The following are Web Site Links and recommended resources that will help you to deal with the destructive force of pornography and cybersex. We pray you they help your marriage.
• This site is designed to assist you in finding help, resources, and education on sexual purity. Whether you battle a sexual addiction or struggle lightly, you should benefit from the resources here. They also have a new men’s resource that you may find helpful. It is called Gateway to Freedom which is 3-day intensive workshop for men struggling with sex or porn addiction. This workshop provides practical, biblical tools for overcoming sexual addiction and living every day in sexual purity.
• This software program is designed to hold people accountable when using the Internet. Safeguard your Internet world from the dangers, risks, and liabilities of Internet pornography. Once installed, Covenant Eyes monitors websites your computer visits.
• Christian Recovery International is a coalition of ministries dedicated to helping the Christian community become a safe and helpful place for people recovering from addiction, abuse or trauma. This is the best overall Christian recovery site on the Net with a broad focus on all recovery issues.
• They have over 648 free articles in the New Life Article Library which you can access by going to the upper tool bar and selecting “Articles.” They provide you the opportunity to search by keyword or choose an article category. A few of the categories are Sexual Integrity (where they have over 60 articles listed), Tools for Temptation, Addictions, and Rebuilding Trust. If you’re looking for ways to be encouraged, discover healthy family tips, make connections or find out about many more topics, there could be an article in there for you.
• This ministry with Dr. Mark Laaser is designed to help those who are struggling with a sexual addiction. As they say about their ministry: “We hope and pray that if you are a spouse, family member, loved one, or a friend of a person who struggles with sexual addiction you will also find our website beneficial and helpful. You may also feel hurt, frustrated, angry, and even question why you still love them as much as you do. Know that there is hope for you too. We know that breaking the silence about shameful secrets and finding fellowship is the way out. We hope the information on our site will be a great asset to you. We pray that this may be one of the places where you decide to be of strong faith and courage to reach out for help.
• THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CHRISTIAN RECOVERY is a ministry has resources for Christians recovering from addiction, abuse, or trauma. On this web site they offer a variety of different resources which you can obtain. They also have a section labeled “Library” where they have articles posted from their STEPS Magazine (which you can order on their web site). Some of the topics covered in the articles they make available to read are: Taking Moral Inventory, Recovery at Church, Spiritual Issues, Fear, Global Issues, Issues relating to Work, Theology and Recovery, Recovery from Substance Abuse, ADD and Addictions, Distorted Images of Self, Grief, Spirituality in Recovery, Sexual Addiction, Depression, Recovery Process, Victimization, Eating Disorders, Relationships in Recovery, Forgiveness, Men In Recovery, Codependency, Resistance to Recovery, Perfectionism, plus Interviews with those Asking for Help.
In addition:
• This is a Christian online resource and support group for women whose lives have been impacted by husbands or loved ones caught in the web of pornography and/or sexual addiction. On their web site you’ll find sharing, caring, love, hope, and prayer to help you daily walk out the Lord’s plan for your life. They’re not a counseling group. They have no paid counselors —they’re a peer support group. This means that each of the ladies within NLP is going through something similar to what you may be experiencing. The resources available to NLP members include an email discussion forum, online chats, small group forums, Bible or book study groups and an annual retreat.
• This is the web site for the Christian Sex Therapists Clifford and Joyce Penner and Associates. They have five therapists on staff to help those that need their help. All of the therapists see clients with a variety of individual, relational and sexual issues. Cliff or Joyce will assess your situation and connect you with the therapist of choice to best facilitate your therapy process. In addition to their therapy practice, Clifford and Joyce Penner and Associates, the Penners have available the following resources for healthy sexuality.
• This web site helps people discover the truth about pornography and “sexual” addictions. While sex is a wonderful, God-given gift, it can be abused like a drug for a variety of reasons. Today, many people find themselves captive to addictive cycles of viewing pornography, masturbation, illicit sex, online affairs, prostitution, phone sex and other sexual activities. If you think you are addicted or know someone who is, this site may be helpful to you.
• Pure Desire Ministry International (PDMI) is devoted to healing men and women who have become addicted to sexual behaviors harmful to their social, family and spiritual well being. God has called Pure Desire Ministries International (PDMI) to help local churches and their frequently overloaded pastors, address the unspoken, undermining truth of sexual bondage invading our society today.
