I got up early this morning (my husband and nephew are still sleeping). I wanted to take time in the quiet of the morning to spend time alone with God. I’m so glad I did. My Christmas Prayer time was so wonderful. As a result I am all the more thankful for the many blessings that He has given me, and us as a couple.
Oh, I’m not talking about material blessings. I’m not even talking about having a life without relationship problems going on. Although I am learning to be thankful for even those. That is because even though our life is very messy with “stuff” going on that is heart-breaking, we are learning to lean upon Christ all the more. We are thankful for even those, plus the little things that we have taken for granted otherwise. Life is messy… and ours is included in that lot.
“LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.” (Psalm 16:5)
I’m thankful for a God who is so personal that through Jesus, we have access to the Father.
Christmas Prayer and Hope
Even through the toughest of situations, we have hope and help. I came across scripture this morning that brings hope: “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.” (Psalm 126:5-6)
That gives me the hope through my tears, to give my family to the Lord. With our prodigals, there is reason, because of Christ, to believe that there is hope and eventually we will sing with “songs of joy.” I’m standing upon those promises, and many others God has pointed to me this morning and other times when we have met together in quiet times of weeping… with the Lord’s comfort.
Jesus Cares
Please know that whatever you are going through, you can be assured that Jesus cares. He didn’t come down to this messy earth for no reason. He came to walk with man and eventually pay the penalty for the mess we, and others create. Through His life, death, and resurrection, there is new life available. We have the forgiveness of our sins available to us and the ability to fellowship with Him now and throughout eternity. God’s word says to “cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you.” And He does.
Don’t stop meeting with Him. Give Him every aspect of your life to help you live, as you should. And that especially includes your marriage. That applies whether it is a messy one or one that needs more of Jesus, to guide and help you.
My husband Steve wrote out the following Christmas Prayer for Marriage. We hope you will find it to be a blessing. It is something we have prayed for our marriage. We pray that God will help us to take our relationship to a more Christ-like level. And we hope you will do the same. Even if you have a spouse who doesn’t show you love as he or she should, cast that care upon the Lord. Purpose to do what YOU can to follow Christ’s leading in your part of the marriage.
As you do so, may you be blessed all the more. May you never forget or neglect to reveal and reflect the love of Christ within your marriage.
Our Christmas Prayer for You
Heavenly Father, as we come before You this Christmas, we thank You for sending Your Son into the darkness of this world. Jesus has shed the light of Your love and has made THE way (John 14:6) for all of us to be able to experience eternal life.
And Father, as we thank you for the gift of eternal life we also want to thank you for the gift of marriage. This is our Christmas Prayer for our marriage:
We re-commit our marriage to You, Lord. Please help us to align our thoughts to become agreeable with Your will. We understand that our union is a picture of our relationship with you and it is Holy.
Help us to pray together, to trust in You. We want to walk in obedience to Your word. As a result, we trust that we will have peace and joy in our marriage. Give us revelation of understanding how to love each other better. Teach us (again) how to love as Christ loves the church. Please teach to treat each other with honor and respect, as You would have us.
In addition:
Forgive us for our self-centeredness, anger, lust, and foolishness. Give us your patience. And help us not to blame or to falsely accuse one another. Help us to see You as the source of acceptance, healing, justification, and provision.
We ask you to remove the blinders from our eyes. As a result we can see truth and walk courageously in it. We resist the enemy that tries to destroy our marriage. We put to death the words we have spoken against one another. Most importantly, we forgive each other for past offenses. We agree that the enemy is bound away from this marriage. And we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives.
In all humility:
Lord, we ask that you would surround us with Godly counsel. Draw us into Your word so that we can be cleansed and receive wisdom for our lives.
Lord, thank You for your faithfulness. Thank you that you watch over us. We believe that You are at work within us causing us to desire to do your will. You are the Lord Almighty. And if You are for us, who can be against us? We love you Lord. And we entrust our marriage to You again this Christmas.
For we give You all the glory. And we ask these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this blog.
Filed under: Marriage Blog