January/February 2013 Prayer Wall

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122 responses to “January/February 2013 Prayer Wall

  1. (ANGOLA/LUANDA) I just want to tell you that my husband is a child of God. He is so committed with the Lord’s work. But he is always on call to go and help the churches. Please, as GOD wants I am always happy with his work though at times, I think he has more time for church. Help me pray for the strength to keep encouraging him to do the Lord’s work. He loves me. Pray for his work that God has given him.

  2. (USA) That me and my husband will put God first in my marriage and that my husband’s heart will continue to soften. We are reconciling, but have a long way to go. Please pray for grace and peace to be with us. That every wedge and mountain will be removed suddenly! That we will continue to build and not allow satan to bring me anxiety or discouragement.

  3. (SA) Please pray for the restoration of my family and marriage. My husband has divorced me but I know God does not recognize divorce and I pray for us to be reunited in marriage and as a family.

  4. (SOUTH AFRICA) A miracle. 16 years of marriage. I’m shown, I’m not valued, I must be happy with the least, living in arrears, this is my worth, not to me I hoped and believed we would work together to create a stable home for our future, kids etc. The last 2 years I’ve battled with depression. We don’t have family goals, life insurence, medical or a house. We live in arrears. I plan, never gets followed. He is only happy, till planning is mentioned. I must be I’ve been faithful. But I’m lonely, suicidal.

  5. (SOUTH AFRICA) Pray that God delivers me from this 2 year depression. In my 16 year marriage, of trying and fixing I have lost myself to broken promises, trust. I don’t feel love or worthy. I pray my husband takes up his role.

  6. (US) My wife has moved out and say she is not “in love” with me anymore. Please pray for her heart to be healed and for us to reconcile.

  7. (USA) My husband has decided that after 8 yrs of marriage that he no longer wants to be married. He has checked out and says he is no longer in love with me. He refuses to and does not agree that we need counseling- so I am left fighting for what I know is not over. I’m praying and seeking God for direction, peace and divine Will. My prayer request is that God will break down the walls to his heart and open his ears to hear the truth and feel Gods love. Change of heart

  8. (USA) We need prayer for our marriage as we have moved out of the country for a 5 year mission term. This has brought new challenges to our marriage as we adapt to culture, language and the many frustrations of daily life. Along with this, we are both going through so many changes personally that we are finding it very difficult to connect (except for at the “task” level). Please pray for guidance, strength, and creative ways to connect in our marriage while living cross-culturally. Thank you !

  9. (USA) I have been conducting inappropriate activity. And acting out through the Internet with sexual chatting and porn. I have crushed my wife and we are now heading towards divorce. I have sought counseling and have joined a support recovery group. I am a Christian and read and pray daily. I love my wife with all that I am. Please pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will touch her heart and bring forgiveness into her heart as well as heal me. Kindest Regards, Bill

  10. (USA) Pray that my husband continues to see the changes I’ve made and myself and falls in love with me again. Pray that he trusts my changes. Pray that he realizes his affair was not a friendship and was based upon selfish acts. Pray that all the work I have done and continue to do will save our marriage.

  11. (UNITED STATES) Like some I am a victim of emotional infidelity too. So here I am praying hard and without ceasing for our marriage. Please pray also that the thought of retaliation will not prevail. I sometimes get really angry still for being betrayed and all I want at times is to embarassed the other woman. So embarassed and shamed that she will not be able to look at other people.

  12. (SOUTH AFRICA) My husband and I have arguments but it’s getting out of control where he talks about divorce and gets abusive. His anger lasts for days and he is very bitter towards me. I pray that God heals our marriage and opens his heart to be more loving. Thank you.

  13. (USA) Our divorce was final 09/17/12. Praying that somehow we will be reconciled to one another. I know our love is real.

  14. (U.S.) I would like to request prayer for me and my husband. We have been struggling and battling each other since the beginning of our marriage and I just want peace, love and forgiveness to rule over us. There seems to be no unity, and most of the time I don’t even feel like he loves or cares for me at all. I need strength and wisdom to be a Godly wife and submit to him even when it hurts, because I am submitting myself to the Lord when I do this. I love my husband & I just want him to love me back.

  15. (USA) We’ve been married 18 yrs, all of them tough. I think partly because we were in are 30s. We has two kids 14 & 17. I had breast cancer 6 months ago, a double mastectomy. He was a great but our lack of emotional intimacy is killing me! I am so lonely and I can no longer fill it with others. I have talked, cried, prayed, begged, gone to counseling with and without him. He responds he is sorry. he’s never being what I want. I am so depressed. I only want to live long enough to take care of my mom.