• Pure Life Ministries – Helping Hurting Wives: Whether it’s pornography, an adulterous affair, prostitution, or another sexual sin your husband is involved in, this ministry is here for wives who are hurting. You may feel totally alone, like no one around you understands. But as they say, “You can talk to us. We do understand your pain. Having been in your shoes, our women counselors are here to minister to hurting wives. We understand the overwhelming anger and shame you’re feeling. Like you, we’ve asked the questions over and over: Where’s God in all of this? How could He let this happen to me? How can God bring any good out of this? No matter what it feels like right now, God hasn’t abandoned you.”
• This ministry is “training men and educating women on biblical sexual purity.” When you click on one of the icons they provide, you are taken to a “Subscribe” page, a “Listen Online” page or a “Main Page” of their radio outreach to learn more about Pure Sex Radio. They also provide “Radio E-News,” which will come to your inbox as a “weekly email newsletter that keeps you informed on upcoming show topics, latest news, podcast info and more.”
• This ministry offers Christ-centered Hope and Freedom, one heart at a time, to those in the grip of sin through accountability to Bible-based Truth resulting in the true enjoyment of Life in and for the Glory of God. They offer sermon videos, podcasts, and Bible Study tools in 14 different languages.
• The ministry of SheRecovery provides unique recovery resources to women and teen girls facing pornography and other unwanted sexual behaviors. These resources include daily virtual meetings, online community, recovery intensives, and special events. Formerly Dirty Girls Ministries, we rebranded to SheRecovery in 2019 and have become a place where women can find fellowship and support from around the world.
• Six Types of Sex Addicts This is a link to the web site for Dr Doug Weiss who is an author and therapist and director for the Heart to Heart Counseling center. He deals with sexual issues and sexual addictions in his practice. This web site offers telephone counseling, various resources —including free downloads and E-books, as well as the opportunity to participate in 3 day intensives.
• This ministry has online workshops “designed to help you get control of your life.” They make available online Men’s Workshops, Women’s Workshops, Couples’ Workshops, and Parents’ Workshops. This is a ministry where their goal is “to enable men and women to conquer sexual issues like pornography addiction and sex addiction and regain control of their lives.”
• “This site is secular, although everyone’s views are welcome. It is primarily science-based and focuses on porn’s effects on the brain—male or female.” Although they “don’t offer a structured program,” they “do share suggestions as to how others have reversed the unwanted effects of heavy porn use. This site will help you understand exactly how today’s extreme Internet porn can alter the brain. Armed with that knowledge, you’ll realize that some primitive circuitry in your brain is just trying to do its job when it pushes you toward porn. And you’ll see how to outsmart it and restore your balance.”
• EVERY MAN’S BATTLE: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time -by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker. If I (Steve Wright) had to pick one book that should be a “must read” for all men, this is it! Arterburn and Stoeker tackle the issue of sexual temptation and lust in an honest, hard-hitting way. They’re writing from first-hand experience and use the stories of dozens of other men. They also give a practical, detailed plan for any man who desires sexual purity. This book is helpful, whether you’ve “fallen” in the past from sexual temptation or just want a way to remain strong today and in the future.
• HEALING THE WOUNDS OF SEXUAL ADDICTION -by Mark Laaser, published by Zondervan. This book is written by a former sex addict who is sensitive to the “shame of sexual addiction without minimizing its sinfulness.” It offers help and hope for regaining and maintaining sexual integrity, self-control, and wholesome, biblical sexuality. This book comes highly recommended by counselors, Pastors, lay leaders, as well as others who have been fighting this battle. Whether you know someone with a sexual addiction or struggle yourself, Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction points the way to understanding, wholeness, and holiness.
• HEDGES: Loving Your Marriage Enough to Protect It -by Jerry Jenkins, published by Crossway Books. This book introduces you to ways to practice preventative medicine in your marriage. As Gary Smalley says, “Men need this book. In a warm, personal, and refreshingly honest way, Jerry Jenkins sounds a compelling call for us to protect our marriages and then skillfully teaches us how we can do just that. This may be the most important book on protecting your family you’ll ever read.” We agree!
In Addition:
• HOPE AFTER THE BETRAYAL: Healing When Sexual Addiction Invades Your Marriage – by Meg Wilson, published by Kregel Publications. This is a TERRIFIC book for women who need to experience healing after finding out that adulterous sexual addiction has invaded their marriage. Not only does Meg, herself, greatly minister through her own personal experience, she also gives insight into the lives of several women and the journey they took to healing after finding out about their husband’s addiction and adulterous situations. The book also has sections after each chapter that can also be quite helpful. One of them is called “Path Lights” which contains related scriptures and quotes. And the other is called “Journaling” which poses questions and thoughts to help women to process through this difficult journey through journaling —which is essentially what marriage counselors help you to do verbally. So it’s like therapy of another kind.
