Purpose Driven Love in Marriage

Do you and your spouse live and demonstrate a purpose driven love within your relationship? Do you reveal and reflect the heart of Christ within your marriage? We ask you this question because of something we read on this issue, which stood out to us. The authors (Rob and Amy Read More…

What Makes a Marriage Christian – MM #344

Just because two people claim to be followers of Christ, that doesn’t mean they have a Christian marriage. They may have a marriage where there are two people who say they are followers of Jesus Christ. But do they truly follow the teachings of Christ. Frankly, it takes more than Read More…

Reasons NOT to Marry an Unbeliever

There are different reasons not to marry an unbeliever if you are a follower of Jesus Christ. Please prayerfully consider what is written below. Reasons NOT to Marry an Unbeliever Imagine two oxen joined together at the neck by a wooden crosspiece so they can pull a plow. They are Read More…

What Is Marriage?

Below is a collection of quotes that have been written by different people defining what they believe marriage to be. They came from a variety of different books, web site and magazine articles that we’ve collected throughout the years. We pray you will find them to be insightful: Marriage is Read More…