How do you and your spouse celebrate Valentine’s Day? Do you celebrate it the “traditional” way with flowers and/or candy, and then go out to a nice restaurant for a nice dinner? Or maybe you don’t like Celebrating Valentine’s Day at all. Some people complain about the commercialism and avoid it all together. To that, we say, if it works for you both to look the other way on that day then do so. But don’t forget to celebrate your love on other days.
We personally feel that any day that is designated as a day to celebrate love, we’re all in. We love it. And we have a feeling God feels the same way. As you look throughout the Bible you see that God is all for lavish celebrations held on specific days. Yes, the “world” can taint celebrations, but don’t let that hold you back. Celebrate your own way. Customize the way you celebrate your love for each other.
Celebrating Valentine’s Day Differently
Author Sheila Wray Gregoire challenged couples a while back to stop worrying about Celebrating Valentine’s Day. She encouraged couples to instead celebrate “Marriage Day.” (You can find out what she said about it in the blog titled, “Make Valentine’s Day Celebrate Your Marriage.”) Who says you only celebrate your marriage on your anniversary? That’s a great idea, isn’t it? We sure think so!
And then in this same blog Sheila featured a guest writer, Cheri Gregory, who took that idea in a different direction. She challenged couples to “declare your own “Valentine’s Day.” She wrote:
“Call me dense, but it took me years to figure out that we could celebrate on a different day. Restaurants aren’t nearly as full on February 13 or 15. Or 25, for that matter. Sometimes, we plan ahead for our private Valentine’s Day celebration. Other times, we simply find ourselves in the midst of celebrating our marriage. Like last week, when we spontaneously went grocery shopping together and then stopped at our favorite Mediterranean restaurant for dinner. Between bites of dolma, I looked across the table at Daniel and said, ‘Happy Valentine’s Day!’”
Cheri concluded this thought by writing:
“You don’t have to force February 14 to be The Day. During the upcoming weeks, you can be alert to a natural together time, and declare it your very own Valentine’s Day.”
That’s what we’re doing. We’re celebrating Valentine’s Day throughout this next week. But for us, it will be a marriage celebration. We have been talking about all kinds of little ways that we can celebrate our marital love. These are acts of love that are meaningful to us. They may not turn anyone else on, but that’s not our objective. It’s all about us celebrating the love that God has helped us to grow through nearly 46 years marriage. That’s a lot of love!
At this stage in our life together, we are of course, “empty nesters.” Our sons are grown and married. We have more flexibility in being able to celebrate our love without others around to distract us as much. But it may not be that way for you. You may have living in your home some little “ankle biters” (as Dr Kevin Leman calls them… a.k.a. precious children, as we call them). If you do, why not combine some of these ideas? Why not celebrate Valentine’s Day together with the kids? And then celebrate Marriage Day on at another time during the week, or the next?
We like what Lori Byerly wrote on celebrating Valentine’s Day:
“Some folks feel under pressure to perform on this day and worry they won’t be able to make the day special and romantic enough to please their spouse. As an alternative, why not suggest to your spouse that you have a Valentine’s season? Do little romantic things over the entire week instead of blowing it all on one day. Spread it around. Have a Valentine’s season instead.
“It can be fairly easy to spread it out and usually less expensive. It’s easier to get a babysitter and go out for a meal on the 16th. Why not leave a little chocolate on his pillow for a whole week or share a box of chocolates over a number of days. Spend one evening watching a movie at home (snuggle up and share your popcorn). Take the different elements of what you might do on one day and spread them out over several.” (From
Another Suggestion for Celebrating Valentine’s Day Your Way
Here’s a suggestion that Mary May Larmoyeux made that might work for you. It’s one that another gal made to her:
“Create an intimate Valentine’s Day evening at home, without the children. The woman who suggested this idea said that she and her husband ‘enjoyed planning the menu, shopping for the meal, and ultimately preparing the meal together. Cooking to soft, romantic music can really be a turn on! While dining, the same soft, romantic music is a wonderful mood-setter.
“Dinner was followed by just the two of us having the whole dance floor, our den, to ourselves. I won’t say what all this led to, but it was a truly romantic night that would not have happened at the local restaurant!’”
Now THAT’S a great way of Celebrating Valentine’s Day! That’s a way of celebrating LOVE!
So, do what works for your marital love. And if you have some suggestions that can inspire others to celebrate their love, please share them below within this Marriage Insight. Some of us are good at coming up with original ideas, and some of us need some help. If you can’t think of any ideas to celebrate your love for each other here are a few ideas:
Live, learn and pass it on… to reveal and reflect that heart of Christ! That’s our motto!
Steve and Cindy Wright
Filed under: Marriage Insights