So, following is a question we hope you will answer to help marriages. It concerns marriage resources that can help marriages. We’re talking about books, web sites, magazine articles, quotes and any other resource that you find helpful. Please share with us:
What marriage resources have helped to improve YOUR marriage?
Please answer this question by leaving a comment below
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Filed under: Question of the Month
(USA) Jay Adam’s "Christian Living in the Home" saved our marriage by turning us to God and desiring to live a God pleasing life rather than a self-pleasing life. Our Christian counselor helped us work through a tough time in our 20 year old marriage. This year will be our 39th anniversary. Praise God. We are trying to help others now by teaching them in our small group meetings in our home.
(USA) In an effort at better communication, my husband and I recently decided that it’s good to have a conversation, once a week, where we can share any concerns either of us has.
The idea is that it’s done respectfully and with love, and when both of us are calm and distressed. This would, hopefully, prevent us from saying things in the heat of an emotional moment that might be hurtful and it also gives us the ability, even when the other has hurt us (knowingly or unknowingly) to wait until that appointed time to discuss it in a mature way, instead of trying to address a grievance in the heat of the moment (which usually only leads to a worse situation).
I feel the Holy Spirit gave me this idea and I wish I’d had it all the years I’ve been married. We might have been communicating better years ago – but, we live and learn. I’m optimistic about this "policy." I think it’s something that would probably benefit all couples.
(NIGERIA) Over the years it was quite difficult for my husband and I to communicate without disagreeing to anything or seeing anything good about each other. But I thank God for the Holy Spirit who has opened our eyes, mind, ears, and heart. There is so much we are catching up on with the help of the Bible and testimonies of others. God is really alive.
(USA) The best resource we’ve encountered is Gary Chapman’s “The Five Love Languages”. It’s an easy-to-understand concept – and an easy-to-do activity.
We first read the book – then a few years later attended an all day seminar. We give this book away to many people. (We even purchased the book in other languages – a spanish version is sitting on my bookshelf right now, just waiting to be given away…)