• LIVING WITH YOUR HUSBAND’S SECRET WARS -by Marsha Means, published by Fleming Revell. This is a guide for women who have a husband struggling with sexual addictions and who seeks recovery and healing. Marsha offers specific, proactive steps you can take in your journey toward wholeness. Learn how to find the support you need, grieve the losses of sexual betrayal, and focus on your own spiritual growth, so you can begin the process of forgiveness and moving on. It’s filled with resources and study questions to encourage growth and will lead you toward resolution, freedom, and new life in Christ.
• MEN’S SECRET WARS -by Patrick Means, published by Fleming Revell. This book helps readers recognize the “at risk” factors that precede the development of a secret life. Drawing candidly from his own struggles and those of numerous other men, Patrick provides tested strategies for defeating the habits and secrets that threaten mens private lives (i.e. workaholism, sexual addiction, substance abuse, pornography, and extramarital affairs). A leader’s guide has been added to this paperback edition.
• 40 DAYS OF PURITY… Learning to Live a Life of Purity One Day at a Time -by Steven Cervantes. This workbook is designed to help men undertake the challenge of living a life of purity. It’s full of Scriptures and teaching from God’s Word, along with powerful insights and practical purity tips. This resource is invaluable to both the strong Christian, and the struggling saint. The workbook also includes: Thoughts on prayer, thoughts on support groups, suggested reading, helpful websites and more. You can use this resource individually or in a group setting. To order, you can call the Be Broken Ministry toll free at 1-800-49-PURITY, order online at or email
• SHATTERED VOWS: Hope and Healing for Women Who Have Been Sexually Betrayed – By Deb Laaser, published by Zondervan. This book is a sensitive guide for women who have been devastated by their husband’s sexual betrayal. It gives practical tools to “help women make wise and empowering decisions, emotional tools to develop greater intimacy” and spiritual tools to help transform suffering. It is “Debra Laaser’s personal journey through betrayal, her extensive work with hundreds of hurting women, and her intimate marriage two decades after the disclosure of her husband’s infidelity.” It provides “meaningful answers to the questions that arise amid the complex fallout of broken vows.”
• THE HANDBOOK FOR HURTING WIVES … Managing the First 30 Days After Discovering Your Spouse’s Secret Sexual Struggle -by Stephen and Tonna Cervantes. This Handbook is a powerful resource for women who have just discovered their husband’s secret sexual struggle. In this workbook a wife will learn: 7 basis spiritual truths, how to manage her emotional trauma, insights into the male sexual struggle, do’s and don’ts when dealing with his struggle, 30 days of daily devotions, and more.
This workbook has been reviewed and approved by Elaine Daugherty, wife of Be Broken founder Jonathan Daugherty, and is a woman who has “been there.” The insights and encouragement available through this handbook are invaluable. Use this resource individually or in a small support group setting. To order, you can call the Be Broken Ministry toll free at 1-800-49-PURITY by Howard Publishing Company, or order online at
(NIGERIA) Hi my friend Cindy, how are you and your husband? Thanks for this wonderful sight. You know, I saw a site that is pure pornography, because I noticed my husband logged into it a week or two ago. Cindy, help me tell the world about demonic sites that are on the internet. I checked on it and ran out. They are filled with lies of the devil to destroy children of God.
I am using this opportunity to call on children of God to please watch themselves from going into sites like this. Don’t venture into it. I nearly got caught by the web of evil. It’s sick; it is an evil site. The devil is using this medium to manipulate children of the most high.
Is it possible to let YAHOO and other network help the world by refusing to get or hook onto such a site? It’s horrible. Please help me pass the message to whoever wants to hear, because right now I am trusting God that my husband will be free from Porn. Pray for me please. Members, let me read your opinion, please and please, realize that this is a serious war in the spirit.
After watching these horrible acts, it does not end with you. You will want to practice it with someone. The urge must be there. It is very dangerous.
(USA) Hi Meme, You will see that we took the specific web site name and link out of your comment concerning the pornographic web site. We are concerned that if we posted it, there would be curiosity seekers, and we wouldn’t want to take the chance of leading anyone to such a web site.
We posted your comment without the link to get your message out, but not to contribute to leading anyone there. Again, I’m so sorry for the pain you are going through because of this evil tool of the enemy of our faith. God help us!
(USA) is a wonderful site with Biblical based accountability! Also check out
Hello, I have been a christian for a number of years now (I am 26) and one of the biggest problems I have in my walk with the Lord is pornography. It started when I saw a porno mag at the age of 7 at a neighbors home. I was spending the night there and after looking at it with my neighbor’s daughter and son we played around and tried to do some of it after we were put to bed. I’ve never been one to take too much risk, but their daughter (who was 12) was one such person. it started out with kissing games, and eventually led to us being naked in her bed.
