Marriage Suggestions Don’t Fit All

“One-size” doesn’t always fit all (as the fashion industry suggests). It fits some or many, but not all. Well, that same principle also applies to marriage suggestions and advice that people give you. Just know that it’s sometimes necessary to make adjustments. We continually receive emails, and comments (posted on Read More…

Stolen Treasure of Marriage

Do you treasure your marriage? Or are you having a difficult time seeing it as a treasure? “I’ve met many women [and we’ve met many men] who don’t realize what a treasure their marriage is until it’s stolen from them. STOLEN HOW, you may wonder? Marriages are stolen by our Read More…

Pause and Consider Your Spouse’s Strengths

Have you thanked your spouse lately? Or do you just expect him or her to do “the right thing” and look the other way? Here’s something that Debi Walter, from the ministry of The Romantic Vineyard wrote on this issue. It’s important that we often pause to consider our spouse’s Read More…

Tell Your Spouse “Thank You”

Have you made it a point to say, “Thank you” to your spouse lately? We’re not just talking about saying thanks after he or she does something for you (although that’s important too). But lets ALSO remember to give thanks beyond those common courtesies. How about telling your spouse “thank Read More…

Care Package to Encourage Spouse’s Heart

Have you ever given your spouse a “care package” to encourage his or her heart? Last week we talked about saying thank you to your spouse for things he or she may not have thought you noticed. We explained how much it blesses them when you do. But how about Read More…

Thank You for Being Faithful

It might seem strange to thank our spouse for being faithful. After all, isn’t that what we promise each other in our wedding vows? YES!!! But from what we see in this marriage ministry, it doesn’t seem to make much difference. Over and over and over and over again, from Read More…

Does Your Spouse Feel Valued?

One of the things I love about this web site is the way that people from different countries minister to each other. They share various insights that brings to light, when they share. That recently happened when on Angie, from South Africa, wrote the following comment. It concerns making a spouse Read More…

Giving Thanks in Marriage

There’s a song we sing at church where part of it goes like this: “count your blessings, name them one-by-one… Count your many blessings; see what God has done.” When we really focus on the many blessings, it’s amazing how our whole attitude can change in positive ways. That is Read More…

Appreciating and Depreciating Each Other – MM #13

When you live together day after day, it seems to be a natural progression (or regression) to notice that, which you don’t appreciate about each other, rather than what you do. Somehow the negatives grab our attention to the point where they erase the positives from our minds completely. Instead Read More…