Marriage: It’s Rough, It’s Tough!

There are millions of takes on what marriage is and isn’t. As an example, here’s something that Ruth Harms Calkin writes, and we agree! “Marriage! It’s rough. It’s tough. It’s work. Anybody who says it isn’t, has never been married. Marriage has far bigger problems than toothpaste squeezed from the Read More…

Keeping Love Alive in Your Marriage

Are you “keeping” your love alive within your marriage? Are you putting forth intentional effort to grow your love? It’s not too difficult to keep your love alive before you marry. But afterward, it takes more effort. It takes more than “luck” to grow your love. You can’t just let Read More…

Are You Enabling Your Spouse?

I had every intention of never speaking to him again. After discovering my husband, Tim, had been going to prostitutes for over a year without me realizing it, I filed for divorce. Unbeknownst to me, God had a much different plan in store. Reconciliation During a six month separation, God held Read More…