal sons. Please pray for them.