Young couples can use and need your help! You can make a positive difference by investing your time and energy in their lives.
“Practical wisdom from mentors can help you learn to do the first-year tasks of marriage right the first time. Which would you rather do —keep making the first-year mistakes of marriage for ten years OR learn the first-year skills of marriage in year one and move forward with growing a successful marriage?
“…Why not seek out a mentor couple to share their love and experiences with you? They have helpful stories to share from lessons they have learned. They have road maps of experiences to help you find your way in dealing with communication, couple friendships, finances, in-laws, solutions to problems, recreation, intimacy, and healthy marriage habits.” (Dr Ed Gray –
Young Couples Need Your Help
Are you experienced in what it takes to make a marriage healthy? If you are, newly married (or about to be married) young couples can use your help. Because:
“Great marriages are not the result of good luck, or finding the perfect soul-mate. They’re not about waiting for just the right moment. (Although all of those things are helpful, they aren’t everything.) A great marriage is made, not born. To achieve a great marriage, couples must go into it with a clear purpose and clear intentions.” (K. Jason Krafsky, from the book, “Before I Do”)
To have a great marriage, intentionality and building upon a firm foundation is important. Just like building a house, if couples don’t build upon a firm foundation, they will make things more complicated and difficult in the future than it has to be.
And you may know that principle first-hand because perhaps you made your share of mistakes in the beginning. Sadly, you didn’t have anyone to help you make less of them. Perhaps you can change that for another couple and shorten or decrease their pain.
Young Couples Need An Experienced Couple
They will likely come into the marriage thinking they know how to love each other in such a way that their marriage will out-shine others. But as we know, it usually doesn’t take long before they find out differently and have difficulties. An older, more experienced couple that has “been there, and done that” can show them that it isn’t so unusual and not to be surprised by the problems they’re encountering.
But once they find themselves heading in the wrong direction it’s so much easier to correct the bad habits before they get too ingrained into the relationship and do too much damage, than it is to wait until later.
To explain further on how much your help is needed, below is a link to the web site for the ministry of Family Life Today so you can read an article they have posted on this issue:
Here’s another article on ideas to use to help young couples that we encourage you to read:
• Twenty Ways You Can Invest in Marriage
If you have additional tips you can share to help others, please “Join the Discussion” by adding your comments below.
Filed under: Marriage Counseling & Mentoring
(USA) Jeri wrote in to the ministry, giving the following advice: Hello, This is my first time writing, but I have been reading your E-articles for a couple of years. I am over 50 years of age and I am a happily married female. This is my second marriage and one that God provided after my first husband left me in my 27th year of marriage with him. He left me for a short term (several years) relationship with a younger woman. My Lord was my anchor during my grief and pain and he also led me and my current husband to each other. While each of us has an adult child, we have no grandchildren.
No marriage is without problems. Still, while the problems will come we feel it is important for couples, in particularly young couples to be sure to spend time with each other in a date type of situation. So for those of us who have learned from our mistakes I would like to recommend that if you can to mentor a marriage. Take on at least one young couple to sit with the kids at their own home as often as they need you, preferably monthly minimum. Give the young couple a child care cost free way to get out together for a movie, dinner, picnic or just to be alone together somewhere away from pressures of the home environment to relax and talk.
For us, it is a double blessing to spend time with the youngsters and eat, play and read with the children while we develop a trusting adult/child relationship that we enjoy so much. At the same time, the young couple reconnects in the way they did before they had the pressures and responsibilities of a family and relax and enjoy themselves in the same ways they did when they were falling in love. It is truly a win…win situation.
My recommendation I call Mentor a Young Couple is to sit with the children regularly at no cost so that they can have that special time together.
May the Lord Bless you in ways you can not imagine as he as for our marriage.
(MD. USA) This is a great site with great materials. Thanks for putting this together. It has always been my desire to mentor young married ladies. I’ve been married for 23 years. I know and believe that is part of the ministry that God has call me to. Currently, I started a “Power of Praying Ladies Boot Camp” in my local church in Maryland. Part of what I see is the need for mentors. I want to be part of your mentoring pool if there is any. What is the process?
(U.S. (MIAMI, FL)) Good evening to all: This website and your ministry has being of blessing to me and my family. We have an enormous need in our church and our community to provide young married (Christian) couples with guidance and assistance. My wife and I have been praying for direction from the Lord and we have felt convicted on talking to our pastors to take the lead on this venture. We are already holding meeting in our house for our young couples’ small group from church and have made some sessions discussing a marriage’s book that included exercises and video discussions.
Anyways, we would like to continue in receiving more information and guidance on how to help other couples build stronger marriages and foundations within the Christian principles and values. FYI: My wife and I are both born and raised in Puerto Rico (bilingual English/Spanish), being married for seven years and have two amazing children (girl of five and a two year old boy). I’m an active duty military Officer with 11 years in the service and my wife is a professional Speech Therapist. Looking forward to receive your newsletter and use the tools provided to help other couples. Blessings from the Lord.
So glad to have found this website. We have a young couple next door to us and they’re really struggling in their marriage. My husband and I have been married for 29 years and want to help guide this young couple. It breaks my heart when I see so much hurt in their eyes.