After a little while of this, her father woke up for whatever reason, and we got caught. He wasn’t too upset at either of us, but I went to bed feeling embarassed and worried I would be in trouble the next morning. After I woke up I got dressed and left rather quickly to go home. Once home, I never ended up going back to their house or staying the night again, and after a couple months they moved away.
I never told my parents what happened and carried that with me for a long time (though I’ve been freed of that particular event praise God!). A couple years passed and one day my brother brings home a vhs tape with porn on it. I bugged him to let me see it and he eventually let me watch some of it. I knew it was bad, but I was still too young to know why. Well, a few more years passed and I became a teenager. My mom was working night shift and slept during the days so I would have free reign on the computer without worry that my mom would catch me. My curiosity got the better of me and so I started to look up porn pictures on the internet. Soon I learned how to masturbate and started doing this most every time I looked at porn.
Doing this more and more, I kept wanting to look at it more and more and look at more erotic things to peek my interest. I realized this was addicting, but for a long time I never knew anyone I could talk to. I certainly couldn’t talk to my mom or dad. I wouldn’t even know how they would react and I didn’t want to hurt them either. Sometime around fall 2007 at church, two men approached me and asked if I wanted to come to a “cell group”. With me being the introvert that I am, I told them I would think about it full well knowing I wasn’t going to go.
Meanwhile my addiction to porn was consuming me and my relationship with my girlfriend at the time was on the rocks. January 2008 rolls around and during this time, vanessa hudgens had been in the tabloids because her phone was hacked and nude pictures were leaked on the web. Of course I had to check out these photos! For some reason, I ended up telling my girlfriend and laughing about it. She obviously wasn’t amused and a big argument broke out. Our relationship ended that day after 9 months of dating.
I was very upset because this girl not only had my heart, but she was the girl who took my virginity and now she was gone. I became depressed and by the end of the month I cried out to God for help. The two men that approached me a few months back came to my mind. At that moment I had a goal. I was going to find those two men and see what this “cell group” was all about. From that moment on, I got involved in the church and was set free from porn addiction a month later at one of their men’s retreat weekends. I was actively spending time in the word and actually hearing from God on multiple occasions.
One such time came in July 2009 (1 1/2 years free of porn). I was lying in my bed spending time with God after church. I closed my eyes for a few mins and began to have a vision. In this vision I was in a tent and it was at night. I woke up from sleeping and heard footsteps next to my tent. I instinctively grabbed my sword (this was apparently in medieval times) and pointed it at the entrance to my tent. That way if anyone came through, they would fall on my sword. Suddenly my vision ended and then I began to ask God what it meant. A minute or two later the words came to my mind and said “Be prepared for an attack”. I was confused and reassured myself I was ready for whatever comes.
About 3 weeks later I was in my bed and couldn’t get to sleep. It was strange because my eyes and body were tired but I couldn’t fall asleep. As I began laying there, I noticed how aroused I was getting and I was doing my best to ignore it and get some rest. No matter how hard I tried I could not sleep. I really wanted to masturbate but I kept telling myself no! It was an unnatural feeling inside of me. I started lying to myself because it was getting close to 3 am and I had to work the next day. I gave in and looked at porn that night after being free of it for 1 1/2 years. I told my spiritual leader and he tried to help me, but I never completely stopped and don’t know what happened.
Eventually I stopped going there (for other reasons) and joined the Air Force in 2012. I have been a slave to pornography since then. My relationship with the Lord has struggled too. It’s even harder to be a Christian in the military because of such diversity of religions and the hours we work and training we do. Please pray for me or give me any advice you can. I don’t want my children to be cursed with this addiction because of me.
James, I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your heartfelt letter. In many ways your story mirrors my own. I found my dad’s stash “by accident” when I was 12. It was like taking Crack Cocaine -I was hooked immediately and the more I saw, the more I wanted. I was a very shy guy. I allowed these fantasy women to become my “girlfriends.” But even as I outgrew my shyness and awkwardness and began dating girls I never became confident enough in myself as a man to put aside the fantasy life I’d built up over the years.
I thought when I married Cindy and got the “real thing” from my wife that it would meet my needs and I’d be able to put it behind me permanently. While my desire for porn diminished, it didn’t go away. Then, two years into our marriage we both asked Christ to come into our lives and He began to change so much about us as a couple and I began to pray earnestly for Him to take my desire for porn away. Well, like you, I would go months at a time where I was “free” from it and the temptation lessened. But then there would be a “trigger event,” like an argument with Cindy and I would “feel” rejected …and that’s all it took for me to fall back into the sin.
