There’s a song we sing at church where part of it goes like this: “count your blessings, name them one-by-one… Count your many blessings; see what God has done.” When we really focus on the many blessings, it’s amazing how our whole attitude can change in positive ways. That is why we are giving thanks.
Today, on this day when Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States, I’m especially thankful. I’m counting my many blessings, and I need to say that you are among them.
The apostle Paul said something in Philippians 1:3-6, which I’d like to pass on to you. It conveys my heart and Steve’s heart towards you and others that God has brought into our lives:
“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.“
We Are Giving Thanks
Please know that we pray for you, and for those who post for prayer on the Prayer Wall (provided on the Home Page). That’s another thing we’re thankful for. We lost the ability to have it working for a while. God helped us to restore it. For this we are SO thankful.
And for those of you where it applies, thank you for sending others to this web site. For those of you who have prayed for us and sent encouragement, thank you. And for those who have shopped through the Home Page Amazon window and provided, thank you so much. Also, to those of you who have sent in donations to help support this ministry, we need to tell you we are so grateful —more than we could ever express. You help to make all of this possible. We are giving thanks to God for you, continually.
We’re also giving thanks for those who come onto this web site who encourage others who are hurting in some way. You send out words of encouragement, prayers, and sometimes advice. It touches our hearts deeply as we see the community of God helping and encouraging each other. For this we are thankful.
Thanksgiving Activity
I want to share a little Thanksgiving activity I encourage you to participate in if you have a bigger group of loved ones with you. I believe it will cause you to be all the more thankful. It’s something we’ll be doing today. The idea came from a Hallmark movie. You each have an empty cup or bowl, a pen, and small pieces of blank paper. One paper represents each person in your group. On the paper you each write something you’re thankful for about each person. You fold them up and put each one in that person’s cup.
You then each go around and taking turns, reading the pieces of paper in front of you. That’s when you try to guess who wrote each sentiment about you. Afterward, you take turns telling other things you’re thankful for. End in prayer —either a group prayer, or one person prays over all.
Thank You Steve
At this time I want to also publically thank God for my husband, Steve. He is such a blessing to me (and to others who know him) in so many ways. I love his heart. He loves the Lord, loves me and our “kids” and grandkids, other family members and friends. What a kind-hearted, loving man he is. He’s also such a hard worker, and an honest one. He is such a man of integrity and generosity. I love this man more than I can describe and thank God for him everyday.
I let Steve know that I love and appreciate him often in big and small ways. Please do the same with your spouse. I want to ask you, do you privately and publically, throughout the year, let your spouse know that you appreciate him or her? It’s important to show that you notice and appreciate even the little things that he or she does that others might not even notice. I hope you do.
And as I’m sitting here in the dining area of our friends home, typing away as I look out at beautiful view out their picture window and enjoy the warmth of the fire in their fireplace. I’m thankful for knowing the Lord. And I’m thankful for the fact that He knows and loves me. I thank God for our friends who we have loved and fellowshipped with for so many years. We are blessed in many ways.
Count Your Blessings
I hope you will take the time to “count your blessings, name them one-by-one…” today and throughout the year. As you do so, I believe you will be blessed all the more because of the benefits of having a grateful heart. There is always something for which you can be giving thanks to God.
Before I close this though, I want to acknowledge that some of you are going through very difficult circumstances. For some of you, those difficulties come in your marriage, and/or in other ways. Please know that we care and are praying for you.
If you’re someone who needs a little help in counting your blessings, the following Marriage Message may be something good for you to read:
Lastly, here’s an article that you may find inspiring:
• GRATITUDE IN AFFLICTION — Thanksgiving Devotional
Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this blog.
Filed under: Marriage Blog