This is a humorous Valentines Day skit that was featured at a church banquet where husbands and wives gathered to celebrate their love. It’s just one day of many, many, but it’s a great reason to gather. In this skit, these two women attempt to explain “What Wives Really Want for Valentines Day.” It’s a fun skit that you will enjoy, no doubt. It may even give you an idea of a skit you could put together for your church banquet.
Valentine’s Day Skit, plus Tips
So, beyond the message conveyed in this skit… that laughter is good medicine, here are a few tips for you and your spouse:
• “Marriage is more than hearts and chocolate, and romance isn’t just for Valentine’s Day —it’s for every day.” Love as God does in word and deed. (Quote from Growthtrac email)
• “Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner every day.” (Barbara De Angelis)
It is our hope that you will show your spouse love every day. Show love to your spouse “as unto the Lord.” Do this in big and small ways everyday by choosing your spouse in your everyday choices.
Filed under: Marriage Videos
We would like to do one of your skits for a women’s retreat. Where can I buy one from?
I found that skit on You Tube. It isn’t ours. If it was, we would have been more than happy to share the script with you. This is what they said about it under the video that is posted on You Tube: “A fun, short sketch about “What Wives Really Want for Valentines Day” Shown at the 2012 Sweetheart Banquet for Community Baptist Church – Groton, CT.” So, I’m thinking you could try to find this church by looking it up on the Internet and asking them about purchasing the script… or perhaps they will give it to you. I’m not sure. But it would be worth a try to locate their address, contact them, and find out. It IS cute! I could see how it could be a hit at your women’s retreat. I hope you can get ahold of them. :)