It’s Friday But Sunday is Coming

It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming! That is the hope we have as followers of Jesus Christ. Please watch and listen to this You Tube video, which puts the message that Pastor E.V. Hill preached to the forefront. We can often get so caught up in hopelessness, that we forget that Jesus brought us hope. That, which appears dead, does not have to stay in that hopeless state. That is true in your life, and in marriage.

It’s Friday… BUT

Perhaps you are feeling like there is no hope. Everything around you may appear as if it is hopeless and lost. If you feel that way, look to Jesus, the “author and finisher of our faith.” (See Hebrews 12:1-3.) Don’t focus on what is dead; turn your eyes upon the living. Turn your eyes upon the One who can set you free from the prison of hopelessness. Jesus did not die on the cross for Himself. He didn’t have anything to prove. He is God. What more did and does He need? Jesus died on the cross to conquer death. He then rose again in that “Sunday is coming” action for you and for us.

If you are seeking hope and direction in your life, please go to the following page: SEEKING MORE. Look to Jesus for the hope that is available to you. We pray you will.

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Filed under: Marriage Videos

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2 responses to “It’s Friday But Sunday is Coming

  1. I want to listen to EV Hill sermons. Where can I find EV Hill sermons that are not in YouTube?

    1. Hi Virginia, My husband and I love EV Hill sermons. He was definitely anointed by God. The best thing I can recommend (if you don’t want to listen to him on YouTube) is to put EV Hill sermons in your Internet search engine. I did that and it looks like you might have some options. I didn’t search extensively, but it looks like you can find at least some of his sermons on line apart from YouTube. I pray you’re able to find what you are looking for. God bless!