Marriage: An Outrageous Commitment

“Anyone who has been married for more than 5 minutes realizes that it takes so much more to have a good marriage than we were ever told. It takes more than love, more than sincerity, more than compatibility, good communication skills, or hard effort. It takes more than a good Read More…

Follow Your Heart VS Leading Your Heart

If we hear the phrase “follow your heart” one more time it will be too soon! We see and hear this phrase continually! It’s all over the place. And sadly, most people go along with it. But here’s our own Confession Time: We used to fall for the sentimentality of Read More…

The Enemy of Marriage

Are you having marriage problems? If you are, that’s actually quite normal. The Apostle Paul said: “…Those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.” (1 Corinthians 7:28) He didn’t say you MAY face troubles. He said you WILL. So if you’re Read More…

Strengthening Marriages to Beautify Them – MM #297

The main reason this ministry exists is to help to reveal and reflect the heart of Christ within marriages. Not only do we work at strengthening marriages, but we join forces with those who do this, as well. That includes you. Even if your marriage is not very healthy right Read More…

Marriage as a Spiritual Mirror – MM #169

“What marriage has done for me is hold up a spiritual mirror to my sin. It forces me to face myself honestly and consider my character flaws, selfishness, and anti-Christian attitudes. It encourages me to be sanctified [set apart for God’s use] and cleansed, and to grow in godliness.” (Gary Thomas) Read More…