January/February 2013 Prayer Wall

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122 responses to “January/February 2013 Prayer Wall

  1. (UNITED STATES) Lord, show and cause change in my husband concerning the limit he is placing on our sexual intimacy. The lack of it, and what it does to our marriage. Lord that you will place in him sexual desire for his wife MORE. Deliver him from sloth, gluttony, drunkeness and passionless mindset. Lord bring passion, desire for each other intensely. Lord that I will no longer feel ashamed, lack. That I may experience marriage as you have said it should be. Forgive me of my sins and keep me and guide me.

  2. (USA) I come to you this day to ask that can you help us to get back together as husband and wife; it will be 6 years on 16th of March and we still love each other and I know that it can be saved. The problem was the drugs but now he is getting help and we can be much happier together than apart because he is going though something right now. Please let him pick up the phone; please and let us just talk. Please God

  3. (USA) Prayer for my marriage. I have an anger problem and has caused great stress in our marriage. Please pray especially that I will listen and start seeking God harder, now more than ever to stop my abusive anger and enjoy the gift of marriage.

  4. (SOUTH AFRICA) That my wife can see how much I love her and that she will believe and trust that we are gifts from the Lord to one another! And that a financial break comes our way, because the lack of money puts unwanted stress on our marriage! That she will see my love is pure! And that she can leave all the bad things from her first marriage and focus on the great oppertunity on second love!

  5. (UNITED STATES) Hello, everyone please keep my husband and I in your prayers. I was raised a Christian all my life and he was never raised in church. We knew each other all the way back in school, dated 3 years and got married this last year and were already having problems. He yells at me, calls me names, and even threatens me and my property. Just last week he pushed me up against a wall and punched a hole through the wall. It’s getting to the point where he scares me. I don’t believe in divorce! But i’m not happy.

  6. (UNITED STATES) Pray for complete restoration in every area of my marriage that my husband walks as a man of integrity that the Lord bring divine healing in all areas of this marriage. Also please pray for my friends in the Lord marriages as well following names Jeff, Tony, Victor, Edward, Wayne.. pray for these husbands and their wives that God be glorified.

  7. (UNITED STATES) Pray that my wife would be touched by God and begin to open my heart towards reconciliation. Help me to be patient. Help me not to speak harshly. Help me not to cast blame.

  8. (UNITED KINGDOM) I want wisdom to understand my unbelieving husband and for him to know God, my kids to be healthy and we all agree in prayer.

  9. (USA) Asking for prayers that God will soften the heart of my wife as she is seeking to end our 18 year marriage. I have confessed my sins of pride and selfishness to God and have asked him to forgive me and for her forgiveness. She is struggling with forgiving me and is not interested in seeking counseling. Please pray for our two children.

  10. (USA) My husband is a believer bound by multiple addictions. Please pray for him to be released from his addictions and for our marriage to be restored. Pray that I will truly forgive him and love him as Christ loves me. Pray for love and joy to overcome anger, and for affection and intimacy to replace abuse.

  11. (UNITED STATES) O most High and Mighty God, please fill my Husband, Larry, in Kuwait with the Holy Spirit and stop him from forsaking our marriage. He is being persecuted by demons who tell him he should give up as he is ‘not the same man I was when we married two years ago.’ Lord, give his soul peace and enlightenment and sanctify us both from evil and the twisted tongues of demons whispering in his ear. With You all is possible in Love.

  12. (SOUTH AFRICA) I reaquest that my cheating husband be the proper man in the house. That he be able to support his family finaciaLly and protect us from all the wrongs he does.
    – That he be able to see me as his useful wife and not useless.
    – That he can be able to provide for us
    – That he shows us love and care and not to waste money on the affairs that he has.
    – That he stops cheating on me and be a faithful husband.

  13. (PHILIPINAS) Hello, please pray for my husband Xander to be closer to God… and accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour.