This You Tube video features Steve and Annie Chapman singing the song, “The Greatest Gift.” This song has a message for us all. It’s one that every married couple that has children should listen to. But they must also apply it to their lives. However, even if you don’t have children, you still influence the children that God brings your way. We all have a huge responsibility to live out God’s testimony of Christ’s love. It’s one thing to say we love the Lord. But it’s another, to live it. It’s a true testimony to all who witness our lives when we truly live a life of love every day —especially when things get tough. It shows that we embrace the love of Christ. We don’t just say we love Jesus; we live Jesus.
The Greatest Gift We Can Give and Live
As a Simple Servant said, This is a “Beautiful rendition of the Biblical truth of parents who should teach by precept and example God’s everlasting Word. This spiritual inheritance cannot be stolen or bribed!” The greatest gift any parent can truly give to their children is “a life lived for Jesus.” It is God’s will that we live “a life of love” as we’re told in Ephesians 5:1. As Steve and Annie sing in this song, “Pass them onto your children. It’s the greatest gift you can give.”
Most of all, living a life that reveals the love of Christ is the greatest gift we can live… for ourselves, for our children, and most importantly, to glorify God.
Filed under: Marriage Videos
Being married is a real gift for many of the people out there that were very extremely blessed and lucky to meet one another and have a family which many of us single good men that weren’t that blessed at all unfortunately, and definitely would’ve wanted the same thing if given that choice. The married life always wins out compared to the single life anytime. For those of you that are still married today, hold on to what you have.