The Marriage Story

Everyone who is married is writing a marriage story. Have you ever thought about that? It’s true; it’s one that you live, and others read (whether you have ever realized it or not). Haven’t you ever been with a couple and thought to yourself, “I would love to have a Read More…

Make Your Marriage Rock Solid

For over 25 years Cindy and I (Steve) have been working to help marriages Reveal and Reflect the Heart of Christ. We feel that as couples come to understand the importance of shifting their focus on Jesus Christ to build their marriages, they are establishing a Rock Solid foundation. We Read More…

Christmas Prayer for Your Marriage

I got up early this morning (my husband and nephew are still sleeping). I wanted to take time in the quiet of the morning to spend time alone with God. I’m so glad I did. My Christmas Prayer time was so wonderful. As a result I am all the more Read More…