It’s been a tough year on many levels for Steve and me. But praise God, we have not lost hope. And truly, that is a miracle in itself!
I don’t know if that’s where you are in your life at this time. Maybe it’s been an easier year for you. Perhaps it has even been a joyful one for you. I sure hope so.
Or maybe (like it has been for most of us) it has been a difficult one—a very, very difficult one. For those who are struggling, I hope that you are not drained of hope for the future. I hope you still trust that God is with you and that He will work in your situation.
I heard someone on the radio say how he loved this time of year between Christmas and New Years. That is because it is a time that brings reflection and hope in the Lord for the future. And that’s the place in which Steve and I find ourselves. We’re reflecting and learning from the past, and are prayerful for the future. We’re looking to see how God will unravel the tangles of this past year and propel us forward to a brighter place. In Him, all things are possible.
Not Without Hope
Whatever is happening in your life today, draw near to Him. You are not without hope. It may seem like it; but put your trust in God. Don’t lean upon your own understanding of what’s going on. Trust Him to “make your path straight” somehow.
If your marital relationship needs help, draw near to the Lord. In expectancy, look to Him to help you to find the tools you need—the wisdom you need so you can do what is right, and good, as God would have you.
I’m reminded of the scripture in Psalm 16:5. It says, “LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.” I acknowledge that is true. Faith is defined as: F.A.I.T.H. = Forsaking All I Trust Him! God is worthy of my (our) trust. We may not understand His ways; but we can choose to trust Him.
I also pray and claim verse 6 where it says, “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”
Whether we taste any of that “inheritance” here on earth or if it’s all waiting for us in Heaven, may we never stop trusting His promises!
Psalm 16:11 says,
“You have made know to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
I trust this for our lives, for our marriage—that God will guide us by His right hand—His merciful, gracious, loving hand.
In God There is Always Hope We Can Lean Upon
In my devotional reading, “The Word For You Today” it says,
“God has a plan for you this year. So, ‘hats off to the past and coats off to the future.’ Roll up your sleeves, go to work, and expect great things from God.”
We do —in whatever way they come. With God it’s all good.
Above all, I pray Psalm 109:26-27,
“Help me, O LORD, my God; save me in accordance with your love. Let them know that it is in your hand that you, O LORD, have done it.”
That is my prayer, for you and for us. I pray that whatever we release to God… in whatever ways we look to Him for guidance, strength, wisdom, help, and empowering to help us to do what is right, that not only will He give us what we need, but that we will “know” that it is by His hand, that it has been “done.”
“Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to YOUR name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” (Psalm 115:1)
Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this blog.
Filed under: Marriage Blog