When your spouse is serving in the military, even though you are proud of them, you have a special challenge on your hands. One of them is: how do you stay in touch with your military spouse?
How do you communicate with each other when you have so many obstacles standing in your way?
Is It Possible?
It’s not easy, but it IS possible. That is what Sheri and Bob Stritof have found. In an article they have posted on the web site about.com they have written 9 great tips to help you with this mission. There is also a suggested reading list, more resources, and related articles. And all of them have links provided within, to help you. Please take advantage of what they offer.
To read what they have posted that could help you in your marriage, please click onto the link below:
And then here is another important article to read. It’s written more to wive’s than to husbands, but there are tips within it for both. Plus, you can adapt the others. And even though this article does not specifically address military marriages, there are helpful principles in it. Pray, read, glean and use what you can.
Are You Concerned About Your Military Spouse?
Lastly, here is an article for the “Military Wife —How She Copes With Uncertainty.” This article talks about how to cope at home and how to stay in touch with military husbands who are away. To learn some helpful tips, please read:
Above all, let’s pull together to bless and help each other!!!
If you have additional tips you can share to help others, please “Join the Discussion” by adding your comments below.
Filed under: Communication and Conflict
(USA) Where to begin; We are in our first long term deployment. Reality hits in our emails, telephone and video calls. We talk only about our children, money and nothing else. Oh, we are very polite and communicate “I love you”. But I don’t know if it is really heart felt.
I also believe that a lot of military marriages are dysfunctional, and the separation of a deployment just adds fuel to a flame that has been smoldering for years. Spouses learn to survive infidelity, and every abuse known because we men and women have given our all to keep the marriage intact. We have no career to speak of, thus no retirement benefits.
But know that is not our driving point. On the spiritual side, many believe that marriage is forever and that we do what we have to in order to keep the partnership alive. But when there is a deployment thrust in the middle of living a marriage in survival zone, what do we do? How do we pray for a better relationship when the communication is the same? Nothing has changed and having no physical contact makes it even harder. How do I pray; how do I keep the faith that we will survive, because this is what God put together?
(USA) My husband has just returned from to the states from Afghanistan. He was there for just under a year. We married right before he left, so in our first year of marriage we spent less than a month of it together. He’s missed our first anniversary. He also missed my birthday, Valentines Day…ECT… It was hands down the hardest year of my life.
Communication was rough. I didn’t want to cut him out of my life by pretending that things were always fine… but I also didn’t want him to know just how hard of a time I was having.
Adjusting to him being gone, and in a war zone was difficult. So for the most part I kept him up to date on my day to day life, while filtering some of the emotional train wreck out. I was careful not to filter it all out; I did want him to know that I missed him and that he was in fact essential to me having a happy life.
Now he’s back in the states, like I said, and is on Medical Hold. Talk about a let down? He was supposed to be home, back in my arms, several weeks ago. And we still don’t have a date that he’ll be able to come back. So we are still stuck with talking on the phone, and texting, and chatting on the computer. Thank God for the internet!!
Keeping open communication has been critical to our marriage. These tips stated in the article have saved me, and helped me communicate better.
God Bless our troops and all the other men and women who share my predicament! Keep the faith, stay strong, and keep your chin up!