Marriage Suggestions Don’t Fit All

“One-size” doesn’t always fit all (as the fashion industry suggests). It fits some or many, but not all. Well, that same principle also applies to marriage suggestions and advice that people give you. Just know that it’s sometimes necessary to make adjustments. We continually receive emails, and comments (posted on Read More…

Spouses Fighting in Front of Children

In a previous Marriage Insight we wrote about spouses fighting in front of others. But what about spouses fighting in front of their children? Is that any healthier? Essentially, it is not! (We’ll explain why we say, “Essentially” later in this Insight.) What’s ironic is that a lot of parents Read More…

S.T.O.P. Arguing

It’s extremely rare (if ever) that spouses can live together and NOT disagree at times. But do we need an audience? Is it possible to argue and not involve others? Of course, the answer to the first question is, no, we don’t “need” an audience. The answer to the second Read More…