I’d confess my sin to God, repent, and try my hardest to stay pure -both in thought and deed and I’d go for another long stretch of time where I became confident that I’d “kicked it for good.” Well, you know the rest of the story. These patterns repeated themselves for years. I knew I was repeating the sins of my father, and one of my most earnest prayers was that this sin would end with me.
The real turning point for me came in 1994 when I attended one of the first BIG Promise Keeper events in Boulder, Colorado, and there were 20,000 men there that weekend in the stadium who all came for the same reason – they were tired of trying to live in their own strength. Speaker after speaker challenged us to become real Men of Integrity; to turn our backs on living our sinful ways with one foot in heaven and one foot on earth (divided loyalties). And then it happened. One of the speakers actually talked about porn addiction in the church and said that the pews of our churches are filled with men who on the outside may look holy but on the inside we were like cesspools. I was on the edge of my seat because I knew he was talking “just to me.” I was that man.
What happened next stunned me. He said he wanted the men in the audience who needed to confess this sin and get right with God to come forward. Slowly, a few brave men stood up and went forward, and then more and more began to get out of their seats and start streaming toward the stage as the music played and the speaker exhorted again. Soon, there were so many men on the field that you couldn’t see the grass. I thought he was done calling men out. But he said, “And now, I want the pastors and ministry leaders in this stadium who have been hiding their sin to come forward and be set free.” I was in shock as more and more men got up and went forward. James, I’m not kidding you, I would have to say almost half the men in the stadium had gotten up and gone forward for this altar call.
Now, I couldn’t go forward because I was broadcasting the event “Live” for a Christian radio network and I was describing what was happening. But I was in tears as I spoke because up until that moment in time I thought I was the only Christian man (on earth) who struggled with a porn/sexual addiction. I know that sounds really stupid now, but you see Satan will blind us so much in our sin with the shame of our addiction that we can actually believe we’re the only “sick, wierdo” with this problem. What God showed me was that I could find other men who I could confess this to and be held accountable and they wouldn’t judge me, because they had walked the walk.
When I went home after this event I felt like I had been washed with pure water. But it was only a “step towards healing” and not the complete healing I had desired for so long. I can’t explain why God works the way He does. I know there are men who testify that the moment they gave their lives to Christ they were healed completely from their addictions (to porn, drugs, alcohol, whatever). And I believe they were. But I’ve also come to realize that God doesn’t always heal us from “all our infirmities” all at once. Sometimes it can be a long, drawn out process where He has to wait for us to get to the end of ourselves, and like the Apostle Paul, say, “For His strength is made perfect in my weakness” (1 Corinthians 12:9). Now, I can say I had successfully stopped viewing porn not long after that experience in 1994, but it was what was happening in my thought life that continued to keep me tied up in knots. That was my “Thorn in the flesh” (and brain). I was praying about it again one day when I remembered hearing about a relatively new book called, Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time (The Every Man Series)
written by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker.
When I got the book and began reading that’s when the “lights went on for me.” Every chapter gave me hope and ways to practically change the way I thought about and viewed women. This was finally, my book of deliverance. Employing their principles and the principles of God’s Word in my life God helped me to be free and changed me forever.
James, I KNOW that God wants to do the same thing for you. Will it be the book, Every Man’s Battle
that will be the lynchpin in starting the complete healing? I don’t know. I certainly know it is a book you need to read. But like me, you will also need accountability once you start the process. You need to find a strong man of faith you can ask to hold you accountable; a man who won’t be afraid to ask you the hard questions about your life. You see, when I got home from that PK event in 1994 I knew I needed to find just such a man and God was faithful in providing godly, older man who was willing to take me on. I gave him five questions I wanted him to ask me every month we met. I crafted these questions because they were areas of my life I knew I could be “weak” in:
1) Have you consistently been spending time alone with God in His word and in prayer?
2) Have you made it a priority to spend quality time with Cindy?
3) Have you been exercising regularly this month?
4) Has your thought life and actions stayed pure? If not, where have you struggled?
5) Have you lied about any of your previous answers?
James, where you’re stationed it may be difficult to find such a man right now. But there are ministries/web sites that can function in the same capacity. Just one is They really understand the addiction issue and the need for accountability. If you go back into our web site and in the Pornography and Cybersex section you can find a number of other resources mentioned that can help you.
I hope this helps and ministers to you in some small way, James. I know there are others who are praying for you since you posted this… and I’ll be praying for you. ~Steve Wright, Marriage Missions International