Feeling Alone Together in Marriage

Do you ever find yourself feeling alone together, even though you’re married? You married each other expecting that you would each fill up the lonely spots in your hearts. But you aren’t feeling that way right now. You could even be sitting next to each other. And yet you feel Read More…

Emotionally Abandoning Spouse For Ministry

Some people protest that God alone meets all our needs. They believe that the Lord doesn’t need to involve a spouse to remove our aloneness. Philippians 4:13 is often quoted, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” They sing hymns such as, “Jesus Is All I Need” Read More…

Married Strangers: Same House, But Alone

Do you feel like you are in a marriage where you feel very alone? You feel as if you are married strangers. You are living in the same house, but you are more of roommates, than married lovers. If you do, please continue reading. I’ve been going through a devotional Read More…

Lonely in Marriage?

Who would think that once you get married, you’d battle with loneliness? Not too many who aren’t married would think so. After-all, it’s one of the reasons you get married —to walk WITH someone for the rest of your lives. But getting married isn’t a guard against loneliness. As a Read More…

Marriage: A Vow of Small Things – MM #171

“Small but frequent gestures of affection and care may appear to be insignificant. But grouped together over days and years they become the undeniable evidence of your highest love and deepest devotion.” (Dr. Ronn Elmore) It’s all the small things done over time that is most meaningful. If there’s something we’ve Read More…

SPIRITUALLY SINGLE: Living With an Unbelieving Husband

We’re called to live at peace with everyone, including our unbelieving spouses, which can require extra effort on our part,” Ellen says. “We all have to find what works best in our individual situation. There’s no magic formula, but God will help supply the right answers if we ask.” That Read More…